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SmackDown vs. Raw 2008

Riceman 4K

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The reason No mercy still standing strong today imo is the level of customizing you can do. I mean with a little work you can play with updated rosters , arenas and movesets.

if the smackdown series had the ability to edit the original superstar's attires it would be a lot better

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Guest digrind

The reason No mercy still standing strong today imo is the level of customizing you can do. I mean with a little work you can play with updated rosters , arenas and movesets.

if the smackdown series had the ability to edit the original superstar's attires it would be a lot better

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The reason No mercy still standing strong today imo is the level of customizing you can do. I mean with a little work you can play with updated rosters , arenas and movesets.

if the smackdown series had the ability to edit the original superstar's attires it would be a lot better

I assume you're talking about hacking the game because you can't edit arenas and movesets in No Mercy. You can edit names and appearances, but not editing pre-existing movesets just didn't make any sense.

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yeah that's what I meant. sorry bout that. I agree it's weird how you you couldn't edit superstars movelsits. That's one thing I hate bout newer games they are harder to hack. probably the greatest hack for No mercy was the ability to hack any movelists you wanted for the superstars.

back on the subject of svr08.

I like the idea for the submissions , but I'm worried about the fighting styles. I don't think they should restrict what moves can be done. no matter what style you pick you should still be able to pick from every move. Sure this will make it easier for lamers who like to give super heavyweights ssp's and etc to cause havoc online. but for me thats not a problem I just won't play against the fucktoids ;)

With them mentioning redoing the animations. I suspect a lot of moves will taken out. In a perfect world they'd add in all the moves from the previous games that were removed and re animate them , but that won't happen.

and WWE will never allow the main stars to be editable in the smackdown series. if they did that people wouldn't have to buy the newer versions of the game, they could simply update their game to their liking. that will mena less money for the THQ and WWE

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Hopefully they fix the online. I hated SvR 07's online. Everyone creates a CAW as a superheavyweight just so they can bump up they're stats. Also people would edit real wrestlers like Khali and give him Hogan's Drop or Shooting Star Presses. I hate hate hate hate SvR online.

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Definatly needs a more dynamic season mode. Get a shot at the tag title with Rey Mysterio..lost and got traded to Raw...which I didn't want to do so I reloaded my save. This time, won the tag titles with Rey Mysterio and...still got traded to Raw. I've barely played the game since, and that was a few months ago

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Guest digrind

Definatly needs a more dynamic season mode. Get a shot at the tag title with Rey Mysterio..lost and got traded to Raw...which I didn't want to do so I reloaded my save. This time, won the tag titles with Rey Mysterio and...still got traded to Raw. I've barely played the game since, and that was a few months ago
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I wouldn't mind seeing a couple of more moves incorporated with chairs and other weapons. It seems that they've been using the same two (and three in RVD's case) moves for chairs since they introduced them (well, when they introduced them to actually make a nice impact).

Plus, it seemed to me that they also took out a few chair shot moves. I remember being able to do a grapple chair shot, and the wrestler would smash the opponent in the stomach with the chair and then blast him over head with the chair. It made a great visual if it caused a guy to bleed.

I want to see some pillmanizing, pillmanizing on the neck, a variety of chair shots on the head, pile drivers on the chair, the drop toe hold on to the chair, and others. I don't see why this would be difficult for THQ considering the power of the next gen consoles.

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I really want to see them create a realistic chain wrestling system. It's been done in Wrestle Kingdom, ASPW, and a bit in DoR, but Smackdown has never touched that. Now that they are trying to become more realistic I hope they try and do this. It would make the beginning of a match much more realistic than hitting a DDT or a kick to the gut right off the bat.

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No Mercy's season mode was great because your path should change if you lose matches. It doesn't make sense to get the exact same story whether you lose a match or win a match. That annoyed me extremely about SDVR. Hell, even the DOR system, where you had to win a match to continue, pissed me off less, because at least the linear nature was logical that way. Having to win to continue to get a boring, linear story makes more sense then a linear story where you get the same amount of forward momentum even if you lose 4 straight matches.

And what the hell do you mean, Dragsy, by you want "more then a graphical upgrade and a new control system"? What more could be done to change the game then overhauling the graphics and implimenting a new control system? They're not going to make WWE: The Musical where we all play with guitar hero controllers and try to do a burlesque show. WWE is going to continue to do nothing but small updates because people are stupid and will continue to buy them. There's no reason to reinvent the wheel because everyone else is still crawling.

Edited by SeanDMan
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You can block the same as you can on the ground; block once, three shots, suplex.

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There's a video up showcasing some of the fighting styles. I've got to say I like some of the ideas. Being able to shove the ref into your opponent makes sense and is a cool addition. I'm also interested in if you can do other things after you put someones head on a chair other than another chair shot. The Powerhouse style looks like its moves kind of suck.

Time to get what I loved though, the High Flyer fighting style. Special flying attacks that actually connect like moves off of the top rope(ie:not just knocking them down like a strike attack)? Awesome. I love the addition of a Springboard Hurricanrana and Sabu's Springboard Leg Lariat aswell. I'm hoping that means he's in the game.

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And what the hell do you mean, Dragsy, by you want "more then a graphical upgrade and a new control system"? What more could be done to change the game then overhauling the graphics and implimenting a new control system? They're not going to make WWE: The Musical where we all play with guitar hero controllers and try to do a burlesque show. WWE is going to continue to do nothing but small updates because people are stupid and will continue to buy them. There's no reason to reinvent the wheel because everyone else is still crawling.
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The most important thing for me would have to be a friggin' overhaul of the entire CAW system. I mean, there's things in there for costumes and stuff that nobody is ever going to use, take that out, put in some useful stuff and more moves. I find myself almost entirely unable to play with anything but a CAW in recent editions of the series.

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Yeah, they definitely need new/more serious stuff for CAWS. the body and face stuff is excellent, but they need more hair (and greater flexibility, like on SD2, when you could add fringes and longer pieces at the back), less of the fucking flowery patterns and more actual gear. And I hate the way the texture just pastes onto the clothing. You should be able to select specific bits or something, rotate it, change each individual colour in the pattern etc. And what's wrong with putting kneedpads over baggy jeans? >_>

Oh, and any move should be able to be modified so it incurs finisher-level damage.

Edited by Dragsy 7-0
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Agreed. I've been waiting years to be able to knock someone the fuck out with an arm drag.

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