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In Woody Allens much-acclaimed romantic comedy Annie Hall, Allen sheds the clownpaint of his previous screen persona and bares himself as Manhattanite Alvy Singer who wears his psyche like a wound oozing through his sleeve. Alvy has loved and lost Annie Hall, a reticent midwestern girl who evolves through the long course of their relationship into a mature, self-confident woman. Does Alvy change? Has he ever changed? He attempts in retrospect to dissect the experience to understand it, understand Annie, and ultimately (and continuously) himself.

Woody Allen takes us inside his head as he explores, for himself, his own neuroses. But we are only bystanders - if any one of us could actually answer his question "Where did I go wrong?", he'd find a way to prove our theories wrong. It's how he is. It's how Alvy Singer is.

If you only own one Woody Allen movie, this should be it, as it is the crystallization of the essence of what is best about a "Woody Allen" film.Annie Hall is a perfect love story, a perfect comedy, a perfectly hilarious introspection, AND we come away with too much information to sort out our own lives - ever again. "O, well, la-de-da, la-de-da...."


Edited by Laice_
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The Devil's Rejects


A lot better then 1,000 Corpses and Captain Spaulding just kicks all kinds of ass. Dissapointing ending though as it seemed to be going for a Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid ending but came off as more of a "ran out of money" way to end it.

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The Wedding Crashers - 8/10

Like I really need to explain why. Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson are the funniest comedic actors working today. Alot of this is schtick humour, but because Vaughn and Wilson (along with a supporting cast that includes Rachel McAdams, Isla Fisher, Christopher Walken and Will Ferrell) are delivering it, it works in spades. This is what Anchorman could have been if it were R-rated. Thumbs way up.

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Fantastic 4 - 9/10

I want a sequel. Now.

.. I want you to die. Now. Fantastic Four sucked ass.

How was it that much different from the other comic book conversions everyone praised?

Funny one liners? Check.

Good character acting? Check.

The comic book story pretty closely covered? Check.

Generally entertaining and doesn't have a stop moment for a break? Check.

Seriously, what is with people hating on this film? As far as I'm concerned it's better than any other Marvel movie so far barring the original Spiderman.

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The Haunted Mansion - 4/10

I need to stop watching every movie the family rents...

I just noticed today that I've only seen 24 of IMDB's top 250 films list. With that in mind, I might have some films to catch up on...

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The Devil's Rejects: 8/10

This is a great movie. The ending I wasn't too fond of because of the way it ended, but certainly, Rob Zombie has quite the future in directing if this film is any indication of his abilities as a director. My friends and I got a free ticket to go see another movie because they had some problems with it before we saw the ending.


Wedding Crashers: 8/10

A brilliant movie, with all the actors/actresses in the movie are hilarious. Wilson and Vaughn are great together and it shows off in this movie. Ferrell's appearance is pretty good too, to boot.

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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy - 6/10

Although it's a disappointing adaptation of the Douglas Adams novel that was so consistently witty, there are brief moments of brilliance in the early moments, and the visuals towards the end are absolutely breathtaking. Bill Nighy and Alan Rickman contribute greatly to the film in their small roles, but the rest of the cast, save Martin Freeman, seem a little uninspired. This is especially true for Mos Def, who, when compared to his more recent performances in films like The Woodsman and Something the Lord Made, seems out of his element. Of course the original material, even when poorly adapted, holds up reasonably well and makes this a very worthy viewing for fans of the novel, although I don't think there is too much to be both understood and enjoyed by non-fans. A marginal thumbs up.

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Of course the original material, even when poorly adapted, holds up reasonably well and makes this a very worthy viewing for fans of the novel, although I don't think there is too much to be both understood and enjoyed by non-fans. A marginal thumbs up.

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Heat - 9.5/10

THE crime epic. Better than Godfather, better than Scarface, better than Pulp Fiction, this is the crime drama that everybody's always drooling over. Fantastic acting from this all star cast, an incredible depth and realism that Michael Mann brought to the film, and of course, the single greatest shoot out scene ever. Anybody who has yet to watch this definately needs to, if only to watch the first, and thus far only time both Pacino and DeNiro have shared a scene.

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