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The White Ribbon


I know, people are gonna say people just like it because it's some foreign filmmaker shot in black and white. Ooh artsy. But all of that side, this movie is incredibly good. It's very long (shy of two and a half hours) and somehow it wasn't long enough. Gripping, visually stunning, for sure an instant classic. If you want to walk away from a theatre and have something to think about, watch this movie. It's malicious, gritty and depressing and yet so wonderful and gripping.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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So I've purged through the first two seasons of Skins. You limey fucks probably love this shit. I love it, too, because it fills that void of unrealistic vaguely erotic teen excitement television that as a straight male in his early 20's without a heart of gold and a desire to maintain said image, I can't get from romantic comedies or soap operas. And I'm OK with that

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I've seen quite a few things as of late:

Deadwood - 9/10

I'm about half way through the second season and it's quite the show. I missed it entirely when it was on so I decided to start from the beginning via Netflix. It's well acted but the constant attack of foul language starts to grind on you a little after a while.

The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) - 7/10

I remember when this came out I had zero interest in it. However I saw that it was on the instant Netflix and I was bored so I watched it tonight. I was actually pretty entertained however I couldn't help but thinking that the story would have been better if they made a few changes. Though I know it was based on a book so it's probably best not to change the ending.

She's Out Of My League - 8/10

As far as comedies like this go, I thought it was pretty good. I enjoyed it more than your typical Apatow film like Knocked Up. I doubt I'll laugh as much seeing it a second time at home, but in a crowded theater it was a pretty enjoyable film with some good jokes in it.

Capitalism: A Love Story - 8/10

I usually like the Michael Moore stuff. I stay far away from politics or anything to do with what he usually talks about but I thought it was pretty in depth and gave me visuals and names to associate with things I had only heard about on the news. I added his documentary "Sicko" to my list so I'll see that soon.

Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day - 7.5/10

I thought this was a pretty good sequel. The original is better but I liked this one a lot. Some of the humor was pretty good and I did laugh out loud on occasion. I liked how it felt like a sequel, they didn't try to do something different. Same way of telling the story with the same actors. A fun movie.

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Today I watched two films I've been meaning to watch for a while now.

Crazy Heart - 8/10. I loved it. Bridges definitely deserved best actor for this, but while the acting was superb, the actual film was mostly just good/great. It was a great little film, but it didn't blow my mind or make me think too much. It was a nice story with a somewhat realistic ending. It was mostly a star vehicle for Bridges, but it worked. Totally worth the watch if you're a Bridges fan or plan on going to see a film with your girl, or even if you're just in the mood for a feel good story and a solid two hours of cinema.

Event Horizon - 7/10. Eh. It was good, but going in I knew I'd be making comparisons to Alien, and to me, very little will ever live up to that film in terms of Sci-Fi/Thriller. The film was more of a horror as well, which didn't really help it all that much. It felt more like your typical every day horror film, just in space than anything else. It was a fine film for what it was, and it freaked me out a little, but nothing really all the amazing. Neil & Fishburne pretty much phoned it in on these two and I had a hard time being interested in any of the characters. The end was crap as well. Why did they have to tease the whole 'YOUR NEVER SAFE' thing? Leaving it at them getting away safely would have been fine, not to mention it was obvious as hell that things would still be shit if they were still in the ship. I spent most of my time watching thinking '...but, surely the whole ship is evil, why would they be safe on that one little bit of it?'. It also made Fishburnes sacrifice completely redundant.

If you're in the mood for a Sci-Fi, you'll be making the far superior choice if you just watch Alien/Aliens/Alien3/Alien Resurrection. Heck, even if you've seen them before, you'd probably have a better time watching one of those 4. Yes, including 3 and Resurrection. At least the canon fodder crew in Resurrection was a fun team of crazies as opposed to a bunch of nobodies. The only way I could tell any of them apart (other than Fishburne & Neil) was skin colour and gender. That's how poorly defined the characters were. hmm.gif

Planning on working my way through The Abyss soon. I've tried before, but it didn't hold my interest, but now I think I've got a more defined idea of what I'm going to be watching, where as before I just saw 'Ooh. Sci-Fi. Cameron. It must be like Aliens!'

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WRONG SIDE OF TOWN - great spoiler, bad movie/10

Batista shoots Ja Rule!

Ok, this is really bad. There is the gross miscalculation of having a Bond-style theme song and opening to this "RVD runs around with a Ed Hardy/Affliction T-shirt and occasionally kicks people" movie. So is the fact that Batista is barely in the movie and actually livens up the damn thing. Well, then there's the obvious B-movie tropes and bad acting and so on. And Stormy Daniels' tits, as if I've never seen them before. But that spoiler is rather glorious.

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Hot Tub Time Machine - 7.7/10

I have a fetish for anything 80's. This is basically a movie made by 2010 standards, but it's an 80's movie. Think pretty much the South Park episode on the ski lounge. It got quite a few laughs out of me and the story was entertaining and didn't drag. So there you have it.

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It's really not that bad, it's just not that great, either.

This brings up the fact that I really am tired of Sam Worthington already. I mean, he's been in 3 big blockbusters in less than a year and can't even keep an American accent when he's supposed to. (N) Though, he's probably one of the better things about Terminator: Salvation.

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It's really not that bad, it's just not that great, either.

This brings up the fact that I really am tired of Sam Worthington already. I mean, he's been in 3 big blockbusters in less than a year and can't even keep an American accent when he's supposed to. (N) Though, he's probably one of the better things about Terminator: Salvation.

I would say he is probably the best thing about it.

Yeah it wasn't bad (Salvation), it wasn't great, it just.... was... :/

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As far as action movies go it was good, but Terminator movies will always live in the shadows of the original and T2 as they were both so good.

Also I really wish Christian Bale would fuck off with his "gruff" voice, it sounds retarded :angry:

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