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World Wrestling Federation 1996


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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: May 17, 1996

Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin

We're just two days away from In Your House and on that night we're going to witness the most violent match in WWF history as Shawn Michaels steps into the ring with Kevin Nash in a Last Man Standing match. Tonight both Michaels and Nash are going to be in Green Bay and you have got to wonder what's going to happen when these heated rivals go face to face.

In the main event we're going to see a huge six men tag team match up take place, It'll be Ultimate Warrior, Undertaker and Bret Hart teaming up to face Owen Hart, Jeff Jarrett and Vader! This is a huge six men tag match that will no doubt have alot to say about the outcome of In Your House.

Matches for Friday Night Mayhem

Scott Taylor has to face Rick Martel this Sunday night but tonight he faces Hakushi. Can the cocky young superstar come out with a win and remain undefeated or will Hakushi pull off the upset?

The team of Sean Waltman and Al Snow face the Smoking Gunns for the WWF Tag Team Championship. As of late the Gunns have being having problems with Snow, Waltman and Austin of The Corporation. Tonight it's their chance to get even with the titles on the line!

Hunter Hearst Helmsley goes one on one with Alex Porteau. Sunday night Helmsley faces the returning Ahmed Johnson. Tonight can Helmsley put away Porteau?

D'lo Brown goes on one one with Goldust, Can the former Intercontinental Champion beat one of the brightest superstars in WWF history?

Plus the big six men tag team match!

And Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels, Bob Holly are all scheduled to show up and much more!

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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: May 17, 1996

Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin

Attendance: 10,031

Ticket Sales: $401,240

Announcers: Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect

Friday Night Mayhem opens up with it's regular video package and then we're taken inside the arena where pyro shoots off. We're taken to the announce position where Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect are standing by. They hype up tonight's main event of Undertaker, Bret Hart and Ultimate Warrior taking on Jeff Jarrett, Owen Hart and Vader in six men action!

Scott Taylor Vs. Hakushi

Rick Martel is shown watching this one from the back. Mr. Perfect mentioned that Sunday night it'll be the battle of two men who are undefeated. Rick Martel and Scott Taylor. Both men had a good match up with tons of high risk moves being involved so hopefully the WWF is serious about starting up a light heavyweight division. With Chavo Guerrero Jr. come in soon we can expect some great matches between him and Scott Taylor. Taylor had control for most of the match ever since he caught Hakushi with a sit out powerbomb. Taylor got several close near falls on the Japanese superstar but Hakushi kept kicking out. Hakushi was soon able to catch Taylor with a hurricanrana! Hakushi hit Taylor with his usual maneuvers and tossed Taylor out to the floor where Hakushi hit a big asai moonsault to Taylor. Hakushi put Taylor back into the ring and headed up top! Hakushi went for a senton bomb but Taylor moved out of the way and Hakushi hit the canvas! Taylor then came off the top with his flying DDT to Hakushi and scored the win! Afterwards, Taylor posed as the announcers mentioned that Rick Martel is standing by!

79, 76, 100 ****1\2

Interview with Rick Martel

We're taken backstage where we see Rick Martel standing by.

Rick Martel- Scott Taylor I watched you out there and kid I have got to tell you that I am impressed with your skills. You're a great talented young wrestler. But the fact is that you're just a rookie Taylor! You're nothing for me to worry about! So what? You had a few wins and like myself, You're undefeated! But Taylor I have won titles all over the world. I was a huge superstar until the morons decided to make me "the model". Scott Taylor you're young and inexperienced and Sunday night that's what's going to make you the loser. I seen your matches. You're impressive but you're not me. You're not Rick Martel! I came back to the World Wrestling Federation to prove that I still had something left. And so far everyone that has gotten in my way has lost! You will be no different. This Sunday night what I plan to do is to lock you into the Québec Crab and make you squeal! I will walk out with my hand raised high! And after I'm done with you, I'm going on to bigger and better things! Rick Martel is here to go right to the top of the World Wrestling Federation! And you're the next victim!



Interview with Al Snow, Sean Waltman and Ted DiBiase

We return from the commercial break with Todd Pettengill standing by with Al Snow, Sean Waltman and their manager Ted DiBiase.

