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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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Pre and immediately post House Of M the X-Men was terribly written. In fact, up until the last 4 or 5 years I think The X-Men was really bad. I would suggest the following, and it is where I jumped back in at myself after I totally gave up on the X-Verse in like 2001 or 2002 minus a few browsing of issues here and there.

X-Men Deadly Genesis by Brubaker.

Uncanny Rise And Fall OF The Shiar Empire

X-Men Supernovas

And then go from then on with the two main X-Books. Deadly Genesis was a stand alone mini series that was the lead in to Bru's run on Uncanny, and it is very pivotal to that run

I would also recommend Madrox Mutiple Choice and follow that with the current run of X-Factor starting with The Longest Night and moving forward. X-Factor is awesome beyond belief.

Also, any and all of the X-23 stuff, followed by New X-Men when Kyle and Yost took the book over.

Everything I have mentioned eventually connects and runs together in the Messiah Complex massive crossover storyline.

Agreed on X-23. She is my favorite character in any book. I really like anything Kyle and Yost do too.

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Yeah Yost and Kyle were awesome on New X-Men and then again on X-Force when it was relaunched.

Have you seen that there is a new X-23 ongoing coming out soon Srar?

I just flipped through my copy of Deadly Genesis and the first page mentions the decimation of the mutants in passing, but little else. I guess it assumes that you have read it. I read House of M and I admit I hated it with a passion. I thought it was the slowest most boring piece of garbage, but that is just my opinion. If she wanted to start with House of M to gte that backstory, she could but remember House of M is as much an Avengers story picking up from Avengers Disassembled as it is an X Tale. But yeah, if she wants House Of M then from there I would go to Deadly Genesis.

Supernovas by Mike Carey also deals with the half of the team not being used in Rise and Fall by the way.


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It's by Marjorie Liu and starts soon. There was also an X-23 one shot that I guess was a continuation of sorts from the latest NYX mini series that also featured X-23 and also all were written by Liu.

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Yeah Yost and Kyle were awesome on New X-Men and then again on X-Force when it was relaunched.

Have you seen that there is a new X-23 ongoing coming out soon Srar?

I just flipped through my copy of Deadly Genesis and the first page mentions the decimation of the mutants in passing, but little else. I guess it assumes that you have read it. I read House of M and I admit I hated it with a passion. I thought it was the slowest most boring piece of garbage, but that is just my opinion. If she wanted to start with House of M to gte that backstory, she could but remember House of M is as much an Avengers story picking up from Avengers Disassembled as it is an X Tale. But yeah, if she wants House Of M then from there I would go to Deadly Genesis.

Supernovas by Mike Carey also deals with the half of the team not being used in Rise and Fall by the way.


I also just flipped through my copy of Supernovas, which takes place after Deadly Genesis, and it features a one page "previously in" which explains M Day and the 198 mutants left on the planet.

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I don't know if I mentioned it or not but I had to drop all my comic subscriptions through the comics shop I frequent recently. Mostly due to financial reasons, but also because I'm running out of storage.

But I found out recently that a back issue of one of the comics I was reading is available to read/download as a .pdf for free, and I thought I'd share:


Current issue should be #165 or #166, but the series tends to run late at times.

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So are the last couple issues of Amazing Spider-Man any good at all. I've actually really been enjoying Spider-Man post-One More Day or whatever, but I really, really do not care in the slightest about Joe Quesada trolling fans of the Peter/MJ marriage and would rather just get back to the solid, bronze age-esque superhero comic ASM has been in the last year or two (up until Grim Hunt steered it back into JMS' mystic SPIDER-CLAN bullshit for a moment there).

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They did. End result was he killed his wife for doing a bunch of dumb shit (including bringing him back in the first place) in his name, killed the... whatever it was that his first son had became, and then Aloysha bailed out and he sent his daughter to hunt him down. So the Kraven family is probably now down to him and his daughter (and the Chameleon, I guess, but he doesn't really count), which is cool with me because they're the two interesting ones.

Honestly, it's kind of a pity because The Gauntlet was awesome, but The Grim Hunt really not so much. It's mostly served as a year-long way of revitalizing a lot of Spidey's classic rogues gallery (Electro, Rhino, and Lizard especially).

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Anyone and everyone ought to be reading Secret Six right now. I never thought I could care about Catman (yes, fucking Catman), but I do because of Secret Six.

On that note, Secret Six remains fucking fantastic. I love that Gail Simone has her own little b/c-list villain sandbox to play in and write fantastic black comedy for.

Secret Six is fucking fantastic. I can't wait to see where Catman goes from here.

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From what I've heard, Kraven killed the Grim Hunter (I think) and due to something going wrong with how he was brought back he can only die again if Spider-Man kills him (and I'd like for an explanation of how that works; does he regenerate (like Wolverine and several other characters) or pop up alive again later like a Highlander-type Immortal that `died' but didn't have their head cut off?). He's also pissed that he was brought back to life.

(I'm wondering if the `Spider-Man has to kill him for him to die' thing only applies to Peter Parker or to his clones, too? Maybe Kaine could take him out.)

Edited by GhostMachine
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From what I've heard, Kraven killed the Grim Hunter (I think) and due to something going wrong with how he was brought back he can only die again if Spider-Man kills him (and I'd like for an explanation of how that works; does he regenerate (like Wolverine and several other characters) or pop up alive again later like a Highlander-type Immortal that `died' but didn't have their head cut off?). He's also pissed that he was brought back to life.

(I'm wondering if the `Spider-Man has to kill him for him to die' thing only applies to Peter Parker or to his clones, too? Maybe Kaine could take him out.)

Kaine was the "Spider-Man" who died so Kraven could come back to life in the first place. He switched with the original to trick the Kraven family and so Spider-Man could live.

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