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World Wrestling Federation 1996


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Great couple of shows! I was surprised by the Rude run in on HBK. Im interested to see who Warrior's partner will be. Cactus/Taker will be great, and Im looking forward to kOTR. And as always, I really liked the news report.

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Date: June 3, 1996

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Attendance: 10,035

Ticket Sales: $401,400

Announcers: Jim Ross and Vince McMahon

Monday Night Raw opens up with it's regular video package and then we're taken inside the arena where pyro shoots off. We're taken to the announce position where Jim Ross and Vince McMahon are standing by. They hype up tonight's main event of Shawn Michaels defending the World Wrestling Federation Championship against Sean Waltman.

1996 King Of The Ring Tournament

Qualifying Round

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Ron Simmons

The winner of this match will go on to the Quarter Finals to face Shawn Stasiak or Jim Neidhart. Ahmed Johnson has been asking management for a match against Simmons for a long time. Don't know why since this one wasn't anything special, But it was better than some of the matches Johnson has been having this year. Simmons jumped Johnson from behind to get this one going. Simmons and Johnson brawled on the outside and Simmons send Johnson to the steel steps! Simmons came close to putting Johnson away but Johnson wouldn't stay down. Simmons even delivered a huge spinebuster to Johnson but Ahmed Johnson was able to kick out at 2! Simmons went for the Dominator but Johnson slipped out of it and took Simmons out with a stiff clothesline! Johnson hit Simmons with his trademark moves and took Simmons down with a spinebuster of his own! Johnson dragged Simmons up and delivered the Pearl River Plunge to Simmons to score the win! Ahmed Johnson posed as McMahon said that Martel, Waltman, Snow, Mero and now Johnson have made it to the Quarter Finals!

79, 80, 78 **1\2


Vader wants Sid!

"Vader Time" hits the arena to huge boos from the crowd as the man they call Vader walks down to the ring without James E. Cornette by his side. Vader gets inside the ring and grabs the microphone from the ring announcer.

Vader- I don't know if I made myself perfectly clear this past Friday night. Sid you're the reason why I'm not the number one contender and everyone knows it! If you hadn't taken me all the way to the back I would have been in the ring and I would have won the match. Now it's time for you to pay! Sid everyone thinks you're the biggest and baddest man in the company. But you're not! Look at what I have done since coming to the World Wrestling Federation. I took out Yokozuna! A man who was well over 600 pounds! I beat him down like he was a small child! I destroyed him! He hasn't been seen since I kicked his butt! And then there's Bret Hart! A former three time WWF Champion. I beat him twice! Back to back!I took him out with three Vader Bombs! Where has Bret Hart been? I'll tell you where he's been! He's been at home crying! He knows he can't beat me. Bret Hart and Yokozuna are two men who I have ended! Now it's your turn Sid! If I can't get my shot at the title, Then I'll be coming for you! You and I have never fought before in the World Wrestling Federation. But now it has to happen. And Sid you're going to be the third guy I put out of action! Sid I know you're here tonight. So come on down here and lets get it on!

Vader doesn't have to wait long as Sid's music plays to a huge ovation from the crowd. Out comes Sycho Sid! Sid steps into the ring and he and Vader go at it trading right hands! Sid gets the best of Vader! Sid nails Vader with right hands and clotheslines Vader! But Vader doesn't go down! Sid boots Vader in the face rocking down Vader! Sid sends Vader to the ropes but Vader comes off the ropes with a body avalanche to Sid rocking down Sid! Vader clotheslines Sid down! Vader drags Sid to the corner! Vader starts climbing the second turnbuckle.......... Vader goes for the Vader Bomb but Sid moves out of the way and Vader hits the canvas hard! Sid gets up to his feet and Choke Slams Vader! Sid lifts Vader up and tries the Powerbomb but Vader back drops Sid! Vader nails Sid with a right hand and Sid backs up into the ropes, Vader comes charging at Sid but Sid back drops Vader out to the floor! Sid goes out after Vader and they brawl all the way to the back and out of sight! Monday Night Raw goes to a commercial break with the fans chanting "Sid".


Sycho Sid lost overness from this segment.

Vader lost overness from this segment.


From the tough hills of North Carolina

A video begins to air, It shows two men performing high risk maneuvers in the ring. One comes off the top rope with a swanton bomb and the other one hits a flying leg drop to unnamed opponents. It shows these two men performing more dare devil type moves. On the screen the words "Fear is only a four letter word" pops up. Both men are shown then walking away from a wrestling ring. "Hardy Boyz" pops up on the screen. The words "Coming Soon" pops up on the screen as the video ends.


Matt Hardy gained overness from this segment.

Jeff Hardy gained overness from this segment.

Al Snow and Steve Austin with Ted DiBiase Vs. The Godwinns with Hillbilly Jim

McMahon reminds us that Al Snow has qualified for the King Of The Ring and that Snow is in the Quarter Finals. Henry Godwinn does has some history with The Corporation, Back in late 1995 he was offered a spot in the group but turned it down by slopping DiBiase. That was Henry's official face turn. The Godwinns got carried pretty well by the team of Snow and Austin. It seems like the WWF wants Snow and Austin to team up instead of Waltman/Snow or Waltman/Austin. Which means Waltman's in line for a big singles push. Snow and Austin started off getting their butts kicked by the angry farmers. But thanks to some double teaming, Phineous was isolated. Austin and Snow wore Phineous down with many submission holds while Henry and Hillbilly Jim tried to get the crowd to rally behind Phineous. Phineous was finally able to make the hot tag to Henry after taking Austin down with the Slop Drop! Henry came into the ring and started kicking some ass! Snow and Austin got nailed by big right hands from Henry! Henry and Phineous then started clotheslining Austin and then Snow! Phineous tossed Snow out to the floor and went outside after Snow leaving Henry in the ring with Austin. Henry went to Slop Drop Austin but Austin hung onto the ropes and Henry hit the canvas! Austin quickly hit Henry with the Stone Cold Stunner! Phineous tried to make the save but Snow prevented it and Austin got the win! The Corporation headed to back while Phineous and Jim checked on Henry as Monday Night Raw went to a commercial break.