Todd Pettengill- Tonight it's the chance of a lifetime for Al Snow and Sean Waltman. You two men face the Smoking Gunns for the WWF Tag Team Championship. And will you two become the champions when the night is over?

Ted DiBiase- *laughs* Todd Pettengill I'm in a good mood tonight. Know why? Because tonight we're going to get some gold! Tonight The Corporation will get some gold around our rich waists! Tonight it's time for Al Snow and Sean Waltman to become the new World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions! Tonight Al Snow and Sean Waltman will beat the Smoking Gunns and prove to whole world that they are the best wrestlers in the entire world. Tonight when it's all over with, Snow and Waltman are going to be your new tag team champions!

Todd Pettengill- Well as of late Snow, Waltman and Steve Austin have been jumping the Smoking Gunns and beating them down. Is Steve Austin is here tonight?

Ted DiBiase- No Pettengill, Austin is not here tonight. I let him stay in one of my many houses. Right now I'm sure he's watching this on the big screen TV as we speak! *laughs* Steve Austin is enjoying a life of luxury like only the million dollar man can provide!

Al Snow- The Smoking Gunns have what we want, The WWF Tag Team Championship. It's quite simple Todd Pettengill. The Corporation wants the tag team championship! And we always get what we want! Tonight we're going to get those titles where it belongs. Sean Waltman and myself are willing to do everything it takes to become the new champions. One of the Smoking Gunns will get locked into the Million Dollar Dream and tap out!

Sean Waltman- You know, I been a former tag team champion twice. Once with that loser Marty Jannetty and once with that other loser Bob Holly. And all those times we were champs because of me. But tonight I have Al Snow as a partner. One of the best stars in The Corporation. And tonight we're going to be walking out with the titles. There's no better team to represent The Corporation than Al Snow and myself!

Ted DiBiase- *laughing* And remember we always get what we want. Tonight Snow and Waltman are going to be the new champs!

Todd Pettengill- Fans lets take you to the ring for this huge tag team championship affair!


World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Smoking Gunns© Vs. Al Snow and Sean Waltman with Ted DiBiase

Snow and Waltman made the champs look pretty good here. Snow and Waltman's heat with the fans have been great this year and these two men will no doubt be a big part of the future of the WWF. Especially Waltman who's only 23 years old. Al Snow and Sean Waltman isolated Billy Gunn early on and double teamed the younger Gunn brother. DiBiase distracted the referee a couple times allowing Waltman and Snow to do a number on Billy! Snow even beat Billy down on the floor! Billy was finally able to make the tag to his brother Bart after delivering a big time close to both Waltman and Snow taking them out! Bart came into the ring and started taking out everyone in his way! Bart back dropped Waltman high in the air while Billy gave Snow some right hands! Billy ended up with Snow out on the floor leaving Bart and Waltman inside the ring. Waltman went for the Six Kick but Bart ducked and hit Waltman with the Forearm Short! Bart covered but Steve Austin came running down from the back and broke up the count causing a disqualification! Austin and Waltman put the boots to Bart! Billy came into the ring but Snow stopped him and beat him down! The Corporation was doing a number on the Smoking Gunns until "The Wildman" Marc Mero came running down from the back with a steel chair! Mero quickly chased away The Corporation. Mero helped the Smoking Gunns up and they dared The Corporation to get some now! Ted DiBiase and his group chose to head to the back!

77, 84, 89 ***3/4


Bob Holly tries to get some payback!

We return from the commercial break with Bob Holly making his way down to the ring to a good pop from the crowd. Bob Holly asks for a microphone as Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect wonder what he wants to say.

Bob Holly- You know I stood here a few weeks ago and asked Clarence Mason to leave Shawn Stasiak alone. I thought alot of Stasiak. He seemed like a good kid. I thought he would go far but in the end he stabbed me in the back and joined Clarence Mason. Shawn Stasiak you beat me down like I was a dog. Now it's payback time! So get your butt down here and let me kick it all over Green Bay! After I'm done with you, Every time you look at that mirror Mason likes to carry all you'll see is your body being black and blue! Come on!

