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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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I find flavour text can be a tough line to walk. I did enjoy the metagaming discussion in Fallout Mafia how because I used "X" in my flavour text, he couldn't be The Master, when in fact he was, they killed him, and subsequently lost the game.

It served as a perfect example of how not to latch your hopes and dreams on flavour text and or canon.

I'd much rather it simply not be an issue, though. For one thing, it favours the scum as if they're savvy enough, they can deflect accusations against themselves to 'clues' in the flavour text that don't have to mean anything as long as it implicates someone else. Townies are more likely to buy it because it comes from the game runner, who shouldn't be influencing such things.

On a slightly related note, the reason I will never take that list of scores that RW is doing seriously is because obviously broken games count the same as any other game. <_<

EDIT: Now that I've gone to Mel Brooks Mafia and looked, I will simply say that if I was in that game, and scum, I would abandon it and even be considering deliberately railroading the game.

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I find flavour text can be a tough line to walk. I did enjoy the metagaming discussion in Fallout Mafia how because I used "X" in my flavour text, he couldn't be The Master, when in fact he was, they killed him, and subsequently lost the game.

It served as a perfect example of how not to latch your hopes and dreams on flavour text and or canon.

I'd much rather it simply not be an issue, though. For one thing, it favours the scum as if they're savvy enough, they can deflect accusations against themselves to 'clues' in the flavour text that don't have to mean anything as long as it implicates someone else. Townies are more likely to buy it because it comes from the game runner, who shouldn't be influencing such things.

I suppose. I personally think it's great when the scum take the slightest hint at something, which might not even be there, and runs with it, and the town just rolls over and follows along because the flavour text said so. Too many people put too much faith in that stuff when, in reality, most game runners have been along long enough to know that when they are writing it, they have to be careful.

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Well, we have these differing viewpoints. You think the town is stupid and deserve everything they get from the scum. I think the town is stupid and should be protected from all the things the big bad scum might put one over on them.

If only there was some point we could agree on in there...

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Well, we have these differing viewpoints. You think the town is stupid and deserve everything they get from the scum. I think the town is stupid and should be protected from all the things the big bad scum might put one over on them.

If only there was some point we could agree on in there...

This is a true conundrum indeed.

Let us take a diversion from our discussions. Would you join me for a glass of wine?

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Damn, I'm dead in my first game -_- But it was fun :) Definitely signing up for Sean's game.

It might be a while. I think the general consensus right now is that there are too few players to support five active games. If RW wants to tare down the list by a game (or two), I'd be willing to wait. My game is ready so that I could start it in 2 minutes; I have the roles and even the opening post ready to go. But if it's going to sputter out and die, there's no point starting it sooner.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I've made a pact with myself to never join any game where I don't know the theme. Maybe others did the same.

Damn, I'm dead in my first game -_- But it was fun :) Definitely signing up for Sean's game.

It might be a while. I think the general consensus right now is that there are too few players to support five active games. If RW wants to tare down the list by a game (or two), I'd be willing to wait. My game is ready so that I could start it in 2 minutes; I have the roles and even the opening post ready to go. But if it's going to sputter out and die, there's no point starting it sooner.

Why sir, are you insinuating that people claim their games are ready when in fact they are not in order to progress through the list at a quicker pace?!?

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