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Brutal, to the point and I was entertained. What more can I ask? Oh, a brief nude scene with Maria Bello.

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Serenity - 10/10

First of; best film of the year, and second of all, best film in the sci-fi genre since the original Star Wars Trilogy, and personally, I prefer this. Better camera work, better dialogue, better story, better acting, simply put, just plain better. The film left me wanting more by the end of it, and very few films have that big of an effect on me. It all fits together perfectly, all the different genre's (comedy, horror to name two) in the film are put together in one and come across as though it's suppose to be like that. Shit, I even cried a few times because of how well certain scenes were done.

Honestly can't give this film enough praise. I plan on seeing, god knows how many more times at the cinema over the next couple of days/weeks, but I honestly recommend this film to anyone. You don't need to know jack about the TV show, and you don't even need to like or know anything about the sci-fi genre.

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Corpse Bride - 4/10

It's hard to believe Tim Burton's gotten this lazy. In his new overrated stop-motion animation feature Corpse Bride, Burton focuses far too much on production and far too little on anything else that makes a movie interesting, like you know plot or interest. Or even making musical numbers that aren't cringe-worthy. And the biggest fault in all of this is that I know Mr. Burton can do much better. Sorry, but comparing this in quality to Nightmare Before Christmas is a shame. Hell, even comparing this in quality to Titan A.E. would be undermining that flick.

In short: Fuck you, Tim Burton.

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Serenity 8/10

Great film, good acting, great story and script, well put together, excellent visuals. It's only not getting a higher rating because it wasn't quite engaging enough across the two hours, but I may appreciate it more if I'd have seen the TV show (which I wanna see now). Still, a very good film, thats a must for any sci-fi fan, and a 'try and see if you can' to anyone that isn't normally a sci-fi fan.

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Rating: 9.5/10

The best movie this year, hands down. I saw this yesterday, and I can't think of the last movie that left a mark like this one did. Fantastic characters, awesome story, funny dialogue, and just an overall "coolness" that is missing from movies today. Despite the rampant fanboy/anti-fanboyism all over the internet, this movie is phenomenal. If you haven't seen it, you suck at life.

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The Deer Hunter - 8.5/10

Michael Cimino's one truly great movie before his shat his career away, this pivotal, controversial three (plus) hour long 1978 classic brings forth a variety of fantastic performances from the likes of Robert DeNiro, Christopher Walken, Meryl Streep, John Cazale, and John Savage. The movie deals with three friends (DeNiro/Walken/Savage), their stay in Vietnam (where they were ultimately captured as forced to play a vicious game of Russian Roulette in one of the most intense scenes I have scene in quite a long time) and the effects that the war has on them. The movie is a character movie at it's best, and the incredible performances combine with the enjoyable score and the great scener that the three plus hours seem to go by like nothing. Not wanting to give away anything else, just know that if you consider yourself a fan of great character movies, a fan of DeNiro/Walken, or just a general fan of great movies, then this is definately for you.


Spartan - 6/10

An honest attempt from David Mamet, but it is ultimately drowned in confusing editting, cheesy cliche's, and a mediocre, at best, performance from the lead, Val Kilmer. Spartan deals with the investigation into the kidnapping and selling of a high-ranking government official into an international sex ring, offering many twists and turns along the way. The movie itself, in my opinion, doesn't really pick up until the second act, and when it does it doesn't let go until the very end, but even then it isn't really enough to make up for the first act.

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The Cannonball Run 2: 7.5/10

A fun movie, a little slow sometimes during character development and a little wackily random but still, fun. The big fight scene had me laughing due to suicide dives by 'him'.

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Child's Play 3: Chucky is back in the third installment of the horror series. Not as good as the first, but definetly better than the other three. An awesome movie by today's horror movie standards, let alone back in 1990. And De Silva. She's one badass bitch. 8/10

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High Tension

Rating - 6/10

Oh how great this movie could have been if it weren't for the atrocious, hackneyed, trite, huge gaping plot hole ending. Other than that though, the violence, intensity, and thrills are all there and in all honesty, are perfect. Again, if it weren't for the ending, this movie would have easily got a 9 in my book. Great horror though.


The Machinist

Rating - 7.5/10

Makes you think you're going one place and then takes you to an entirely different place. Definitely worth a rental just because Bale is absolutely fucking creepy. He looks like he's dying, he probably was dying with how much weight he lost. Very interesting movie, nothing spectacular, but check it out.

The Aristocrats

Rating - 9/10

Couldn't find a picture for this one, but I don't really need it. Also, this is a hard movie to rate since it's not really a movie. Fuck it, just go see this fucking thing, it's fucking filthy and fucking hilarious.

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The Warriors


Maybe it's overhyped, I didn't think it was as great as everyone says. :ohwell:

Edited by Queer Eye For The Pirate Guy
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