Shawn Stasiak's music hits the arena (Lex Luger's old narcissist theme) and out comes Shawn Stasiak and Clarence Mason. They get inside the ring as Bob Holly looks on.

Clarence Mason- Now Bob Holly you want to beat up my client? You want to leave him black and blue? That ain't going to work my friend. This body can't be no black and blue when he posing for all the ladies! Now I know you're mad about getting beat up by my man here but all that was a message. Bob Holly look at you. You ain't nothing. But join us. Join Clarence Mason and Shawn Stasiak and you'll be something. You'll be a superstar. You'll be something not a loser like these people! You've had a cup of coffee in the spotlight now it's time for you to have the whole mug of coffee in the spotlight! With me and Stasiak backing you up, You'll be a champion very soon. I'm doing alot of things for this man's career. You'll be a huge star. Come on Bob! Look at these fans! They don't are about you like Clarence Mason does!

Shawn Stasiak- Bob I used to be like you, Always wanting to please these fans. But I learned that when you're in the World Wrestling Federation that the only person you have to look out for is yourself! These fans aren't the ones who give you titles at the end of the day. You want to be superstar like me? Then dump the fans and you'll be something!

Bob Holly- Bob Holly is a man of the people and I'll never dump them! Now it's time for me to kick your pretty ass!

Bob Holly nails Stasiak with a right hand! Holly sends Stasiak for the ride and back drops Stasiak! Mason sneaks up on Holly with a low blow! Holly then walks right into the Stasiak Drop! Stasiak and Mason put the boots to Bob Holly! Stasiak lifts Holly back up and delivers another Stasiak Drop to Holly! The fans boo as Stasiak's music plays. Mason and Stasiak head to the back as we go to commercial break.


Shawn Stasiak gained overness from this segment.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Alex Porteau

Hunter Hearst Helmsley basically squashed Porteau here. The announcers hyped Ahmed Johnson's return this Sunday night as he faces Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Porteau had a few moments in this match but Helmsley kept outsmarting him. Helmsley worked over Porteau's back but he couldn't put the rookie away. Helmsley ended up going for the Pedigree but Porteau countered into a catapult sending Helmsley to the turnbuckle! Porteau fought back hitting Helmsley with a few clotheslines a big atomic drop and a back suplex for 2. Porteau headed up top and went for his bulldog but Helmsley caught Porteau coming off the top with a sidewalk slam! Helmsley lifted Porteau up and planted Porteau with the Pedigree! Instead of covering, Helmsley lifted Porteau up and delivered the Pearl River Plunge for the win! Afterwards, Helmsley posed as Dok hyped the fact that Helmsley used Ahmed's move tonight!

67, 68, 82 **3/4

Interview with D'lo Brown

We're taken backstage where Kevin Kelly is standing by with D'lo Brown!

Kevin Kelly- Well I'm standing by with D'lo Brown a new star in the World Wrestling Federation who debuted just a few weeks ago. Tonight you take on Goldust in what should be the biggest match of your young WWF career. D'lo Brown what's it like being in the WWF?

D'lo Brown- I have always wanted to be a WWF superstar. I been waiting years to come to the WWF now D'lo Brown is in the World Wrestling Federation! It's time for you and everyone else see what kind of impact I'm gonna cause on my way to the top!

Kevin Kelly- Tonight it's you and Goldust going at it. Goldust is a former Intercontinental Champion in the WWF!

D'lo Brown- Man I don't care what Goldust has done! He's a freak! He might be a talented wrestler but that man is a freak! Tonight I'm going to whoop his ass all over Green Bay! Goldust don't try to play any of those mind games with me because it ain't going to work! Tonight D'lo Brown is going to whip your ass!

Kevin Kelly- Fans up next D'lo Brown faces Goldust!


D'Lo Brown gained overness from this segment.


