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Collateral - 6/10

Fresh change from Cruise as always being a bad guy but it wasn't that good of a movie. It would've been more interesting if Cruise was still portraying the same 'Vincent' as in the Color of Money. Now THAT would've been great.

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There's Something About Mary - 8/10 or (***) One of the funniest grossout comedies probably ever. The opening scenes (ending after the "bleeder") is one of the funniest sequences I've seen in a film.

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Starsky and Hutch- 6.5/10- Eh, it had its moments. Partially the reason I didn't like it too much is because Irarely find Ben Stiller funny. He was good in Meet the Parents and Heavyweights, but thats about all I liked him in. Owen Wilson and Snoop Dogg made this enjoyable though.

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2 Fast 2 Furious: 5/10

Scream: 8/10

Scream 2: 5/10

Scream 3: 7/10

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Phenomenon - 5/10

I watched it for the first time in a while last night, and it just wasn't as good as I used to think it was. I remember I used to think it was really good, but last night it just felt boring and long...but maybe its because I was tired and ready for to call it a night.

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10 Things I Hate About You - 6/10 or (**1/2) Although at times, Julia Stiles's character seems to make fun of the teen movie persona, this film just proves to be another teen movie in (at the time) a sea of 'em.

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The Untouchables ****-

I'm someone who is really interested in movies that deal with the mafia and mobsters so this movie entertained me quite a bit. I thought all the characters were portrayed to the point where they were believable threats in their own respects, such as Connery knowing how the mob worked and could use it against the mob when he needed to and even to Agent Stone being the sharpshot of the group. I really enjoyed what Andy Garcia brought to the table as Agent Stone/Giuseppe Petri, just his presence and how he seemed to be able to carry an Italian American accent. Some people might think some scenes in the movie are corny but considering what was around in the mid-1980s it isn't corny in a way some films would be today if using the same technology.

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The Bourne Identity - 8/10

As far as popcorn action movies go, it doesn't get much better than this. Poor Affleck, Bourne Identity-lite (aka Paycheck) paled so far in comparison. Checking Supremacy out tonight. Thumbs up.

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10 Things I Hate About You - 6/10 or (**1/2) Although at times, Julia Stiles's character seems to make fun of the teen movie persona, this film just proves to be another teen movie in (at the time) a sea of 'em.

Worst rating on a film EVER :angry:

Maybe that's just because I'm in love with the film and totally biased towards it. Say nice things about it instead :blush:

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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The Bourne Supremacy - 8/10

After two movies, the Bourne Trilogy still has all the freshness of the first film. This is another superbly put together film that showcases both Matt Damon's acting chops and Paul Greengrass' superb direction. It's got to be one hell of a job taking the reigns from Doug Liman, and Greengrass captures the pace of the original while turning the tables from a character standpoint. It's hard to compare the two films, because they're completely different animals, but both are excellent. Thumbs up.

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-The only reason that this piece of shit even got 2, is because of the great premise for the story, as well as some superb acting by Greg Kinnear.

If I had to choose two words to describe this film, I would simply say: God Awful.

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I, Robot - 6/10

Will Smith gives perhaps the best performance of his career as a hybrid of comedy and drama. He's deadpan when he needs to be, and passionate when he needs to be. An above average script that asks real moral questions elevates this above the typical action movie level. A flawed, but ultimately entertaining movie. Thumbs up.

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