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Bout contracts as signed state-by-state, so you couldn't sign a contract for Nevada and fight in California. He would have probably had to agree and then the CSAC uphold the agreement or sign a fresh one. Regardless, as you said this has been known for weeks. I wish the UFC would force the drug test.

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Whatever, it's Sean Sherk, it's not like we are going to be missing out on a great fight or anything.

Just curious, what do you not like about Sherk's fights? He can both wrestle and stand and never hesitates to give his all in fights. At times he can become sloppy, but he makes up for it by continuing to press. Even with 5 or his last 7 fights (just looking at his current UFC run) going to the scorecards the guy still has an excitement factor that keeps you glued to the screen. (My opinion on him).

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Just a couple of random things (that any Sherdog reader could pick up) that I felt worth mentioning:

-Nogueira said he would like to fight Mir again in his next fight, hopefully as soon as December.

-Sean Salmon apparently threw his last fight as a way to remain in his camp. He has issued a statement saying his words were misinterpreted, but the verdict is open.

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So Rampage is supposedly out of UFC 107 which is why Penn/Sanchez will be on instead. Good or bad?

It's terrible. Rampage loses to Forrest and goes off the deep end. He seemingly gets his shit together and comes back, looks pretty good, does the Ultimate Fighter, and now he's putting MMA on the backburner so he can play Mr T in a movie? Maybe there's nothing wrong with him, and I'm just looking into this too much... but maybe Jackson never fully recovered mentally or emotionally from the loss to Forrest.

Quinton Jackson is contracted to the UFC. The fact that he's allowed to do outside projects at all is a bonus, because they don't even have to give the fighters that freedom. To get involved in something that takes place at the same time as a fight that you knew about, is just disrespectful, or stupid, or both.

If Dana allows Rampage to do the A-Team movie and push back the fight with Rashad, it's strictly a business decision, as having one of their fighters in a major role in a major motion picture is great publicity. Don't expect White to do him any favors though. Rampage put him in a tough spot, and Dana doesn't take kindly to those things.

Bad move by Jackson. Potentially a win/win situation for the UFC though.

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I haven't heard any news about this being pushed back, however, Penn/Sanchez was lined up for December. As for what Gabriel wrote - Rampage and Dana have a very good relationship and I'm sure there is no backlash if any of this is the case as they would have been in the know.

Edit: Just read the report on 411. I'll see where this goes, but I don't expect any sort of backlash from Dana. Especially if this happens for jan. 2 - the New Year's card. That card currently has ZERO main event possibilities. Brock/BJ are booked, Anderson/GSP injured, which leaves Lyoto who would have to win in October and come back without any break to make that card. Not only that, but they were planning to do a UFC Primetime on Rampage/Rashad which with Penn/Sanchez and the inevitable Mir/Nogueira II in December would have made that next to impossible as it wouldn't be the main event.

I'd almost look at this like the UFC needed a big main event for that card, along with the UFC Primetime focused around that fight. But we'll see.

Also, Ross Clifton (lost to Shamrock in Feb.) was found dead of apparent heart attack, 32.

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Oh yeah, I'm well aware of their personal relationship... but this is business, and Dana White is a businessman.

Rampage knew he had a fight with Rashad lined up. He knew it was all but guaranteed to take place in December because of the show being in Memphis... and he still went out and did this.

The situation just shows that Jackson's top priority isn't Mixed Martial Arts, and it's bad for business to showcase guys who aren't putting it first. He won't get blackballed or anything, but I highly doubt he would get a title shot any time soon.

I've never seen Clifton fight, but I've seen pictures of him, and putting that much stress on your body when you're that large can't possibly be healthy. Guy was a super heavyweight, and none of it was muscle. Makes me wonder if some of the other larger fighters might want to consider their health here. I can only imagine that the strain on his heart and other organs was just immense. It's a sad story.

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It was in the most recent Observer that Rampage/Rashad was pushed back and the whole reason Penn/Diego was booked for that show was in case that happened.

That's all well and good that they can play it off, but Penn/Sanchez was always booked for this time period. Initial thought was this would be ME for Network Deal, which Dana had a meeting for this past Monday; I believe it was 1 day after that they made this fight for December. So I wouldn't go as far as saying this was specifically placed because Rampage/Rashad is moving... I'd go more along the lines of making the fight for the time period it was supposed to be one since there won't be a TV deal.

Rampage knew he had a fight with Rashad lined up. He knew it was all but guaranteed to take place in December because of the show being in Memphis... and he still went out and did this.

The situation just shows that Jackson's top priority isn't Mixed Martial Arts, and it's bad for business to showcase guys who aren't putting it first. He won't get blackballed or anything, but I highly doubt he would get a title shot any time soon.

Because he took a movie role? Rampage has always been about making money and he's acted in movies previous to this. Getting a large role in a major motion picture was probably a dream and I'm not going to get mad or fault him for that. And if Rampage beats Rashad he will get the next title shot against Lyoto unless he dodges him, this will not effect that in the slightest. And their personal relationship will take precedent over this, as I'm am 100% sure Dana knew about this movie role... if you think he was blindsided by ANY of this proceeding then that's just being naive.

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Not because he took a movie role, Biggz. I know he's been in films before, and that's a major selling point of Rampage Jackson, is that he can draw attention by being a mainstream star as well. It's because he took a role in a movie that requires him to delay or outright drop a fight that's been pencilled in for however many months now, and a fight that the 10th season of the Ultimate Fighter was supposed to promote.

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Director Steven Soderbergh has committed to next direct “Knockout,” a spy thriller that will mark the screen starring debut of Gina Carano, the mixed martial arts circuit fighter.

Well... I think this one was only a matter of time.

MMA star by night, spy by later night? I could realistically see that being the plot given the title.

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You know, its quite possible that Rampage may make (or stand to make, depending on his contract for the film) more money from playing Mr T than he would make fighting Rashad. And to me, that's a no-brainer. Now, if it were a title fight he was passing up, that would be an altogether different story.

And Rampage is hands down my favorite UFC fighter, so I'm not thrilled about him not fighting at UFC 107, but I certainly understand why he isn't.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

So what's the best website to use for MMA news?

I've been getting everything from the Observer out of habit, but aside from the really big stories, they'll wait until the next week's newsletter to put it in. MMA Junkie, MMA Weekly, Sherdog...which of those is best? Or is another site better? I'm looking for something that will give me all the news for the major companies, maybe the minor ones as well...don't care too much about opinion/analysis, and don't want pop-ups.

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I go to various websites, except I boycott MMAJunkie for plagiarizing (not sure how much it happens these days, but they were busted for it in the past and I lost all respect for that site).

Excellent article: http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2009/9/7/1011618/bloody-elbow-judo-chop-randy

If the first 10 minutes of TUF10 are what the whole season is going to be like... oh my god, yes!

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