82, 77, 87 ***1\2


Cactus Jack wants Undertaker at King Of The Ring!

Monday Night Raw returns from the commercial break with the music of Cactus Jack hitting the arena. The crowd boos as the psychotic Cactus Jack makes his way down to the ring. Jack gets inside the ring and grabs a microphone. The fans boo and chant "Undertaker" which really seems to get on Jack's nerves.

Cactus Jack- Shut up! All you people shut up! Stop chanting that name! Your precious Undertaker is nothing! Nothing! He's nothing more than a piece of trash. And yet all you people love him. What's so special about Undertaker? What has he done that's so damn great? Has he dedicated himself to the wrestling world like I have? I have taken so many risks. I did it all so I could be a WWF Superstar. But no one wanted me in the WWF. They said I wasn't in with the WWF image. They said I wasn't someone you people could look up to. But who do you people look up to? Guys like Undertaker? A man who likes to bury people? A man who has a urn with him? You people disrespect someone like me but cheer a guy like Undertaker! Why don't you people like me? Why? Is it because I'm missing a ear? Or maybe is it because you're all ungrateful bastards? All you people make me sick to the pit of my stomach! You don't appreciate hard work. You don't appreciate a man who's been beat up and kept coming for more. You cheer Undertaker but boo me! Well I'm not here to be your hero. I don't want to represent you fans. I came to the WWF and now that I'm here, I'm going to take out each and everyone of your heroes. And I'll start with your beloved Undertaker. Undertaker I want you in the ring with me. At King Of The Ring. You and I will go one on one. Lets see if you're going to be able to beat me up. Undertaker I hate you, I hate everything you stand for. I hate the fans that like you. At King Of The Ring everyone will see me standing over you. And then the disrespect will stop. Because after I beat you, Everyone will respect Mrs. Foley's baby boy. Undertaker if you're man enough you'll accept my challenge.

Cactus Jack drops down his microphone as his music plays. Jack leaves the ring and prepares to head to the back when the lights go off! The fans go wild as Undertaker's music hits the arena and the purple lights come on. Undertaker is shown on the RAW screen.

Undertaker- Cactus Jack, You want a match? You'll get one! At King Of The Ring it'll be you and I one on one. At King Of The Ring you will learn why no one has been able to take me down. Many men have tried but in the end they found out that there's beating me. You might be able to take one hell of a beating but that won't matter. You might think you're bigger than the creatures of the night but you're not Cactus Jack. No one can stop me and my creatures of the night. Cactus Jack at King Of The Ring you will rest in peace!

Undertaker's image fades from the RAW screen as the lights return to normal. Jack has a sick smile on his face as the announcers hype their big match at King Of The Ring.



Marc Mero with Sable Vs. Owen Hart

This is a non title match up. Meaning that Owen Hart's Intercontinental Championship will not be on the line in this match up. McMahon said that Cornette was at home training for his tag match at King Of The Ring. Marc Mero has advanced to the Quarter Finals of this year's King Of The Ring tournament. And he's facing the 1994 King Of The Ring winner. Hart started off out wrestling Mero and then taunting "The Wildman". Mero responded by tossing Owen Hart out to the floor and hitting a big somersault plancha to the champion! Mero rammed Hart face first into the steel steps! They went back into the ring where Owen caught Mero coming off the ropes with a spinning heel kick to the face! Owen worked over Mero's legs as Sable watched concerned for her husband. Owen was able to lock Mero into the Sharpshooter but Mero was able to make it to the ropes. Owen ended up going up top but Mero shook the ropes crotching Owen on the top turnbuckle! Mero went up top with Owen and nailed a perfect hurricanrana to Owen! Mero made his big comeback and gained several near falls over the champion. Owen ended up drilling Mero in the back of the head with the enziguri kick! Owen then went to lock Mero into the Sharpshooter but Mero countered and rolled up Owen scoring the win! Afterwards, Mero and Sable headed to the back while Owen Hart threw a fit! Ross and McMahon said Owen's lucky the title wasn't on the line.

93, 87, 100 ****3/4


Who will be Warrior's mystery partner?

We return from the break with the music of British Bulldog hitting the arena. The fans start booing as Bulldog makes his way down to the ring. Bulldog is handed a microphone and he prepares to speak.

British Bulldog- Last Friday night things were going great for me. I thought it was going to be me and Owen Hart against Ultimate Warrior at the King Of The Ring. But Commissioner Flair had to screw my plans up. Now it's me and my manager James E. Cornette versus Warrior and a partner of his choice? That's not right! It's not fair! And if Warrior's team wins he gets a match with me the next night on Monday Night Raw? How is that fair? Warrior I demand to know who you're going to pick as your partner! If I have to do this I might as well know who you're going to pick! I demand an answer! Because either way you and your partner are going down to me and James E. Cornette at the King Of The Ring. I don't care who it is! You and all your little Warriors will never get me inside that ring with me! You're not good enough to face me Warrior! But I want to know who your partner is! So..........

Bulldog's interrupted by Ultimate Warrior's music! The fans cheer as Ultimate Warrior makes his way down to the ring with a smile on his painted face. Warrior steps into the ring and stares Bulldog down.

British Bulldog- Warrior I'm not looking for a fight, I just want to know who your partner for King Of The Ring will be.

Ultimate Warrior- You want to know who my partner is Bulldog?

British Bulldog- Yes you moron! Who's your partner?