Goldust with Marlena Vs. D'lo Brown

Goldust and D'lo Brown had a pretty even back and fourth match. The crowd was into pretty much everything D'lo did since most people do hate Goldust. Goldust tried playing his mind games early on but D'lo didn't fall for it and beat the hell out of Goldust nailing the bizarre one with big right hands to the face. They went out to the floor where Marlena distracted D'lo long enough for Goldust to send D'lo to the steel steps! Goldust then beat down D'lo inside the ring but he could not put away the bright young WWF superstar. Goldust ended up going for the Curtain Call but D'lo slipped out of it and took Goldust out with the Sky High but Brown couldn't cover Goldust! Both men got up to their feet, And Brown was a mad man nailing Goldust with everything he had. D'lo ended up slamming Goldust down and headed up top. D'lo went for the Lo Down but Goldust moved out of the way and D'lo hit the canvas! Goldust quickly lifted D'lo up and delivered the Curtain Call to Brown! Goldust covered and got the win! Afterwards, Marlena and Goldust posed in the ring as Friday Night Mayhem went to a commercial break.

72, 78, 84 ***1\4


Crush sets up Sycho Sid!

We return from the commercial break with Crush's music playing as the dangerous Crush makes his way down to the ring. Dok Hendrix reminds us that this Sunday night we'll see Crush and Sid go at it in what should be a fight not a wrestling match. Crush is handed a microphone and we can already hear the "jail bird" chants begin.

Crush- This Sunday night I step into the ring with Sycho Sid. And you know something? I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to getting into that ring with Sid. I'm looking forward to destroying Sid and showing everyone how bad I truly am. Sid last week I beat you down like you were nothing. And I look forward to doing it this Sunday night. But I don't feel like waiting until Sunday night. I want a fight and I want it now! So Sid I know you're here so why don't you come out here and face me? Why don't you get into this ring with me right now and lets see who the baddest man truly is!

Crush doesn't have to wait too long because Sycho Sid's music hits the arena and out comes Sycho Sid! Sid marches down to the ring and the fight is on! Sid and Crush start slugging away at each other! Sid gets the advantage and knocks Crush down with a big right hand! Sid lifts Crush up and goes for the Powerbomb but Albert comes running down from the back! Albert nails Sid from behind! The fans boo as Albert quickly delivers the A-Bomb to Sid! Albert lifts Sid up and sends Sid right into a heart punch from Crush! Crush goes out to the floor and brings a steel chair into the ring! Crush puts the chair down and lifts Sid up..... Albert delivers another A-Bomb to Sid this time right into the steel chair! Crush drags Sid up and nails Sid with a huge chair shot right to the head! Albert and and Crush stand over Sid to boos from the fans. Dok Hendrix asks us how Sid is going to be able to beat Crush this Sunday night!


Albert gained overness from this segment.


Ultimate Warrior, Bret Hart and Undertaker with Paul Bearer Vs. Jeff Jarrett, Owen Hart and Vader with James E. Cornette

This one started off with all six men brawling. Jarrett quickly fled the ring and was stalked by Undertaker on the outside! Warrior and Vader went at it with Warrior being able to slam Vader! Bret and Vader then went at it as well as Undertaker and Vader with the man from the dark side getting the upper hand on the big man. Vader was able to tag out to Owen while Undertaker tagged in Bret. Owen and Bret ended up doing a nice little sequence that ended with Owen drilling Bret in the back of the head with the enziguri kick. Bret was then beat down by the heel team. Jarrett would get in the ring and beat down Bret and taunt Undertaker. Dok said that Jarrett might not be this confident come this Sunday night. Bret got beat down until he was able to hit a big DDT on Jarrett and tag in Warrior while Owen got tagged in! All hell broke loose and all six men started brawling! Jarrett again left the ring and this time he headed to the back! Undertaker went after him! Bret and Vader ended up brawling all the way out to the crowd leaving Owen in there with the Warrior! Warrior was kicking Owen's butt all over the ring! Cornette got up on the apron distracting the referee as British Bulldog came running down to the ring! Bulldog came into the ring and went to clothesline Warrior but Warrior ducked and Owen got clotheslined! Warrior tossed Bulldog out and hit Owen with a flying shoulder tackle and pinned the champ! Afterwards, Cornette helped Owen to the back as Bulldog had already left. Warrior posed in the ring as we went to a commercial break.

