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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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Amazon is either blowing out comic book stock or has a pricing glitch of some kind. Tons of hardcover and omnibus editions as cheap as eight dollars on there right now. I'm getting the Criminal Deluxe Edition for 15 and considering the X-Men Omnibus at 8. I don't have the money, but this stuff will never be this cheap again.

Not sure if they're going to honour all the sales if it's a glitch, but it doesn't hurt trying to grab it up anyway.

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Being a Buffy fan, but not having read Season Eight at all, I decided to check in at Wikipedia to see what was going on... and does the series read as convoluted and overpacked as it sounds to me?

I have an interest in reading it at some point, but it sounds like a massive clusterfuck.

If you like Buffy and if you like Comics this book will be a great deal of fun for you. Of cause it is not like the TV show in many way, just because it´s not a TV Show and comics just work a lot faster in some and a lot slower in other ways. But you still get all the comedy, all the real progress (no infinit repeaed like you get it with most marvel and DC titels) and a conclusion. (i think it´s ending with the 8th TPB...)

And if you come to like Buddy Season 8 i higly recomende you to read Kirkmans "Invincible".

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Norman Osborn got the killshot in on the skrull queen at the end of Secret Invasion, so they decided that makes him a hero. He became director of HAMMER (the group that replaced SHIELD) and basically made it an organized crime outfit. Now he's starting to go nuts again and Loki's taken advantage of that, convincing him that Asgard doesn't belong in America. Osborn and HAMMER attack Asgard, but the Avengers are going to stop him. It's been kind of lame.

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Question regarding comic book stores, how are yours? The one I go to is pretty small and everything is cluttered. I've just gotten into comics and I don't have much of an option but to go there. The next closest one is about 45 minutes from me as opposed to 15. I've been able to find a lot of stuff on my own and I've reserved my own box. Going through the back issues is a pain though, as I've said everything is cluttered and there are action figures on top of the pretty much all the back-issue bins they have set up. I live in New Jersey and there aren't a lot of stores here. I'm thinking of going to Midtown Comics in Manhattan, has anyone ever been there? Would it be worth the trip?

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Kick-Ass is only 8 issues, right? If so, I just burned through all 8 like it was nothing. Once I started reading I couldn't put it down.

Recommend me some other miniseries, fellows?

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Dick Giordano has died, from complications from Pneumonia. He was also suffering from Leukemia.

If you don't know who he was, I suggest looking up his work asap. He's one of the best artists of all time, though he's primarily thought of as an inker. He inked Crisis on Infinite Earths and the Man of Steel mini-series by John Byrne.

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Question regarding comic book stores, how are yours? The one I go to is pretty small and everything is cluttered. I've just gotten into comics and I don't have much of an option but to go there. The next closest one is about 45 minutes from me as opposed to 15. I've been able to find a lot of stuff on my own and I've reserved my own box. Going through the back issues is a pain though, as I've said everything is cluttered and there are action figures on top of the pretty much all the back-issue bins they have set up. I live in New Jersey and there aren't a lot of stores here. I'm thinking of going to Midtown Comics in Manhattan, has anyone ever been there? Would it be worth the trip?

Midtown Comics? Fuck yes. I generally go to the Silver Snail, which is THE comic shop in Toronto, and it's organized, so it's awesome.

Dick Giordano has died, from complications from Pneumonia. He was also suffering from Leukemia.

If you don't know who he was, I suggest looking up his work asap. He's one of the best artists of all time, though he's primarily thought of as an inker. He inked Crisis on Infinite Earths and the Man of Steel mini-series by John Byrne.


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Ever since Warren Ellis' run with "Thunderbolts", I've just LOVED Norman Osborn. The slick exec on meds desperately trying to keep his sanity in check... that's great. In charge of a team of psychos? Even better. I was THRILLED when Norman became such a huge player after Secret Invasion. A definitive leader & even an "hero" to the nation after the headshot to Veranke. It's a damn shame his run seems to be ending as Dark Avengers is just fantastic. I'm also a fan of DC's Secret Six though. Villains are a great read this day in age.