Ultimate Warrior- My partner is everyone in this world with a soul full of good, With a soul unlike your's Bulldog. My partner will be every warrior in this planet. Every warrior who watches me at home. And my partner will help me beat you and your manager James E. Cornette. My partner will make an impact. My partner knows the ways of the Warrior. And he's going to cause some damage. You will then have to step into the ring with me Bulldog. And when you're in the ring with me one on one, You're in the ring with the Warriors.

Warrior goes to leave the ring but Bulldog attacks Warrior from behind! Bulldog nails Warrior with a right hand! Bulldog sends Warrior for the ride and attempts a clothesline but it's ducked and Warrior comes off the ropes with a flying shoulder tackle to Bulldog! Warrior goes after Bulldog but Bulldog gets out of the ring! Bulldog headed to the back as Warrior stays inside the ring and poses. Monday Night Raw goes to a commercial break with the announcers hyping another Qualifying Round match in the 1996 King Of The Ring Tournament coming up next!


Ultimate Warrior lost overness from this segment.


1996 King Of The Ring Tournament

Qualifying Round

"The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak with Clarence Mason Vs. Jim Neidhart

The winner of this one will meet Ahmed Johnson in the Quarter Finals. "The Narcissist" once again began posing in front of the mirror Mason brought to ringside with him. Neidhart started off tossing Stasiak around the ring like a rag doll. The bigger Neidhart easily dominated Stasiak until they went to the outside, Stasiak was able to send Neidhart into the steel ring steps! Stasiak rammed Neidhart's head into the steel steps three times! They went back into the ring where Stasiak took Neidhart down with a clothesline. Stasiak wore Neidhart down with a long chin lock trying to put "The Anvil" down. Neidhart fought back and took Stasiak out with a huge powerslam. Ross reminded us that Rick Martel, Sean Waltman, Al Snow, Marc Mero and Ahmed Johnson have made it to the Quarter Finals. Neidhart ran over Stasiak with a couple clotheslines and called for the end. Neidhart lifted Stasiak up and went for a vertical suplex, Stasiak countered out of it and took Neidhart down with the Stasiak Drop! Stasiak covered Neidhart and scored the win! Mason came into the ring with the mirror and held it up as Stasiak posed in front of it. Rick Martel, Sean Waltman, Al Snow, Marc Mero and Ahmed Johnson and "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak have made it to the Quarter Finals!

71, 71, 72 *3/4

Jim Neidhart lost overness from this match.

Shawn Stasiak gained overness from this match.

Interview with Sean Waltman and Ted DiBiase

We cut to the back and Todd Pettengill is standing by with Sean Waltman and his manager Ted DiBiase.

Todd Pettengill- Sean Waltman tonight it's the opportunity of a lifetime. It's you and Shawn Michaels for the WWF Championship. Tonight if you're able to beat Shawn Michaels not only will you be the World Wrestling Federation Champion but you'll make history and be the youngest champion in history. Sean Waltman tonight can you beat Shawn Michaels?

Ted DiBiase- Can he do it? Todd Pettengill tonight history will be made. Tonight Sean Waltman is not only going to become the youngest WWF Champion in history but he's also going to beat Shawn Michaels and end the Kliq. Tonight it's Sean Waltman's night and he's going to take the opportunity of his life and become the new champion.

Sean Waltman- Shawn Michaels tonight it's my chance, Tonight it's my chance to become the WWF Champion. I have been waiting for a shot at the title for many years now. Tonight I'm going to make history and become the youngest World Wrestling Federation Champion in the history of the WWF. Tonight I'm going to beat you and prove to the whole world that Sean Waltman is a big time player. Everyone who doubted my skills will get it thrown back in their faces. Shawn Michaels tonight I will give you the biggest fight of your career!

Todd Pettengill- Sean Waltman you're also entered in the King Of The Ring tournament. You made it to the Quarter Finals and if you lose tonight then it'll be you and Rick Martel in the Quarter Finals. Will you be the 1996 King Of The Ring?

Sean Waltman- Well I'm not losing tonight. Tonight I am going to beat Shawn Michaels and become the champion. And as far as the King Of The Ring goes, Hell I can be champion and win the tournament. Doesn't matter to me.

Todd Pettengill- Thank you for the comments, Fans up next we'll hear from Shawn Michaels!



WWF Slam Of The Week- Fatu beats Chris Chavis with the Fatu Driver! (Superstars 6/2/96)

Interview with Shawn Michaels

Monday Night Raw returns from the commercial break with Dok Hendrix standing by with the WWF Champion, The "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels.

Dok Hendrix- Shawn Michaels tonight you're going to be putting the WWF Championship on the line against Sean Waltman a man you know very well in that ring. But at King Of The Ring it will be you and Jeff Jarrett for the title. Shawn Michaels what's going through your mind about the big match with Jeff Jarrett at the King Of The Ring?

Shawn Michaels- I know that Jeff Jarrett is predicting to be the next champion but the fact of the matter is, I've beaten him many times in the past. Jeff Jarrett you might think you have it in the bag but not even you and Rick Rude is going to ruin my title run. I've worked all my life to be the champion and it's not ending at the King Of The Ring. At King Of The Ring you're going to get drilled by Sweet Chin Music! Jeff Jarrett you're never going to be able to beat me!

Dok Hendrix- Rick Rude is now Jeff Jarrett's manager, Shawn last Friday night they left you laid out. It seems like with Rude in his corner, Jeff Jarrett will win the title. How are you going to be able to beat Jeff Jarrett and Rick Rude?

Shawn Michaels- I don't know how I'm going to do it, But I will do it. Rick Rude might try to cost me the title but it won't happen. I'll go through him and Jeff Jarrett. I've beaten guys like Nash, Bret Hart and everyone's who stood in my way. The title won't leave my waist. If Rick Rude gets in my way I will nail him with Sweet Chin Music. Rick Rude you might not be able to wrestle again but if you get involved I'll treat you like a wrestler.

