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Amir Sadollah continues to have his first fight since winning the Ultimate Fighter cancelled. For the second time he has to pull out of a fight due to an injury. He was supposed to face the debuting Nick Catone at UFC 91 but a leg infection stopped that. So it got rescheduled for Fight Night 17 (February 7) but now he has a broken clavicle.

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I think they've been advertising it on Bravo, but I've not seen anything in a while. It'll probably be on a Wednesday/Thursday if their TNA and old UFC coverage is anything to go by.

EDIT: Should've just checked my Sky Guide. It's on tomorrow at 9.

Edited by -A-
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I am watching on this on my computer in the living room. Spoilers just in case.

Bobby Evans vs. Dan Lauzon

Bobby Evans and the nutshots were awful. Although I think Lauzon did do some faking there on one of them. Still a good job to finish the fight and nice try at the triangle too.

Baby Fedor time!

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Yes, please keep any spoilers in tags. My thoughts on that first fight:

One of the most exciting rounds of MMA I've seen in a while. It was starting to look bush league by the third stoppage, but Lauzon did good for himself in pulling out the win.
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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Buentello vs. Sidikinov

Well I guess that's the end of the Baby Fedor hype machine. Not that Buentello's a slouch, but if you can't get past him, you're not anywhere near the upper echelon - and that one wasn't even close. Buentello won in a landslide.
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Paul Buentello vs. Kiril Sidikinov

Yeah, I agree MPH. Fucking Bunetello just absolutely tooled him the entire fight. Paul looked good out there and has been on a streak as of late. Kiril is only 20 so he has plenty of time to get himself back.
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Paul Buentello vs. Kiril Sidikinov

I thought Buentello looked very crisp tonight. My first time seeing Kiril fight, but my god what a chin.


Hooray for Babalu!!!!

Now, let's go Arlovski!!!!!!

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Sobral vs. Sokoudjou

It's like an entire night of overrated guys losing to slightly-above-average veterans. Guess that stops here though, Barnett and Fedor should both win easily.

My main gripe with tonight's show has been the constant involvement of referees - they've been right to get involved, but it makes Affliction look second-class when their fighters are trying all this illegal stuff that UFC fighters don't do as often.

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