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Caught Sinister last night. Not one of the scariest films ever made as reviews would have you believe but well worth a watch. Id put it on the same level as the one with the box by Sam Raimi that came out recently.

Finally going to see Looper tonight.

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The most disturbing and depressing film I've seen since Requiem For a Dream. It's a good movie, but when you watch it, and read about the real-life case afterward, you'll want to put your foot through the television.

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Looper was pretty good. It had that Inception factor where regardless of what you think of the acting or whatever its a neat idea that keeps you interested.

Up next is either Taken 2 or Perks of being a Wallflower. Two films I cant imagine being more different.

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Pitch Perfect

Ah, a capella performances. I could tell that they mostly recorded the songs live, though a few felt like they might have been recorded previously for the sake of doing multiple takes. The movie itself was fairly fun, albeit it was sort of the basic "college freshman" movie, with a few alterations.

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Watched the latest Resident Evil today.

Stop doing that. Especially if you fear for the future of cinema.

I hate how it pandered towards 3D shots more than anything. It makes me afraid for the future of cinema as a whole, if that's what movies are gonna' prioritize on.

They won't, eventually. 3D will run its course.

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No Holds Barred is aaaaaaawwwwwwwful in every aspect but is so fun to watch. I don't know how it will hold up on a rewatch but I'm hoping amazingly.

I find No Holds Barred fascinating. Probably the worst film ever on most aspects, but that they essentially turned a wrestling angle into a campy Saturday morning cartoon-esque film is a sight to behold. I would watch more films like this.

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No Holds Barred is aaaaaaawwwwwwwful in every aspect but is so fun to watch. I don't know how it will hold up on a rewatch but I'm hoping amazingly.

I find No Holds Barred fascinating. Probably the worst film ever on most aspects, but that they essentially turned a wrestling angle into a campy Saturday morning cartoon-esque film is a sight to behold. I would watch more films like this.

It reminds me a lot of the Deathstalker movies, which are super cheesy 80s sword-and-sorcery movies, as far as the fact that the main dude is way better than everybody else and is that way the whole movie. The first two Deathstalkers have lots of body baring, both female and male. The second-to-main dude in the first wears this thing that looks like he got it out of the girls' armor department. The girl wears a bikini that is like... I mean, I am pretty sure her tit just pops out at random parts, and I'm talking about the parts where she is not just topless.

But yeah, the first Deathstalker is just a Conan clone. The second one is a cheesy send-up that I do recommend, it has like an infinity-round wrestling match in the middle. It's pretty funny. The third one was on MST3K and has no nudity that I can remember, though I have only seen it edited for MST3K so they might have cut that out. Don't remember much about the fourth one. But yeah, only the 1st and 4th ones have the same guy as Deathstalker. I just recently watched 1 again as background noise while designing this Cube game.

Actually, in Deathstalker 2 the guy is kind of a bumbling rogue rather than better-than-everyone-always, but still.

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So, as mentioned in the General Movie thread, I went and saw Lawless tonight. It was a fine way to spend an evening but the whole plot and movie itself was a little thin, overall. However, Guy Pearce and Tom Hardy are absolutely tremendous in it, people should really go see this movie just for those guys. They even made me hate Shoe LaBorf less! That was how good they were.

Also, I am sold as well on Deathstalker. And Barbarian Queen. And whatever the fuck all those low-budget sword-and-sorcery movies are called. They are a thrill.

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Watched V/H/S today. It didn't scare me like I thought it would, but it was pretty interesting. Thought the webcam story was easily the weakest, and the only one I didn't really care about. The best was Ti West's Honeymoon story. That dude definitely knows how to do horror.

Oh and I don't usually mind the shaky cam technique in movies, but it bothered me here. Gave me a headache actually. I didn't hate it or anything but it was kind of disorienting.

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It was getting hyped like it was the next big thing in horror... don't think it was quite that big, but it was a great scary movie. I would liken it to Insidious in terms of style and general out-of-nowhere-ness, but it's a way better movie with a watchable third act. A bit predictable, but the scares are awesome and the "home movies" are brilliant.

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Got to see Argo tonight. Very suspenseful and well-made, with a cool retro style. It was probably the best film I've seen in a while, and I'm definitely glad I decided to see it over Taken 2...

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