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Towelhead and Baghdad Hospital. Towelhead was really intriguing and I thought quite good, given how (spoilers)

The entire film I'm hating Jasira's dad because he's such a strict douche. But within the last 15 minutes of the film, I had tears in my eyes and was sympathizing with the guy.

Baghdad Hospital's a documentary, 50 minutes, about the Al-Yarmouk hospital in Baghdad. Basically, an Iraqi doctor anonymously filmed the goings-on at the hospital and what the doctors and staff went through treating victims during war and terrorist attacks. It was incredibly sad. I mean, they only had enough saline solution to last 1-2 bomb blasts and then they had to wait forever to get more saline, the US gave them money and the money got lost in bureacracy, and some of the victims' stories were heartwrenching.

All in all, both good films.

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Watched a bit of "Ring of the Nibelungs", a TV movie from 2004 based on the story that inspired Tolkien apparantly.

Anyway, it's a pretty cheesy fantasy-fest BUT Kristanna Loken as an Icelandic warrioress is basically mindboggling, the images do it no justice.

Not so impressed otherwise though.



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The Wrestler is a fine piece of work, not perfect but I haven't put my finger on why yet but it wasn't a full on awesome movie, almost there, but not quite.

The relationship with his daughter feels tacked on?

Everyone says that, but I don't think it is. It shows the emotional damage wrestling has had on The Ram's life to the point where he can't maintain a normal relationship.

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2012 1/5

Should have been called "The John Cusack Running From Crap Film". After about the third scene of an airplane taking off as the runway below it crumbles, you start to realize this movie is the same scene over and over again in a different location. I'd give it a zero but the special effects were mostly good and the scene with Yellowstone exploding was pretty amazing. But other then that this movie was garbage.

Okay so they've been selling these tickets for the arks to the worlds wealthiest people to "preserve our species". Fine, but when you look at the people who will be able to afford the prices they were charging...WHO IS GOING TO REBUILD THE WORLD SO THE SPECIES GETS PRESERVED!!! I mean seriously the brightest minds never thought, "Hey maybe we should save a few those Chinese workers because it appears they can build things really well and that might come in handy."

Also what we found funny was at one point one of the good characters says something like "you could fit 10 people in here!" when he see's his private room on the ark. Yet even after they let all these other people on board, at the end it's just him and the President's daughter in the room. Where are they having the other people sleep? Captain even says they are way over compacity, so what the hell? Did they build extra rooms that could house tens of thousands just in case? Ugh!

Edited by Pepsi
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Good Hair - *** out of *****

A documentary featuring Chris Rock that probes into the culture of African American hairstyles. While funny, it only gives a glimpse of what could have been in scenes where Rock travels to India to find out where the "100% natural human hair" used in weaves comes from. It's the soda pop of documentaries...dare I say the orange or grape flavor?

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Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

I don't think I can rate it yet because it's still sinking in. Visually it is fantastic and is a like to what the new Alice in Wonderland is going to look like. The story starts off very confusing and weaves between making sense and not but by the end it all comes together, kind of maybe. :wacko:

The way Gilliam worked around the loss of Ledger was what made the movie that much more interesting and I applaud the actors who took on the job and the way they portrayed the character, especially Colin Farrel who I expected to be the worst of the bunch but actually gave the star performance.

All in all it was a decent movie I guess and for Lily Cole's first movie role she was fantastic as well

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2012 1/5

Should have been called "The John Cusack Running From Crap Film". After about the third scene of an airplane taking off as the runway below it crumbles, you start to realize this movie is the same scene over and over again in a different location. I'd give it a zero but the special effects were mostly good and the scene with Yellowstone exploding was pretty amazing. But other then that this movie was garbage.

Okay so they've been selling these tickets for the arks to the worlds wealthiest people to "preserve our species". Fine, but when you look at the people who will be able to afford the prices they were charging...WHO IS GOING TO REBUILD THE WORLD SO THE SPECIES GETS PRESERVED!!! I mean seriously the brightest minds never thought, "Hey maybe we should save a few those Chinese workers because it appears they can build things really well and that might come in handy."

Also what we found funny was at one point one of the good characters says something like "you could fit 10 people in here!" when he see's his private room on the ark. Yet even after they let all these other people on board, at the end it's just him and the President's daughter in the room. Where are they having the other people sleep? Captain even says they are way over compacity, so what the hell? Did they build extra rooms that could house tens of thousands just in case? Ugh!

