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Just started watching Suburban Commando. Just like in No Holds Barred, Hulk's movie voice is horrible. Why doesn't he just do the promo voice!? Wouldn't be surprised if these lines had been dubbed back in.

Worst one is in Santa With Muscles where he does an impression of Snagglepuss all the way through.

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Heavy Metal

Couldn't finish it. If I had watched this when it was released in 1981, I probably wouldn't have the same complaints that I do now, but it feels like it was written by an ambitious 13 year old boy.

Side notes: I had no idea that it was animated and that much of the cast are 70s and 80s Second City alums, like John Candy and Eugene Levy!

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I saw 50/50 and The Poughkeepsie Tapes today. I am going to get some punches for this but I really didn't like 50/50 all that much; it felt forced and I was more annoyed than empathetic with Adam and his way of dealing with his cancer than anything else. Poughkeepsie was horrifying; one of the scariest movies I've seen in a long long time. It isn't groundbreaking or one the greatest horror movies ever but it really builds this incredible tone and atmosphere and I really liked it.

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Tapes would probably have a bit more lasting impact if I lived in the States but still, some of the scenes in it generally had me frightened.

Especially the opener where the killer punched the little girl out, the scene with girl scouts and the first scene with Cheryl in the basement where he yelled at her and held her head under water or whatever the fuck was in that sink.

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Tapes would probably have a bit more lasting impact if I lived in the States but still, some of the scenes in it generally had me frightened.

Especially the opener where the killer punched the little girl out, the scene with girl scouts and the first scene with Cheryl in the basement where he yelled at her and held her head under water or whatever the fuck was in that sink.

The scene where they interview the girl they found with the dead bodies and she'd been mentally tortured to the point where she loved him was the most terrifying scene in the movie to me. That was so well done. That movie was great.

Just finished watching Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. Not much to say except it was a very fun movie and a great way to spend 100 minutes. Perfectly ridiculous and over the top.

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Goodfellas. Fuck, that was good. I god damn love Joe Pesci.

Goodfellas is definitely one of my favorite films ever. Just so bloody wonderful.

Speaking of bloody wonderful, watched The Prestige for like the 10th time today. Nothing has ever made me so interested in magic, ever.

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