Dok Hendrix- Your thoughts on tonight's huge match up with Sean Waltman for the WWF Championship?

Shawn Michaels- I know Sean Waltman is very cocky, I know he's thinking he's going to walk away with the title. But he's not. Sean Waltman I respect you and your wrestling talent. You're one of the best wrestlers in this business. You're very capable of becoming the champion but it's not going to happen tonight. Tonight's not your night. Tonight is the night where you once again are going to lose to HBK. Sean Waltman I know you're wanting the title but it's not happening tonight. Tonight the "Heart Break Kid" is going to show you why I am the champion and why I am the very best in the WWF!

Dok Hendrix- Fans lets take you to the ring for this huge match up!


World Wrestling Federation Championship

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Sean Waltman with Ted DiBiase

This is like the second or third time Waltman and Michaels have had a one on one match up this year. And somehow these two are always able to pull off a great match up. Michaels was attacked by Waltman as Michaels was doing his pose. Waltman used his lightning fast kicks in the corner to Michaels. Waltman and Michaels then did a sequence with Michaels ending up dumping Waltman out to the floor! Michaels went for a pescado but Waltman moved out of the way and Michaels hit the floor hard! Waltman destroyed Michaels on the outside sending Michaels into the steel steps and then sending Michaels into the steel ring post! Back inside the ring, Waltman scored with a northern lights suplex to Michaels but HBK kicked out. Waltman continued beating Michaels down and coming closer and closer to becoming the new champion. McMahon and Ross did a great job of hyping Waltman's skills saying that he's only twenty three years old. Waltman ended up going for a long distance senton bomb but Michaels moved out of the way! Michaels made the comeback catching Waltman with the flying forearm and then doing the nip up. Michaels hit Waltman with all his usual maneuvers. Michaels slammed Waltman down and went up top. Michaels came flying off the top with the elbow drop right to Waltman's heart! Michaels went to the corner and tuned up the band. Waltman got up to his feet and Michaels went for Sweet Chin Music but it was ducked by Waltman! Waltman kicked Michaels in the gut and went for a spinning heel kick but Michaels ducked and drilled Waltman with Sweet Chin Music! Michaels covered and scored the 1,2,3! Afterwards, Waltman was helped to the back by DiBiase. Michaels stayed in the ring and Rick Rude and Jeff Jarrett made their way down the isle! Michaels went to the outside and grabbed a steel chair! Michaels stood in the ring with a steel chair daring Rude and Jarrett to come into the ring. Monday Night Raw goes off the air with Michaels holding the chair as Rude and Jarrett stood at ringside.

93, 91, 95 ****1\2

Overall Rating- 81

TV Rating- 7.59


Monday Nitro

TV Rating- 6.47

Attendance- 7,041

Ticket Sales- $281,640


"Our ratings battle with Monday Nitro is so close that neither show is gaining a clear advantage!"- Sophie

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Loved the Taker/Cactus angle in this show but we could have done with a Jarrett promo to continue hyping him for his title match at KOTR. I am also getting worried bout the Sid/Vader match, we aint hearing enough from Sid at the moment.

I do like the fact that the Hardyz are coming onto TV soon. Will definately spice up the tag division, which is just what is needed

Decent show overall but some things missing...

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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: June 7, 1996

Location: Lafayette, Louisiana

Last Monday night we saw Rick Rude and Jeff Jarrett try to attack Shawn Michaels. But HBK came into the ring with a steel chair and held them off. It seems like the "Heart Break Kid" is at a huge disadvantage when he goes up against Sycho Sid at King Of The Ring. Tonight we're going to hear from Shawn Michaels as well as Jeff Jarrett and his manager "Ravishing" Rick Rude. What does Michaels have to say? What does Rude and Jarrett have to say?

Cactus Jack is going to be at Friday Night Mayhem also, And tonight we'll hear from Cactus Jack and get his thoughts on his huge match up with Undertaker at King Of The Ring. What does the psychotic Cactus Jack have to say? Will the man from the dark side show up?

In tonight's main event, We'll see a huge six men tag team match up. It'll be Camp Cornette facing Marc Mero, Ultimate Warrior and Sycho Sid! Sid and Vader have been having problems as of late as well as Bulldog and Warrior. And this past Monday night, It was Mero who pinned Owen Hart in a non title match!

Matches for Friday Night Mayhem

The final Qualifying Round matches of the 1996 King Of The Ring Tournament will take place tonight, The first one will be Hunter Hearst Helmsley taking on Hakushi in singles action. Who will win this one and go on to the Quarter Finals? Can Hakushi score the huge upset over the blue blood snob Helmsley?

The Smoking Gunns put the tag team titles against the toughest team they'll ever have to face, Albert and Crush! It seems like Bart and Billy are at a huge disadvantage due to the power and size of the team of Crush and Albert.

Bob Holly goes up against Goldust tonight, Both men are knocked out of the King Of The Ring but the winner will not doubt get bragging rights.

The final Qualifying Round match in the King Of The Ring Tournament will take place as Scott Taylor goes up against D'lo Brown. Both youngsters have been enjoying alot of success since debuting in the WWF, But tonight only one will can go on to the Quarter Finals.

And in the main event, We'll see a big six men tag team match up!

Plus we'll hear from Shawn Michaels, Jeff Jarrett, Sycho Sid and Cactus Jack! And much more!

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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: June 7, 1996

Location: Lafayette, Louisiana

Attendance: 10,031

Ticket Sales: $401,240

Announcers: Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect

Friday Night Mayhem opens up with it's regular video package and then we're taken inside the arena where pyro shoots off. We're taken to the announce position where Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect are standing by. They hype up tonight's main event of Sycho Sid, Ultimate Warrior and Marc Mero going against Owen Hart, Vader and British Bulldog!

