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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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I mentioned this a while back, but if there is going to be an official list, there needs to be some rules about what happens if your game doesn't fill up. One of the things that killed mafia way back was when there would be this long list and people would post sign-ups of their games that wouldn't get close to filled and it would delay the process. If your game doesn't fill by a certain time period, it should be discarded and the next one should begin.

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I feel like that could lead to some people being excluded because they don't ever get enough votes (the theme doesn't appeal to as many people, the poster is fairly new, etc).  

And if not enough people are signing up for a game, we should be trying to get them to run the smaller games.  Not everything has to be these bigger games that go on forever, you know?

I say that while currently working on a big game, so, you know, I'm fucking hypocritical.

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Perhaps some kind of happy medium, like, poll to decide running order, but if you've been in say, three polls unsuccessfully, you get to go next anyways. Gives the runner the chance to maybe shrink it to correlate with the presumed lack of interest (though it could simply be people just preferring the other choices rather than outright distaste, or even someone like me who doesn't really give a shit about flavour and just plays for the lols).

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So I've been sent a message by @Thingyman who runs his own Mafia forum asking if we want to take part in a cross community Mafia tournament of some kind? Basically as I understand it, we'd have to pick a player to be our representative who would then play in a series of Mafia games against representatives from other Mafia playing forums. Anyone wants to volunteer to be our representative or has any ideas as to how we should pick one, let me know, and if you have any questions post them here and I'm sure Thingyman will help.

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45 minutes ago, Joshy Roger said:

Honestly, you should do it.

I don't mind throwing my name in the hat if that's what people want. The requirements are that whoever it is be chosen by the members of the community and be willing to be active in the games (i.e. not lurking). And we'd need an alternate.

37 minutes ago, HarshMillennium said:

Seems obvious. A board-wide mafia game!

I believe the deadline for entering is in like a week or so, I doubt we could get through a big ass Mafia game that quickly. We barely get through small ass games that quickly.

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