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My Name Is Joe - Heartbreaking. I thought the performances were excellent and really hit me hard; Peter Mullan in particular was outstanding. I might look more into Ken Loach stuff and I hopefully haven't seen his best film first, like I've done with a few other directors. It seems like he revists similar themes a lot looking at the synopsis for a few of his other films. Quite interested in checking out Peter Mullan's directional stuff, actually.

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Badlands - I thought there was a bit too much voiceover when there was opportunity to see some of the things Sissy Spacek's character was describing and I wasn't a big fan of her performance, but otherwise I thought it was great. Thought Martin Sheen was really on the money and his performance was really good. The whole thing's really nicely shot, too. I've been excited to watch a Terrence Malick film for a while now and I wasn't let down. Might try and watch the rest of his films in the order he made them because I'm interested in all of them. But yeah, not a long running time and it was constantly interesting and fun, even if the sound sync was a little distracting.

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I watched this German film called Die Welle. It's based on a short story that was later turned in to a novel called The Third Wave, which in turn were based upon a true story about a social experiment that a teacher conducted in 1967. The real life event involved a history teacher in Palo Alto, CA who was talking about the Holocaust during a World War II unit he was teaching. The students all seemed confused about how the Germans were so easily duped, and argued that that couldn't happen to them. The teacher decided to see if he could use fascist doctrine and do to his class what the Nazis did to their countrymen.

This version is updated to be around 2007 or so, and is set, of course, in Germany. Instead of being a history class, the school has what is called a "project week", with subjects such as Anarchy, Theocracy, and monarchy. The teacher that does the experiment is teaching the Autocracy project class, and somebody is rather blase about the fact that fascism could never again succeed in Germany.

I saw the original TV special called "The Wave" that was based upon the 1967 social experiment. The experiment itself is actually called The Third Wave in the real life story and the TV special because the teacher in question deliberately misstated the fisherman's myth that the ninth big wave in any series of waves during a storm would be the hardest hitting. I found that I preferred the German version to the American one, which is a rarity for me.

If you have Netflix, find it and watch it, it's well-done.

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Double Indemnity - Just brilliant. Billy Wilder's easily become of my favourite directors since I've been here; this equally as good as Some Like It Hot and The Apartment and better than The Lost Weekend. I've got Sunset Boulavard to watch next as well. A superbly written film with a bunch of interesting twists with really nice characters; Keys being my favourite with some cracking dialogue. Really dug it.

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Birdemic and Troll 2. 12/10 and 6/10, respectively. Birdemic was way more hilarious than Troll 2.

On my birthday, we did the same viewing habit and Troll 2 pretty much was made to look competent when watched after Birdemic. It was startling.

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Troll 2 is the more competent, well-filmed movie and stuff (what with having a major studio backing it) but god, Birdemic was so bad it was amazing. The first hour is like a badly done romance-slash-softcore-porno, then out of nowhere BIRDS ATTACK. I mean, just. what.

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King of Kong is a wonderful documentary. Billy Mitchell is one of my all time favorite heels. Someone get that man a contract.

Me and Mrs. TKz recently watched Indie Game: The Movie and Comic Con: Episode IV whatever the fuck it's called, the Comic Con documentary. Indie Game is great, you really get behind the Meatboy guys. The Fez dev not so much, but I think that's more because I know about all the stuff with him that isn't shown on the documentary. (re: he's kind of an arrogant jerk) Also the fun is kind of gone when you know about the patch problems with Fez post-launch.

Comic Con was good. It wasn't as strong as either of the previous ones, but I liked it plenty. I kind of felt it focused on too many people and only really found myself invested in the story of the Designer. And that was mostly because of the badass Grunt costume and my love of Mass Effect.

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Just been to see End of Watch and cant decide if I like it. I cant even say its average. There are some good bits and some really awful bits.

Also, off the top of my head its the best Jake Gyllenhal performance Ive seen.

Edited by ZJ Penn
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