1996 King Of The Ring Tournament

Qualifying Round

Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Hakushi

The winner of this will go onto the Quarter Finals. Helmsley started off getting frustrated as Hakushi out wrestled the blue blood aristocrat. Helmsley ended up getting thrown outside the ring, And Hakushi came flying off the top with a huge dive to Helmsley all the way out to the floor. They went back into the ring, And Helmsley took Hakushi out with a high knee to the face! Helmsley used several suplexes to Hakushi and even nailed a big time DDT to the Japanese sensation. Helmsley went for the Pedigree but Hakushi countered and catapulted Helmsley into the turnbuckle! Hakushi followed up with a big time spinning heel kick to Helmsley. Hakushi came close to putting Helmsley away after coming off the top turnbuckle with a big moonsault to Helmsley but Helmsley was able to kick out at 2. Hakushi slammed Helmsley down and went up top. Hakushi went for his Senton Bomb but Helmsley moved out of the way and Hakushi hit the canvas! Helmsley quickly got up and planted Hakushi with a kick to the gut followed by the Pedigree! Helmsley hooked the legs and got the 1,2,3! Afterwards, Helmsley did his pose as the announcers asked if Hunter Hearst Helmsley would be the 1996 King Of The Ring.

84, 85, 83 ***1\4

Hardy Boyz video

Another video begins to air showing the dare devils known as the Hardy Boyz, It shows a video from when they were younger with them wrestling. The word "desire" is shown on the screen as the brothers perform high risk moves on unknown opponents. The video shows both Hardy Boyz standing inside a WWF ring looking up a the lights like they've realized their dreams. The word "passion" is shown as the video ends with both Hardy Boyz standing in the WWF ring.


Matt Hardy gained overness from this segment.

Interview with Crush, Albert and Ted DiBiase

As the video ends, We're taken to the interview area backstage where we see Kevin Kelly standing by with Albert, Crush and Ted DiBiase.

Kevin Kelly- Tonight it will be Crush and Albert taking on the Smoking Gunns for the WWF Tag Team Championship. Albert and Crush are a team like never before. You two are certainly two men who could win the titles tonight and I........

Ted DiBiase- Could win? Monkeys could Kelly. The Corporation isn't about could win, The Corporation is about winning! And these two are winners!

Kevin Kelly- Well tonight will you guys be the new champions?

Ted DiBiase- Of course they are! Look at this group! Look how dangerous they look! It's Albert and Crush! Two big bad men! No one can stop them. Albert and Crush are going to walk out with the titles around their waists tonight. Both men can not be stopped. Albert has had a long winning streak. He's destroyed everyone who's gotten in his way. And Crush is the most dangerous man in wrestling. He made the prison guards go get him pizza hut instead of that jail slop they feed to the other prisoners! Tonight these men are going to walk out with the titles. The Smoking Gunns better have polished those titles because tonight they're going around the real champions waists.

Kevin Kelly- Fans up next it's the tag team title match, Can this team of Albert and Crush win the titles? Find out next!


Albert gained overness from this segment.


World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Smoking Gunns© Vs. Albert and Crush with Ted DiBiase

It seems like Crush's push is really coming to an end. He's not even entered in the King Of The Ring Tournament. The team of Albert and Crush tried to use their size to their advantage in the beginning of this bout, But Billy and Bart were able to use their quickness and take down the challengers. Albert was finally able to catch Bart Gunn with a pump kick taking him out! Albert and Crush isolated Bart and beat Bart Gunn down in the corner. Crush and Albert used their size to their advantage. Bart tried to make the tag but Albert and Crush would easily run right over Bart preventing him from tagging in his brother Billy Gunn. Albert ended up going for the A-Bomb but Bart countered out of it and drilled Albert with the Forearm Shot taking Albert out! Bart Gunn tagged in Billy and Albert rolled over and made the tag to Crush. Billy Gunn rushed the ring and took out Crush with right hands and clotheslines! Billy even suplexed Albert! The Smoking Gunns double clotheslined Crush and delivered their back suplex/drop kick combo to Albert! Bart ended up brawling with Albert on the floor leaving Crush with Billy. Crush went for the Heart Punch but Billy kicked Crush in the gut and delivered the Rocker Dropper to Crush! Billy hooked the legs and got the 1,2,3 to retain the titles! The Smoking Gunns took the titles and headed to the back victorious.

81, 81, 82 ***

The Master And The Ruler............ Of The World

We cut to the backstage area where we see Michael Cole standing by with Sycho Sid.

Michael Cole- Sycho Sid there was a big announcement made earlier tonight, I don't know if you heard it but at King Of The Ring it will be you and Vader one on one and........

Sycho Sid- Yeah I heard it Cole! Me and Vader one on one at King Of The Ring!

Michael Cole- But that's not all, The winner will get a WWF Championship match at SummerSlam!

Sycho Sid- Now that I did not know, So now it's me and you Vader one on one at the King Of The Ring! I already wanted to kick your ass badly! But now the winner gets a title shot? Vader you have no idea what you're in for some King Of The Ring! Vader last Monday night you already learned what it was like to step into the ring with me. I only wish I could have Powerbombed you down! But tonight I'll get my chance in the six men tag match. Right now I'm already looking ahead to SummerSlam. I'm looking on the night of August 25th, The night where I'll get in the ring with the World Wrestling Federation Champion. And on that night I'll be crowned the new WWF Champion!

Michael Cole- Sid tonight it'll be you teaming up with Ultimate Warrior and Marc Mero. You'll be going against British Bulldog, Owen Hart and Vader. What can we expect tonight?

Sycho Sid- What you can expect is me, Marc Mero and Ultimate Warrior to kick some butt! Tonight if I have my way, I'm going to lift Vader up in the air and drop him down with the Powerbomb. And if Owen Hart and British Bulldog get in my way I will hurt them! Vader tonight you'll get your King Of The Ring preview right in that ring!

