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Sin City - ***1/2 (7.5/10)

From Robert Rodriguez, director of some of the most innovative action films of the past two decades, comes Sin City, a relentless tail of corruption, betrayal and heroism. Starring (although not exclusively featuring) Bruce Willis as police officer Hartigan, the film intertwines several of Frank Miller's graphic novels and is shot in a style that likens Miller's work. Using a combination of CG, colors and smart camera work, the film feels like it's straight out of a comic book without being one dimensional. I really enjoyed the performances in this film, especially when the material was a bit over the top. Bruce Willis and Clive Owen's characters come off as really relatable despite their obvious qualities, and Mickey Rourke's Marv shows some fascinating qualities against insurmountable odds. While the film's more salacious themes seem to make it a more male oriented movie, there's something for everyone (provided you're not prudish) here. Thumbs up.

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The Frighteners - 8.5/10

I really like this movie, it is up there with my favourites, Michael J. Fox is a great actor and the guy who plays the pyscho detective man is brilliant in this film. I recommend it to anyone.


Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - 9.5/10

The third best Star Wars movie behind Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Just awesome.

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer - ** (4/10)

Joss Whedon has said in interviews that he's learned a great deal about the movie business since making this pre-cursor to the cult hit television series "Buffy The Vampire Slayer". With his big screen directorial debut "Serenity" only four months away, let's hope so. This 1992 film was shot on a $7,000,000, most of which must have gone to the combined salaries of Luke Perry and Donald Sutherland, because none of that money can be seen reflected in the ludicrious action sequences. Kristy Swanson originates the role that Sarah Michelle Gellar would make famous 4 years later in Hollywood's bastardization of what, according to leaked versions that made its way online a couple of years ago, was a really good Joss Whedon screenplay. So bad was the version that finally made its way to the screen with director Fran Rebel Kuzui attached that when the story was finally adapted for the small screen, Whedon ignored it when writing the series and made references to plot points in the original screenplay that contradict this tripe. Even Donald Sutherland's work here isn't top shelf; I can't help but prefer Anthony Stewart Head's work later on as Rupert Giles. The only remotely bearable feature of this film are the few moments when the screenwriter's brilliance makes it past the studio buffs and this horrible mess looks just a bit better. There is nothing here that can't be found done considerably better on the TV series DVDs; only recommended to long standing Whedon fans feeling sentimental. Thumbs down.

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Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - 7/10

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - 8/10

Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi - 9/10

Star Wars Rating List

1) Revenge Of The Sith (9.5/10)

2) Return Of The Jedi (9/10)

3) The Empire Strikes Back (8/10)

4) A New Hope (7/10)

5) Phantom Menace (6/10)

6) Clone Wars (5.5/10)

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Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events - 7/10

The dark humor succeeds, the melodrama doesn't. Oh, and Jim Carrey is still awesome.


Chasing Amy - 8/10

There's a lot to like with Chasing Amy. It contains the best acting and dialogue of the "Jersey Trilogy" and the grown up attitude Smith takes about the themes of homosexuality and love is classy. Unfortunately, I found myself squirming a bit when rom-com cliches reared their ugly head (i.e. Affleck's middle act speech). But, despite my putred hatred of too much cliche, there's lots of things in Chasing Amy that easily makes up for the cliche bits, like say Jason Lee. A solid film; just one I feel isn't as good as Clerks.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty


Man on Fire

8.5/10 - Terrific movie, I felt I was going to enjoy it from the trailers etc, so I had high expectations but it still managed to do so, even the subtitles were badass. Denzel Washington is a double hard bastard too.

Edited by muddatrucker
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Full of mark-out moments. Too much CGI but better performances from all involved, much more "dark fairytale" than the previous two and much less politics but enough to make things very interesting.

The whole General Grevious angle didn't really work for me too much and they didn't really make it clear enough that he was at the core a living being, but still....

Getting towards the standard of the first three definitely, plenty of emotion, great story telling...


Surprisingly good. Only watched it cos it was on TV and I'd seen Fifth Element about a million times. Far too cheesy and patriotic to be taken seriously as far as I'm concerned but two great leads (Redford and Gandolfini) carried it through....

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Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith- 9/10 So much better then Episode 2 and 3. I had very expectations for it, and I think this movie exceeding them. Anakin's turn is bad ass.


Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones- 5.5/10 Definitley the worse out of the Star Wars movies. Still pretty decent though. This showed the beginning of Anakin's turn to the dark side, espically when he killed all the Tuscan Raiders.


Closer- 7/10 Pretty good, but also weird movie. I had no idea that it would involve so much sex, so that kind of caught me off guard. Clive Owen was so cool in this movie though. It'll be cool if hes the next Bond.

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Zoolander - 8/10

Another film high on my favourites list, has me in stitches in places still. The "Where'd all the file go?" comment from Owen Wilson always cracks me up and the bit when Ben Stiller throws the model of his center to the floor and shouts "What is this?! A center for ants!!" I love it, great film.

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