80, 90, 87 ***3/4


WWF Slam Of The Week- Cactus Jack locks Jim Neidhart into the mandible claw! (Monday Night Raw 5/13/96)

Last Man Standing!

Kevin Nash's music hits the arena to boos from the entire arena as out comes Kevin Nash. Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect reminds us of the brutality Last Man Standing will be. Nash poses inside the ring as pyros go off from the rafters and from the turnbuckles. Nash is handed a microphone to boos from the crowd. The "HBK" chant starts up.

Kevin Nash- This Sunday night it's the big night. It's the biggest match for the WWF Championship. Shawn Michaels and myself meet for the World Wrestling Federation Championship. In a Last Man Standing match. I hope Ric Flair realizes what he's done. I hope Flair knows that what happens to Shawn this Sunday night is on his head. After I cripple Shawn I hope Flair goes to the hospital to see what Kevin Nash is all about. Ric Flair is going to see what kind of damage Kevin Nash can do. Shawn this Sunday night it will be the most violent match these people have ever seen. They'll know that Kevin Nash will make a name for himself. Shawn this Sunday night you will get beaten down like you never have before. If you thought what I did to you last month was something then you ain't seen nothing yet. This Sunday night you're going to go down in one big moment and all of your precious Kliq will go down with you Shawn. This Sunday night the World Wrestling Federation Championship is going to be coming back around my waist. I have been for this for an eternity. Ever since Bret Hart stole the title from me. I been the WWF's corporate puppet long enough "Diesel" was the WWF's attitude. But Kevin Nash is the real thing. I'm first going to beat you all over the ring and then I'm going to take you out to ringside and beat you right in front of the big man! Sunday night is the last you'll ever see of Shawn Michaels. He won't be walking after I get done with the "Heart Break Kid". Shawn this Sunday night I promise that I'll make it as painful for you as I can. You will bleed and you will get hurt when I'm done with you Michaels! I promise you!

Kevin Nash is about to speak but Shawn Michaels' music hits the arena to a huge ovation from the crowd. Shawn Michaels stands on top of the Friday Night Mayhem stage with a microphone in his hand.

Shawn Michaels- You know something Kevin? I knew you'd come out here and talk about how badly you were going to beat me up this Sunday night. But the fact of the matter is both of us are going to get beat up. One man might bleed. Something big is going to happen. But in the end it will be me standing over you with the World Wrestling Federation Championship high in the air. This Sunday night I will do everything it takes to put you away Kevin. And when it's all said and over with, You will be down and I will be the last man standing.

Kevin Nash- You think that's going to happen Shawn? You really think you're going to be able to knock down the "Genetic Wonder"? How are you can to be able to beat me when I'm tossing you around this ring like a rag doll? You can try and you can try, But in the end you will be left bleeding and I will be standing over you with the World Wrestling Federation Championship. It's going to happen this Sunday night. Everyone is going to see me stand as the new champion. Your era will be short lived. It will end this Sunday night. Last Man Standing is the last we'll ever see of you Shawn. But I don't feel like waiting until Sunday night. I want to beat the hell out of you right now! So come on down to the ring! If you have the guts that is!

Michaels looks at the crowd who goes wild cheering him on. Michaels starts walking down the ramp way! Michaels gets inside the ring he and Nash start slugging it out! Michaels right hands don't seem to have much affect on Nash who knees the "Heart Break Kid" in the gut! Nash tosses Michaels to the corner and charges at Michaels with a running clothesline! Nash starts hitting Michaels with knees to the gut! Nash does to send Michaels to the opposite corner but Michaels counters by elbowing Nash in the face! Michaels knocks Nash off his feet with a huge clothesline! Nash stands up and Michaels clotheslines the big man out to the floor! Michaels hits a big plancha to Kevin Nash out on the floor! Michaels lifts Nash up and sends Nash to the steel steps! Michaels grabs a steel chair! Michaels goes to hit Nash but Nash ducks it and Michaels' chair hits the ring post! This allows Nash to nail Michaels! Nash grabs the chair and drills Michaels with a shot right to the back! Nash then drills Michaels with a huge chair shot right to the head and Michaels is out! Nash does the Jackknife taunt as the fans boo! Nash lifts Shawn up and Jackknife Powerbombs Shawn Michaels through the announce table! Michaels is out! Dok Hendrix checks on Michaels as Nash stands over the carnage! Friday Night Mayhem goes off the air with Perfect shouting that Nash is the last man standing tonight!