Michael Cole- Thank you for the interview, Fans up next Goldust is in action!



Goldust with Marlena Vs. Bob Holly

Goldust and Bob Holly were both eliminated from this year's King Of The Ring Tournament. Goldust got eliminated by Rick Martel and Bob Holly got eliminated by Al Snow. Goldust tried his usual gay antics here but Holly would have none of it and nailed Goldust with right hands! Holly beat down Goldust and nailed Goldust with right hands! Holly hit Goldust with a big atomic drop and clotheslined him out on the floor! Holly beat Goldust down like a dog on the outside! Marlena though ended up distracting Holly long enough for Goldust to attack Holly from behind and send him to the steel ring steps! Back inside the ring they went and Goldust connected with a uppercut to Holly! Goldust scored a few near falls on Holly but Holly kept kicking out. Goldust ended up going up top but Holly threw him off the top turnbuckle! Holly made a comeback and ran over Goldust with three clotheslines! Holly took Goldust down with a bulldog and scored a close near fall! Holly went for the Race Car Slam but Goldust clubbed him in the back and delivered the Curtain Call to Holly for the 3 count! Afterwards, Goldust Marlena headed to the back as Holly was left lying in the ring.

83, 82, 84 ***1\4


Cactus Jack doesn't want to wait until the King Of The Ring

Friday Night Mayhem returns from the commercial break and Cactus Jack's music hits the arena. Cactus Jack comes down to the ring with a sick smile on his face. Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect say that Jack/Undertaker at the King Of The Ring should be a wild match to say the least. Jack is handed a microphone and the fans already start booing the crazy Cactus Jack.

Cactus Jack- I'm not out here to talk to all you fans. Because I know you fans could care less about what I have to say. Because all you fans would rather listen to you hero Undertaker. Well I'm going to make myself perfectly clear to everyone. Undertaker at King Of The Ring it'll be you and I one on one. And at King Of The Ring it will be me standing victorious. It'll be me who ends everyone's hero. Undertaker you might have your creatures of the dark on your side, But I can stand pain. I can get beat up and tossed around that ring. It won't matter what you do to me Undertaker, Because I can keep getting up from all of it. I can get up from everything you toss at me. And I know you're here tonight. I can feel it. I can feel it in my bones. And I want you in the ring with me right now! Come on Undertaker! Show these fans that you're not afraid of me! Show everyone what kind of man you are. I want to give you a early preview of what will happen to you come King Of The Ring. So...........

The bells start to toll and Undertaker's music starts to play! The lights go off and out comes the purple lights! And here comes Undertaker! Undertaker walks down to the ring looking ready for a fight! Undertaker comes into the ring as the lights come back on. But Cactus Jack is not in the ring! Undertaker stands inside the ring as the announcers wonder where Jack is, Wait! Cactus Jack comes out from under the ring with a steel chair! Jack comes into the ring with the chair! Undertaker turns around and Jack drills him right over the head with a huge chair shot! Undertaker though easily sits up! Jack goes for another shot but Undertaker boots the chair right into Cactus' face! Undertaker pulls the chair away from Jack and drills Jack right over the head with a huge chair shot! Jack slowly gets up and Undertaker drills him with another huge chair shot right to the head! Undertaker goes for another shot but officials come running down from the back! They come into the ring and Undertaler threatens to hit them with the chair! Jack is able to sneak a low blow in on Undertaker and clothesline himself and Undertaker out to the floor! Jack and Undertaker trade blows out on the floor! The officials finally hold both men back! Friday Night Mayhem goes to a commercial break with the officials trying to keep Undertaker and Cactus Jack away from each other.



1996 King Of The Ring Tournament

Qualifying Round

D'lo Brown Vs. Scott Taylor

The winner of this match will join Rick Martel, Sean Waltman, Al Snow, Marc Mero, Ahmed Johnson, Shawn Stasiak and Hunter Hearst Helmsley in the Quarter Finals. Both D'lo Brown and Scott Taylor had great chemistry in the ring, Taylor had the upper hand through out most of the match and he really impressed the crowd with some high risk offense. Taylor threw D'lo out to the floor and came off the ropes with a somersault plancha to the youngster! Taylor continued beating D'lo down inside the ring. Taylor went for a leg drop off the top but D'lo moved out of the way and all Taylor got was canvas! D'lo fought back and nailed Taylor with right hands. D'lo took Taylor out with a big tilt a whirl slam and followed up with a leg drop. D'lo went for the Sky High but Taylor countered into a tornado DDT! Taylor went up top and called for the flying DDT! D'lo slowly got up, Taylor came off the top attempting his Flying DDT but D'lo countered into a midair Sky High and got the win! Afterwards, D'lo Brown posed inside the ring as the referee checked on Taylor.

86, 83, 89 ***3/4

Interview with Shawn Michaels

We cut to the back where we see the WWF Champion, Shawn Michaels standing behind a big WWF logo. Michaels has the WWF Championship over his shoulder and he prepares to speak.

Shawn Michaels- Ever since Rick Rude returned to the WWF, Everyone has said that come King Of The Ring the title will leave my waist. Everyone thinks that Rick Rude is going to screw me out of the title at the King Of The Ring. Well it isn't going to happen. I worked very hard to become the top wrestler in the World Wrestling Federation. And I'm not going to let Rick Rude or Jeff Jarrett take the belt away from me without a fight. Jeff Jarrett you are an amazing athlete, One of the best wrestlers that I have ever been with. You are definitely World Wrestling Federation Championship material. But you won't be beating me at King Of The Ring. I will do everything it takes to walk out with the title around my waist. If Rick Rude tries to interfere I'll send his ass back to the retirement home. King Of The Ring will be the biggest night of your career Jeff, But it won't be a night where you'll walk out with the win. On that night you will know that there's no beating the "Heart Break Kid". Many have tried but in the end they have always gone down. I survived a Last Man Standing Match with a man who'd kill you if he got inside the ring with you. What makes you think you're going to beat me Jeff? Jeff Jarrett at King Of The Ring you'll get the best of the "Heart Break Kid". And you won't beat me. You'll find out why no one can beat me. I'm better than you and I have always been. I'll see you at King Of The Ring.



