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Maximum Overdrive - 5/10

It's a campy ass movie, but there was some cool shit in the midst of the silly ridiculousness of it all. The opening scene with the ATM screen just showing the phrase "asshole" and "fuck you" was pretty funny.

Malena - 7/10

So yes, my past near-obsession (okay, full-on obsession) with Bellucci finally led me to watching Malena. And it's a damn good movie. Oddly enough, it holds that theme of boyhood obsession quite high, although that got to being too much at points. Ultimately, it's a sadly telling tale of small towns. Regardless of what the setting is (1940s Italy or 2000s America), gossip is a deadly thing around small town communities and the film perfectly portrays what goes wrong when people think something and it turns out to be something else entirely. Bellucci's performance was also extremely well done, as she played the beauty part to a tee and yet held that sympathetic nature about her. Beautiful film all around.

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Hairspray (2007) - 8.5/10

I never thought I would see a film where Zac Efron upstages Christopher Walken, Michelle Pfieffer and John Travolta, but here it is. Seriously, Efron, Nikki Blonsky and Amanda Bynes are amazing in this film, and I have got the soundtrack on replay right now on iTunes. Best musical film in a long, long time.

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I watched this movie called Havoc bascially it was about posers but what was the best part was Anne Hathaway naked. Oh it was so fucking hot. She did this scene where she was being interviewed and she lays down on the couch slips a hand into her jeans, pulls down her top and says in a very sex voice "Do you want to fuck me?" I was like hell yes. Wet dream material gentlemen. Wet dream material.

7 out of 10

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One of my favorite horror films of all time and still manages to scare me. The score is great, and Carpenter showed why he still may be the best in the business. I've been catching up on the Master's of Horror stuff with Carpernter, and he can still scare me.

Halloween 6: Producers Cut


I downloaded this off a torrent site, and it's a helluva lot better than the original cut. It doesn't live up to the original one, but it's still a decent horror film. Pleasance does a good job as Loomis, and Paul Rudd is pretty damn good considering the script was re-done twelve times. Some of the gore from the original cut was left out, but some of it wasn't needed. The Halloween series was more about suspense and tension than the gore.

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'The Host' (2006/2007): 8/10

Never seeing a Korean film before (at least I don't think I have), I didn't know what to expect going into this. But it was better than I thought it'd be. Very good CGI, the creature looked quite impressive. It was dark yet didn't take itself too seriously; I loved the comedic parts. The scene early on where the creature jumps on land for the first time was amazing, as well as the 10 minutes that followed. Best horror film I've seen so far this year.

Stephen King's The Stand (Part 1): 8/10

(I know it's technically a 'miniseries'. But to me, a 'miniseries' is just a long movie made for television. It was even shot as a movie and has no credits after individual parts.) Anyway, I thought it was very enjoyable. I'm pleased as to how faithful it was to my favorite novel. I can't wait to watch Parts 2-4.

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Dynamite Warrior: 7/10

Pretty good movie...about as good as Born to Fight, but nowhere near Ong-Bak or The Protector. The few effects and instances of obvious wire work took me out of it a bit.

Premonition: 5/10

Saw the ending coming a mile away. Other than that, I guess it was okay...but I couldn't believe how stupid the main character was. After completing a "future" day where something horrible happens, she wakes up in the "past" and immediately sets into motion the events that lead to the horrible event she just completed. What the fuck?

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Tales From Earthsea: 7/10


The latest Studio Gibli release helmed by Miyazaki jr. It got a mixed review in Japan, topping the box office for five weeks and being the fourth highest grossing film of the year but also being voted worst movie of the year over there, mostly cos it messed with a couple of "rules" of Gibli....It feels more Western and YUP, it's actually GOT a proper baddie! (gasp)

So, it gets a VERY limited cinema release in the UK with Broad Street, Birmingham being one of the few and getting a single week run so we headed out to watch it with our Gibli-addicted friends.

First things first, it's NOT THAT BAD! Yeah it's got a different feel from some Gibli but it's got a charm, it's got a good storyline and the voice talent for the UK includes Timothy Dalton and Willem Defoe (as a VERY VERY creepy effeminate bad guy)!

So yeah, boo on the haters, it's not magnificent but it's good, it's well told and it's beautiful in parts despite the slightly lesser animation. Well worth watching and I'm glad I did!