Overall Rating- 78

TV Rating- 7.62


Saturday Night

TV Rating- 2.93

Attendance- 7,050

Ticket Sales- $282,000

Hardcore TV

TV Rating- 0.32

Attendance- 472

Ticket Sales- $9,440


"Scott Taylor and Hakushi work pretty well together due to their similar styles."- Pat Patterson

"Bart Gunn and Billy Gunn work well together as a team, it adds to their matches."- Pat Patterson

OOC: The Pay Per View card will be up tomorrow

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Guest Prototype

Nice show. It built up well to the PPV. I really like the segment with HBK and Nash. I can actually feel the hatred between these two. Cant wait for the PPV. My predictions are:

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels©

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Owen Hart©

Sycho Sid


Ahmed Johnson

Edited by Prototype
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Here's my predicitions...we're probably starting a band wagon here....

HBK vs Nash


Vader vs Bret


Owen vs Warrior

Warrior by DQ (Owen will cheat with a chairshot, only that will PISS the Warrior off, and lead Owen straight into Hurtsville)

Sycho Sid vs Crush

Crush (Crush has a numbers advantage)

Double J vs Undertaker

Come on! This is 1996! It's 8 Years before 'Taker would put little guys over.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Ahmed Johnson

In an Era were the Kliq was riding high.....

Triple H

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Guest Da-One-Da-Franchise

HBK vs Nash


Vader vs Bret

Bret(Bret Losing makes me mad)

Owen vs Warrior

Owen Hart- Cheating maybe.

Sycho Sid vs Crush


Double J vs Undertaker

Double J screams "NEW GENERATION!" to me.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Ahmed Johnson

Hunter Heart Helmsley gets me vote.

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Okay I haven't been on in a few days as you can tell, But this ain't dead. I had a few computer troubles. Here's the final PPV card and the show should be up this weekend.

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Date: May 19, 1996

Location: Florence, South Carolina

Final Card

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart©

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match?

2. What will be the match before the main event?

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser)

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality)

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality)

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? (if he shows up)

7. Will anyone debut?

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World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart© by DQ

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match? Ahmed Johnson Vs HHH

2. What will be the match before the main event? Intercontinental

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser) Bart GUnn

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality) Michaels/Diesel

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality) Ahmed/HHH

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? (if he shows up) Run-in on the Warrior

7. Will anyone debut? Yep

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Guest meripu1

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart© (Bulldog to interfere)

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett (Dont know how though)

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match? Martel-Taylor

2. What will be the match before the main event? IC title

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser) Bart G

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality) Hard one this time, HBK-Diesel

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality) IC title

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? (if he shows up) Attack Warrior though id like to see him go after HBK

7. Will anyone debut? No

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World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

Winner: HBK

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

Winner: Bret

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart©

Winner: Warrior by DQ

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Winner: Sid

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Winner: Taker

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Winner: HHH

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Winner: Martel

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Winners: Gunns and Mero

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Winner: Holly

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match? Martel-Taylor

2. What will be the match before the main event? Taker-Jarrett

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser) Snow

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality) HBK-Diesel

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality) Sid-Crush

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? Hopefully beatdown the Warrior

7. Will anyone debut? No

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Guest ryan_the_canuck

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart© - DRAW

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match? - Ahmed/HHH

2. What will be the match before the main event? Warrior/Owen

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser) - Bart Funn

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality) - HBK/Nash

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality) - Holly/Stasiak

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? (if he shows up) - Cause no contest in IC title match

7. Will anyone debut? no

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Guest Da-One-Da-Franchise

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart©

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match? Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

2. What will be the match before the main event? Bret Hart Vs. Vader

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser) Bart Gunn

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality) Bret Hart Vs. Vader

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality) Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? (if he shows up) Attack somebody.