Interview with Jeff Jarrett and Rick Rude

Friday Night Mayhem comes back from the commercial break with Jeff Jarrett and Rick Rude standing by. It looks like they're on the set Michaels was just a few minutes ago.

Rick Rude- Shawn Michaels, You think you have a shot at winning the match at King Of The Ring? Come on Shawn, Last week you were left down and Jeff Jarrett stood over you with the title. You're foolish to think that you have a chance against Jeff Jarrett at King Of The Ring. Jeff Jarrett will be walking out with the WWF Championship at the King Of The Ring, I'll promise you. You think you and your fans are going to make a difference? Jeff Jarrett has my in his corner. And that's what's going to make the difference. With me in his corner, Jeff Jarrett will be the new World Wrestling Federation Champion. You can't pull out miracles Shawn. Doesn't matter how good you are. Jeff Jarrett is better. And Jeff Jarrett will be the new WWF Champion. Your time has come to an end. Your era on top of the WWF has come to an end at the King Of The Ring.

Jeff Jarrett- It's like typical Shawn Michaels to think he's walking out with the title, It's just like Shawn Michaels to once again be overconfident. But Shawn Michaels you're not going to be able to beat me. How can you? Look at who's backing me up. I got "Ravishing" Rick Rude in my corner. What do you got? The Kliq? Yeah like a bunch of fans are going to make a different. Shawn it doesn't matter how good you are. I got Rick Rude in my corner. He's made sure that I'm the number one contender and now it's time for him to make sure I become the new World Wrestling Federation Champion.

Rick Rude- Shawn Michaels I hope you enjoy your last days with the title, Because at King Of The Ring it'll be going around the waist of Jeff Jarrett.



WWF Slam Of The Week- Shawn Michaels ducks a spinning heel kick from Waltman and drills Waltman with the Sweet Chin Music to retain the title! (Monday Night Raw 6/3/96)

Sycho Sid, Ultimate Warrior and Marc Mero with Sable Vs. Owen Hart, British Bulldog and Vader with James E. Cornette

This one started off with all six men going at it. It soon went down to Sid and Vader in the ring giving us a early preview of King Of The Ring. Sid went for a Powerbomb early on but Vader countered. Sid and Vader slugged each other down and then Bulldog and Warrior got tagged in. Both men tried to overpower each other but in the end, Warrior clotheslined Bulldog down! Up next, It was Owen and Mero. Mero continued to get the best of Owen and almost won the match for his team but Owen was able to kick out. Owen then drilled Mero with a enziguri kick to the back of the head! Mero was isolated while Camp Cornette did a number on him. Cornette even got involved himself by hitting Mero with the tennis racket behind the referee's back. Vader destroyed Mero in the corner with heavy blows while Bulldog showed off his amazing power by suplexing Mero and holding him high up in the air for what seemed like minutes. Owen softened Mero up for the Sharpshooter but he couldn't lock it in. Mero was finally able to DDT Owen and tag in Sid while Vader got tagged in. All hell broke loose and all six men went at it! Warrior and Bulldog ended up out on the floor with Mero and Owen, Leaving Vader and Sid in the ring. Vader avalanched Sid twice in the corner! Vader slammed Sid down and went for the Vader Bomb but Sid moved out of the way! Vader slowly got up to his feet, And Sid Choke Slammed Vader! Sid hooked the legs and scored the 1,2,3! Sid has beaten Vader prior to the King Of The Ring! Friday Night Mayhem went off the air with Sid, Mero and Warrior posing as Camp Cornette headed to the back.

86, 88, 82 ***3/4

Overall Rating- 83

TV Rating- 7.51


Saturday Night

TV Rating- 2.93

Attendance- 7,020

Ticket Sales- $280,800

Hardcore TV

TV Rating- 0.37

Attendance- 502

Ticket Sales- $10,040


"Albert and Crush work well together as a team, it adds to their matches." -Pat Patterson

"D'Lo Brown and me don't really click. How about booking me against someone like Chris Jericho? I think our styles would really work well together."- Scott Taylor


Steve Armstrong has agreed to an open contract with ABWF!

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Date: June 9, 1996

Location: Lafayette, Louisiana

Attendance: 10,017

Ticket Sales: $400,680

Announcers: Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly

Superstars opens up with it's regular video package. We're then taken inside the arena where Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly are standing by. Cole and Kelly hype up today's main event of Rick Martel taking on Albert!

Fatu Vs. Chris Candido

Fatu again gave his beanie to a mid at ringside. Candido again did the job here. This time, Candido didn't even get any offense in! Candido came charging into the ring and tripped and fell on his face! Candido got up right into a right hand from Fatu knocking him down! Fatu dragged Candido up and quickly planted Candido with the Fatu Driver! Fatu put his foot onto Candido's chest and referee counted the 1,2,3. Afterwards, Fatu posed with a little kid from the front row while Candido headed to the back.

71, 69, 73 *3/4

Chris Candido lost overness from this match.

Fatu gained overness from this match.