Yes, I know Norman's run had to end some time but I was just hoping for a few more months I guess. I became a big fan of Bullseye and Moonstone too thanks to Warren Ellis. I'm iffy with what he's done with the Sentry in the last few issues of Dark Avenger though. Just my two cents.

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So Bruce Wayne's coming back apparently.

Yay or Nay?

I've just gotten into comics, but the first series I picked up was the new Batman & Robin with Dick Grayson as Batman, and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. The storylines are interesting and I like the tension between Dick and Damian. I really don't know how I feel about Bruce Wayne coming, it's not like he can take a secondary role to Dick and Damian, because let's face it, Bruce Wayne IS Batman. I'm really looking forward to see how this all plays out, but I'm hoping Dick stays on as Batman somehow.

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EdsonDC1987 -

Yeah been keeping up with DC too. My guess is Dick will continue to be Batman while Bruce takes a secondary role. Let's be honest, Bruce Wayne will always be Batman someway somehow. It'll probably go the way Captain America's mantle went with Steve Rogers and Bucky. And... well... I hope they take their sweet time with Bruce Wayne's return. I really like the way Dick has developed as The Bat. Damian likewise turned out to be a great surprise. Read Batman 666 for a little more of his potential future. =P

To make a long story short, Yay for Bruce. Though "deaths" in comics are just getting flat out laughable these days. Even if the way Bruce went was pretty kickass. Though you can make an argument about Batman never "dying" to begin with when you think of HOW he died. I'll just leave it at that.

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Yay on Bruce Wayne coming back, simply because it means more Morrison Batman stories. B & R #10 from a few weeks ago was sort of a prelude to the return of Bruce Wayne and dropped a bunch of clues about the upcoming mini. From the brief bits in the issue, it seems like a tightly plotted, dense story, which I really enjoy. I'm not a huge Batman fan, but when Morrison is writing Bruce Wayne I love the character.

I'm a little sad to see Dark Avengers go, as it's my favorite Bendis book, but Secret Avengers is likely to be better. Norman Osborn's been cool in DA, but it's nothing on Ellis's Thunderbolts characterization. In Ellis's second to last issue, Osborn goes on this rant for pages as he's changing into his Green Goblin costume that's one of the best monologues I've ever read in comics.

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I don't get Bruce Wayne coming back, especially this soon. I mean we all know death issues are meaningless, but are there really that many more good Bruce Wayne Batman stories worth telling? The guy has been the dullest character in his own "family" for going on two decades. Bruce Wayne Batman is just so dull as a character compared to absolutely every Gotham hero, why bring him back? Is it really going to spike sales? Maybe very little in the short term, but it also comes at the expense of de-valuing his death and what "classic" stories featuring Bruce Wayne Bats there are. I just don't get bringing him back unless it's in some new form. Bring him back as "Old Man Bruce" or whatever from Batman Beyond or something if you need to bring him back, but there's no reason to bring him back this quickly. Comics companies are seriously dumb.

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Machine, you may get to see "Old Man Bruce", because word is they're finally going to do a regular Batman Beyond series (by `regular', I mean it won't be drawn animated style)!

How do I feel about Bruce Wayne coming back? Well, Batman is my favorite DC hero and I am reading the Batman series (but NOT Batman and Robin), but I have no problem with Bruce coming back this soon as long as they keep Dick as Batman for another year or two. I have no doubt Bruce will be Batman again, but hope they don't do something stupid and have him take the mantle back quick.

It'll make for some interesting interactions, because Dick did NOT want to be Batman in the first place. He just ended up realizing that someone HAD to be Batman and he was the best choice for the role. (Mainly because Jason Todd wanted it and he is more or less nutso and a cold blooded killer)

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