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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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Yeah, I'm kind of stunned that Dark Horse didn't just release a "classified" solicit for Buffy's April issue. They even have an interview with editor Scott Allie up on CBR talking about the Twilight reveal in the fashion you'd expect to see after the issue hit.

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Some internal and external correspondence from Allie are at Bleeding Cool. This is all about spiking the sales on the book which have seriously died off. But the spoiler is all over the net. Do not go to mtv.com or bleeding cool or CBR or Newsarama for sure. They all have the cover on their sites for all the world to see, and Whedon is doing an interview soon with mtv.

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Too bad Allie is a liar, apparently. I won't link the article, but it's on Topless Robot if you're interested. Needless to say, it sounds like both parties are pretty fucked if they don't come up with something soon.

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Wow, I had no idea there's going to be a Planet Hulk animated feature.

I saw the trailer a few months ago and it looked great. There was a debut event here in NYC (Matt Striker was actually the host), but I didn't go. Definitely looks worth a rental, though.

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Has anyone seen the trailer's for the anime Wolverine and Ironman shows that Marvel is working on? I think the Wolvie one is being written by Warren Ellis. I am excited to see what comes of them. The Ironman trailer looked amazing... the Wolvie one... well, it looked different.

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Here are the teaser trailers for the aforementioned shows for those interested. I can't get over how slick the combat in the Iron Man clip looks. I hope they redesign Wolverine's look before the actual show. I can get over the mullet, but the long Mandarinesque finger nails and thin arms aren't becoming of everyone's favorite berserk-er.

Also, a question for more ardent Cable fans, what the heck is the status of his powers right now? He keeps being depowered and repowered and after reading Messiah War I am really unsure what the deal is. Also, if he has been traveling time long enough for Hope to mature into early adulthood, why hasn't he aged? I imagine there isn't an explanation for the latter, but hey, it's worth asking.

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Someone over at another board I go to posted some spoilers for Dark Avengers #13, and after reading them in regards to Sentry, I think Bendis has lost his mind.

Hopefully Sentry either gets severely de-powered or (even better) killed off during the Siege. (Doubt I'd get what I'd really like, which would be Sentry and Red Hulk beating each other to death.....)

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On Dark Avengers #13...

When I read the issue I wasn't nuts about it, but the more I thought about it, the more I didn't hate it. I'm not crazy about retconning Robert Reynolds into a drug addict who was just looking for a fix when he found the formula, but it has potential if the necessary character work is done (that is, Reynolds isn't a hero, but does the fact that he tried to be one count for something?). As far as the part where the Void says he's Galactus, I think people are taking that way too literally. I think the only connection is that both are avatars of death in the Marvel Universe, with power so great as to either be religiously derived or seemingly so. The link between the Void, Galactus, and the biblical angel of death is that all represent an inescapable hand of doom.

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Mighty Avengers got the quote of the year. Yes, I do know we're only 3 weeks into January, but it really is impossible to top this one off.

Absorbing Man absorbed the powers of the Cosmic Cube (somewhat). He's punching both the Mighty and the Dark Avengers, with a somewhat weird effect: Sentry is divided into Sentry and Void, Venom is divided into Scorpion and Symbiote, Vision is divided into the original Vision and Iron Lad, and "Ms. Marvel" reverts back into her first Moonstone costume, to which she says:

I'm Moonstone again? I've been "reality punched?" That's the stupidest @#%* thing I've ever heard of."


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Mighty Avengers got the quote of the year. Yes, I do know we're only 3 weeks into January, but it really is impossible to top this one off.

Absorbing Man absorbed the powers of the Cosmic Cube (somewhat). He's punching both the Mighty and the Dark Avengers, with a somewhat weird effect: Sentry is divided into Sentry and Void, Venom is divided into Scorpion and Symbiote, Vision is divided into the original Vision and Iron Lad, and "Ms. Marvel" reverts back into her first Moonstone costume, to which she says:

I'm Moonstone again? I've been "reality punched?" That's the stupidest @#%* thing I've ever heard of."


Wow! Definitely going to be hard to top that quote!


If it gets us the original Vision back, right on!

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Mighty Avengers got the quote of the year. Yes, I do know we're only 3 weeks into January, but it really is impossible to top this one off.

Absorbing Man absorbed the powers of the Cosmic Cube (somewhat). He's punching both the Mighty and the Dark Avengers, with a somewhat weird effect: Sentry is divided into Sentry and Void, Venom is divided into Scorpion and Symbiote, Vision is divided into the original Vision and Iron Lad, and "Ms. Marvel" reverts back into her first Moonstone costume, to which she says:

I'm Moonstone again? I've been "reality punched?" That's the stupidest @#%* thing I've ever heard of."


Wow! Definitely going to be hard to top that quote!


If it gets us the original Vision back, right on!


When Absorbing Man was defeated, they all went back to normal :/

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Just finished reading Watchmen. Pure awesomeness :wub:. I will probably read it again in a couple of days.

Looking forward to getting Batman:Year One and Green Lantern:Rebirth. I hope I manage to get some money <_<.

After only reading like three comics seriously (The Dark Knight Returns, some Green Lantern stuff and Watchmen) I think my idea of getting into comics was one of my better ones to spend money on :rolleyes:.

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Just finished reading Watchmen. Pure awesomeness :wub:. I will probably read it again in a couple of days.

Looking forward to getting Batman:Year One and Green Lantern:Rebirth. I hope I manage to get some money <_<.

After only reading like three comics seriously (The Dark Knight Returns, some Green Lantern stuff and Watchmen) I think my idea of getting into comics was one of my better ones to spend money on :rolleyes:.

Batman Year Two is also pretty good (don't let the fact Todd McFarlane does some of the art put you off), but I don't know if its been collected in a trade.

And whatever you do, skip the sequel to The Dark Knight Returns. Its disappointing bigtime. Art is mostly awful and the story is LAME!

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So is Batman: Hush any good. I bought it on a whim and it turned out I had bought Volume 2 so I'm awaiting my vol 1 through ebay so I havent read it yet. Thoughts?

It's superb IMO, possibly my favourite ever modern Batman story; the artwork is gorgeous throughout, there's a ton of great moments, and the plot is strong (save for a couple of tiny niggles).

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Being a Buffy fan, but not having read Season Eight at all, I decided to check in at Wikipedia to see what was going on... and does the series read as convoluted and overpacked as it sounds to me?

I have an interest in reading it at some point, but it sounds like a massive clusterfuck.

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