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Shaun of the Dead: 8.5/10

Hot Fuzz: 9/10

Pleasantly surprised that both were as good as I've always heard. I like cheesy action flicks a lot more than zombie movies, so Hot Fuzz was just a bit funnier to me.

The Simpsons Movie: 9/10

I haven't watched The Simpsons in a long, long time, but this movie reminded me of all the fun I used to have with those old episodes. And at the same time, I didn't feel like there were any characters/references that went over my head after my long absence from the show. Great movie.

Sunshine: 9/10

I was really surprised at how great this movie was, considering it apparently had no advertising budget. The only place I heard anything at all about it was right here. The only thing I didn't like about it were the times they flashed a person's face (or series of faces) on the screen, because that really creeps me out for some reason...and that the movie made me really want to see the sun after it was over, but by the time I got out of the theater, it was night. And raining. Grr.

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The Beatles - Let It Be: 8/10

If you're looking for a documentary about The Beatles, don't watch this. This movie is basically 60 minutes in a recording studio, and then the 20 minute rooftop scene. But it's pretty damn enjoyable. This is definitely a movie I'm gonna watch again and again.

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The Glass House 2: The Good Mother: I bought this one last week and haven't had time to watch it until today. I loved the original, so I thought I'd like this one too. Well, it wasn't horrible, but it really wasn't a fantastic movie. I went in expecting absolute crap, but came out pretty surprised. The acting isn't too bad, and the shooting isn't horrible. The story is decent with the mother adopting two kids who just lost their parents. Eventually they find out that she's killed all her other foster kids by poisoning them, etc. All in all, it was a decent way to spend 90 minutes. 6/10, if you're curious, rent it. Also, the main character(the adopted teen girl, about 17 years old) is fucking smokin' hot.

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The Glass House 2: The Good Mother: I bought this one last week and haven't had time to watch it until today. I loved the original, so I thought I'd like this one too. Well, it wasn't horrible, but it really wasn't a fantastic movie. I went in expecting absolute crap, but came out pretty surprised. The acting isn't too bad, and the shooting isn't horrible. The story is decent with the mother adopting two kids who just lost their parents. Eventually they find out that she's killed all her other foster kids by poisoning them, etc. All in all, it was a decent way to spend 90 minutes. 6/10, if you're curious, rent it. Also, the main character(the adopted teen girl, about 17 years old) is fucking smokin' hot.
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Waitress 6/10

After an awful first twenty-minutes or so, this picks up, and for the rest of the film it hovers around the 6/10 mark, ocasionally looking like it's going to get better, ocassionally looking like it's going to get worse, but doing neither. The main plusses are a few balsy scenes, such as the domestic abuse scene, and Nathan Fillion, who while not amazing is still good, and gets the only giggles to be found in the film. Also, there are a few scenes that aren't so badly done, that border on the good, and the other main thing to say in positive tones about the film is that it generally isn't bad...

But some parts are bad. Bar the awful opening part, the dialogue is sh*t, and I MEAN sh*t, and the two other waitress characters have the unfortunate traits of being both crap characters, AND are annoying as f*ck anyway. Finally, the writer needs to look up subtlety in the dictionary, intent as the film is to hammer home EVERY single sodding point to the extent that a five year old would want the film to move on ages before it does (He's called Earl. She doesn't like him. She doesn't like Earl. That guy called Earl - she doesn't like him. And he's called Earl.... and so on and so forth)

Still, again, more the most part it isn't actively bad, and it has a few good scenes that touch on relevant issues. It's also a two hour trailer for pies (again, unsubtle; every character is allocated at least two ramblings about how much they love pie). Pies are awesome. I'm going to go and eat some pie.

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Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - 9/10

This is one of the single weirdest, most fucked up films I've seen in a while, and I still have Oldboy and Lady Vengeance to go through. As weird as it is without having much dialogue in the first place, it's actually fairly easy to pick up on and it draws you in sooooo well. Plus, the end was kinda out of the blue, even though in the back of my mind I kinda figured it'd happen.

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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: 7.5/10

It was better than was I was expecting. And a lot of the scenes are very faithful to the book. I love the narration, it's hilarious. I liked all the characters but Marvin and Zaphod were the standouts to me. Shame "The Restaurant At The End of The Universe" was never made into a movie.

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The Simpsons Movie: 9/10

The Bourne Ultimatum: 9/10

Two great movies in one week. This is literally the Best Movie Summer ever!

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