7. Will anyone debut? Nope

Edited by Da-One-Da-Franchise
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Final Card

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels©

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes


World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Owen Hart©

Sycho Sid

UndertakerJeff Jarrett

Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Scott Taylor

Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match?taylor Vs. martel

2. What will be the match before the main event?Bret Hart VS Vader

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser)billy gunn

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality)taylor vs martel

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality)sid VS Crush

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? (if he shows up)interfere with bret hart vs vader

7. Will anyone debut?no

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World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

Winner: Shawn Michaels

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

Winner: Bret Hart

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart©

Winner: Warrior by DQ

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Winner: Sid

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Winner: Undertaker

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Winner: HHH

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Winner: Martel

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Winners: Snow, Austin, Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Winner: Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match? Martel-Taylor

2. What will be the match before the main event? Taker-Jarrett

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser) Mero

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality) HBK-Diesel

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality) Sid-Crush

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? Cause the DQ during the IC Title Match

7. Will anyone debut? Yes

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Guest Pattitude

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart©

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match?Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

2. What will be the match before the main event?Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart©

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser) Bart Gunn

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality)Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality)Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart©

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? (if he shows up)Hit Flair in the balls

7. Will anyone debut?No

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World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Kevin Nash

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes


World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Owen Hart©

Sycho Sid


Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rick Martel

Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match? Martel vs Taylor

2. What will be the match before the main event?Bret vs Vader

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? Marc Mero

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality)Nash vs HBK

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality)Warrior vs Owen

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? interfere in a match

7. Will anyone debut? yes

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World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart©

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match? Martel/Taylor

2. What will be the match before the main event? Bret/Vader

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser) Billy Gunn

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality) EDIT: Nash/HBK

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality) Ahmed/Triple H

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? (if he shows up) Make Bret's life hell.

7. Will anyone debut? No

Edited by themick
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World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart©

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match? Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero vs Al Snow, Steve Austin, and Sean Waltman

2. What will be the match before the main event? Bret Hart vs Vader

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser) Al Snow

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality) Shawn Michaels vs Kevin Nash

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality) Ultimate Warrior vs Owen Hart

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? (if he shows up) He will attack Ultimate Warrior.

7. Will anyone debut? Yes

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World Wrestling Federation Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Kevin Nash

With Nash leaving, HBK will win, or lose and Nash will job the next night. I will go with win though.

Winner: HBK

No Holds Barred, Anything Goes

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

Vader needs this win, or he just looks like a big pussy.

Winner: Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Owen Hart©

For the love of god... STEP AWAY FROM THE WARRIOR. It's bad enough Owen will have to carry his ass the entire match.

Winner: Owen Hart

Sycho Sid Vs. Crush

Sid seems unstopabble, and Crush isn't really going anywhere.

Winner: Sid

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

I'd like to believe Double J will win, but let's face facts. It's 1996, and the Undertaker is facing someone who isn't in the main event. Do the math.

Winner: Undertaker

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Returning powerhouse vs. uppermidcard jobber? I pick the big guy.

Winner: Ahmed Johnson

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

Tough one to pick, as both seem to be in pushes (duh). I guess Taylor will win, but certainly not cleanly.

Winner: Scott Taylor

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Smells like filler. The Million Dollar men get the W.

Winner: Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

Free For All

Bob Holly Vs. Shawn Stasiak

Actually a decently built up feud. I like both guys, and Holly will get the upset here.

Winner: Bob Holly

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first Pay Per View match?

Rick Martel Vs. Scott Taylor

2. What will be the match before the main event?

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

3. Who will get pinned in the six men tag match? (the loser)

Bart Gunn

4. What will be the best match? (overall quality)

Undertaker Vs. Jeff Jarrett

5. What will be the worst match (overall quality)

Smoking Gunns and Marc Mero Vs. Al Snow, Steve Austin and Sean Waltman

6. What will Cactus Jack do at the Pay Per View? (if he shows up)

Beat the shit out of Taker.

7. Will anyone debut?

Nope, roster seems plenty full right now.

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