Sounds a lot like Day After Tomorrow, Take 2.

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Friday the 13th

Finally saw the Platinum Dunes remake, it wasn't bad, downright fun at times, but just left me asking "why bother?" There was absolutely no reason to reboot the franchise if this was the end result, it was just like any other Jason movie. Platinum Dunes continues their trend of mediocre remakes... has me worried for Nightmare on Elm Street.

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I'm going to go for the controversial opinion and say that I saw 2012 and it was AWESOME. It did exactly what a ridiculous disaster movie turned up to the nth degree should do, which is look like CGI-based apocalypse and have Cusack running from shit. It combined disaster movies at points, even, since the finish is out of the remake of Poseidon. Characters are introduced entirely for their later purpose to perish (Chiwetel Ejiofor's dad, and his bandmate, who we focused on for...some reason). This is all the lore of disaster movies. That's shit they have always pulled.

And the commentary is so obvious, too! Spoiler talk:

I saw the fact that everyone paid a billion euros to get on the boat as an attempt to respond to how greedy the culture of earth and the business of forcing the average to essentially die. We're supposed to see that humanity is still selfish even when seen with their own potential permanent demise. It's a stupid point, yes. But that's how Roland works at this point. I mean, there's a throwaway line about critics, another throwaway line about the mess the Danny Glover administration has done (mind you that he's a black President), and a sequence where someone says "It's like we're coming apart" before an earthquake literally splits them from each other. He goes for the obvious because he always has. His film has logic holes because THEY ALWAYS DO.

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2012 spoilers:

If Ronald Emmerich was a rock band, he would be Creed. His stuff is popular, yet his commentary is so knuckleheaded, and he comes out with oodles of unintentionally bad moments. I particularly love when the CNN news anchor describes the Princess Diana-esque car crash as 'deadly', when it was surely 'fatal'.

Here's my problem with 2012, there is A LOT of inconsequential rubbish. A lot of things happen which have no bearing on the overall plot, and would've been cut out by a remotely competent director. For example: why does the best friend of the scientist's Dad get his own little plot about his son? Why did we have the Diana and Mona Lisa thing? Why does the dog get its own little action sequence? Why did we get a cameo from the FUCKING QUEEN?! And why does Emmerich insist on buddying up to the British when he clearly has no idea about our culture? If he did, the BBC News anchor wouldn't have sounded like she got pronunciation lessons from Youtube or something.

I think this film was worse than Transformers 2. At least Michael Bay - or Mr. Bangy, as I like to call him - knew he was just making two and a half hours of noise. I bet Emmerich thinks he's doing Al Gore proud with crazy liberal characters such as Woody Harrelson's.

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The Girl Next Door (2004) - 8/10

For some reason I really like this movie. It's got some funny as hell moments and Elisha Cuthbert was perfect in her role.

The Silence of the Lambs - 8.5/10

I finally got around to watching this from the beginning all the way through. Fantastic thriller film that I'll probably end up adding to my collection at some point.

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Having a bus journey which is basically always just me and the driver I've been watching TV shows on route. The Thick of It and all three series of The IT Crowd. The IT Crowd is brilliant.

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Let The Right One In: 5/5

I finally got to see it on Netflix, loved it. Made me cry at a few points. :crying:

fan-dabi-dozi, fan-dabi-dozi movie.

Agreed. Really not looking forward to Matt Reeves making it "very accessible to a wider audience" in 2010 as atmosphere will be defined by how moany the college rock track in the background will be.

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"I love you, Beth Cooper", 1/5, not a good film, only redeeming features are Hayden Panettiere and a nice little sweet but predicatble ending. Even the secondary storyline of wondering if one fo the characters is gay is tedious. Not good.

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Let The Right One In: 5/5

I finally got to see it on Netflix, loved it. Made me cry at a few points. :crying:

fan-dabi-dozi, fan-dabi-dozi movie.

Agreed. Really not looking forward to Matt Reeves making it "very accessible to a wider audience" in 2010 as atmosphere will be defined by how moany the college rock track in the background will be.

And of course he's using the much more forceful title of "Let Me In." Which pretty much already detracts from the story. Clearly he doesn't wanna show some of that sweet sweet underage vag.

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