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The Phantom of The Opera: 7/10

Posession: 6.5/10

Love Story: 7/10

Toy Story: 8/10

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The Devil's Advocate:

One of my favourite movies still. Keanu Reeves actually manages to act in this one, and it's wonderfully atmospheric as well. 8.5/10

Ed Wood:

Love this movie, as I do with most everything Jonny Depp does. If you've not seen this brilliant tribute to history's worst director, you really should. 8/10

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Red Eye - 6/10

It was a great film leading up to the final scene, I'd say around a 7 or 8, but the final thirty or so minutes didn't do the film justice at all. Some great acting in the early going, and a great plot, but it turned into a letdown by the end.

The Butterfly Effect - 7/10

Finally saw this last night, but only after reading everybody's opinions here, and I thought it would be one of the worst films ever from what I'd read. Turns out it wasn't, and I enjoyed things thoroughly.

Team America: World Police - 9/10

Awesome comedy. I love this film so damn much. Whipped out the DVD a couple of days back and cried from laughter yet again.

Battle Royale - 8/10

Arrived on DVD a few weeks back, and having already saw the film ages ago, I knew exactly what to expect. An incredible film. Due to some minor annoyances it got bumped down to an 8/10 rating, but even with them it's still one of my all-time favourites.

The Wedding Crashers - 7/10

I liked it. It's not a great comedy, but it was good enough to entertain me, and that's all that counts really :P.

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The Exorcism of Emily Rose - 7/10

Rarely do films ever seem to depict something from two different angles in an intelligent manner. It's even rarer (probably even nonexistant) in the genre of horror. Most horror has been of the variety that either goes for good B-movie frills (Cabin Fever) or just generically copy off the genre for a quick buck (well, name any of the other horror features that came out recently other than this one). But there's something much smarter in this portrayal in The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Instead of merely providing cheap jump-out-of-your-seat frills, it backs the things up with a logical explanation from both the supernatural side and the skeptical side.

There's also some rather solid acting from actors that are actually talented like Laura Linney, Campbell Scott, and Tom Wilkinson. And even the odd horror moments do have their effect. They are rather freaky and will achieve the goal of popcorn horror. Yet the fascination is the much more polished thing in this feature. And any film that can get me discussing the idea of exorcism, religion, and skepticism is a film that has succeeded at its goal. Finally, Screen Gems delivers its first good feature since Snatch. And it's about damn time!

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Guest John Kerry's Evil Twin

The 40-Year-Old Virgin: 10/10. I absolutely loved this movie. At first glance it seems like American Pie aged twenty years, but this film actually has something to say other than "ha ha he just humped a pie" or "check out these gazombas." The best part is that I identified with the main character so much. No, I never inadvertently kicked a girl in the face when she was sucking my toes, nor did I ever get my chest waxed and swear at the waxer.

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Land Of The Dead - 5/10

An incredibly poor storyline, and an even worse ending that makes 0.1% sense when related to what has already happened in the film. I gave it 5 marks for the awesome kills it contained. Because they were that awesome.

Of Mice and Men (1992 version) - 5/10

Some good acting from that guy who played George (whose name I should really fucking know, curse my soul), but Lennie was never actually depicted as a RETARD in the book, and that took away from my enjoyment significantly.

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Scarface - 6/10

I really wanna know what's so great about this film. I mean, after and hour and a half, i was looking at the clock to see how much was left. It just dragged on, and ON! The acting was average, nothing special from anyone in it at all, and Al Pacino's accent made me wanna break something it was so bloody annoying.

Ok, so I went into the film expecting shit loads of bullets flying all over the place, and only got it a few times, but I like a film with a really good story, and Scarface didn't have it at all. It was decent at best, and I really wanna know how it gets into the top ten of pretty much every "greatest films" list.

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