"The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak with Clarence Mason Vs. Alex Porteau

This was a pretty good match, Stasiak and Porteau seemed to work well together. Before the match started, Mason had the big mirror with him for Stasiak to pose in front of. Porteau started off taking Stasiak down with several arm drags. Porteau then tossed Stasiak out to the floor! Stasiak wanted to take the count out but Mason urged him to go back into the ring. Stasiak was able to take Porteau down with a big clothesline to stop the young man's momentum. Stasiak stomped Porteau down while Porteau was on the canvas. Stasiak used a couple suplexes on Porteau but the young man kept kicking out. Stasiak ended up going up top but Porteau moved out of the way and Stasiak hit the canvas! Porteau made his comeback and hit a few clotheslines to Stasiak. Porteau went for a DDT but Stasiak countered into a side suplex! Stasiak lifted Porteau up and locked Porteau into the Torture Rack! Porteau quickly tapped out! Afterwards, Mason came into the ring with the mirror and Stasiak posed in front of it.

71, 58, 84 **3/4

Hardy Boyz video

Another video begins to air showing the dare devils known as the Hardy Boyz, It shows a video from when they were younger with them wrestling. The word "desire" is shown on the screen as the brothers perform high risk moves on unknown opponents. The video shows both Hardy Boyz standing inside a WWF ring looking up a the lights like they've realized their dreams. The word "passion" is shown as the video ends with both Hardy Boyz standing in the WWF ring.

*note that this is the same video aired on Friday Night Mayhem*


Jeff Hardy gained overness from this segment.


Scorpio Vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler

Scorpio and Lawler didn't seem to have much chemistry in the ring, The crowd was all over Lawler and started a big "Burger King" chant. Lawler had the advantage early on after sending Scorpio into the steel ring post several times. Lawler used a couple choke holds on Scorpio but nothing "The King" did could put Scorpio down. Lawler eventually connected with the Piledriver to Scorpio but Scorpio kicked out! Scorpio made the comeback hitting Lawler with several kicks and a big DDT. Scorpio finished Lawler off with the Scorpio Splash for the 1,2,3.

73, 74, 74 **

Masked Americans interview

Todd Pettengill interviewed the Masked Americans up next to get their thoughts on their upcoming match with Kama and Chris Chavis. Lombardi and Prichard said that Kama and Chavis represented everything that was wrong in America. They called Kama and Chavis followers instead of leaders. The Masked Americans promised a win for all the young kids.


Steve Lombardi gained overness from this segment.


Masked Americans Vs. Chris Chavis and Kama

Pretty decent tag match here, DiBiase wasn't at ringside for this one because he was preparing Albert for his big match coming up next. Kama and Chavis had Prichard isolated early on. The announcers were talking about today's main event and the King Of The Ring Tournament instead of the match at hand. Lombardi ended up getting tagged in and started cleaning house. Prichard brawled with Kama on the outside leaving Chavis with Lombardi in the ring. Lombardi scored with a big bulldog to Chavis to pick up the win! Afterwards, The Masked Americans posed with a American flag to some "USA" chants.

72, 67, 78 **1/4

Interview with Rick Martel

Todd Pettengill interviewed Rick Martel, Martel talked about his match with Sean Waltman tomorrow night on Monday Night Raw. Martel said that he's come a long way and he would beat Waltman in the Quarter Finals and go all the way to King Of The Ring. Martel told Waltman to watch his match with Albert today to see what he's in for tomorrow night on Monday Night Raw.



WWF Slam Of The Week- Sycho Sid puts Vader down with a massive Choke Slam! (Friday Night Mayhem 6/7/96)

Rick Martel Vs. Albert with Ted DiBiase

Martel outsmarted the big man early on and made Albert chase him around the ringside area, Albert came into the ring and Martel took Albert's leg out from under him with a chop block! Martel went for the Québec Crab a couple times but Albert was too strong to turn over. Albert was finally able to catch Martel with a stiff clothesline! Albert tossed Martel around the ring and kept clotheslining Martel running over Martel. Albert went for the A-Bomb but Martel countered out of it and planted Albert with a DDT! Martel followed up hitting Albert with right hands and chops! Martel took Albert down with a big bulldog and locked Albert into the Québec Crab! Albert had nowhere to go and quickly tapped out! Superstars went off the air with Rick Martel celebrating his win. Tomorrow night Martel must face Sean Waltman in the Quarter Finals!

78, 76, 81 **3\4

Overall Rating- 71

TV Rating- 2.90



TV Rating- 2.96

Attendance- 7,004

Ticket Sales- $280,160

SWF Sunday

TV Rating- 2.21

Attendance- 419

Ticket Sales- $8,380


"Fatu and me don't have much chemistry in the ring. How about putting me in a program with a worker like Marc Mero? I think our styles would really work well together." -Chris Candido

"Shawn Michaels would be a great opponent for me, how about putting us together in some matches?" -Steve Austin

"Our ratings battle with Worldwide is so close that neither show is gaining a clear advantage!"- Sophie

OOC: Monday Night Raw preview should be up later after I sim the show out

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Date: June 10, 1996

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Oklahoma City will no doubt host a action packed Monday Night Raw tonight! In the main event, It'll be Steve Austin taking on Shawn Michaels in a non title match. Austin has been knocked out of the King Of The Ring Tournament and has asked for this match tonight! Can Austin get the win over the champion or will Shawn Michaels and the Kliq put Austin down with Sweet Chin Music?

Tonight we'll hear from Undertaker and his manager Paul Bearer. It'll be interesting to see what Undertaker has to say about his match with Cactus Jack at the King Of The Ring. Will Cactus Jack show up?

Matches for Monday Night Raw

Rick Martel and Sean Waltman will meet in the first Quarter Finals Round match of the King Of The Ring Tournament. The winner of this will go on to the Semi Finals at the King Of The Ring. Can Sean Waltman pick up the win and go to the Semi Finals or will Rick Martel continue his amazing return to the ring by beating Waltman?

The team of Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Goldust will face the Smoking Gunns in a non title match, Last time they two teams went up against each other Helmsley was disgusted at his own partner! It's clear that Goldust and Helmsley are a odd tag team, But can they beat the current champions? Or will Helmsley be worried about his Quarter Finals Round match with D'lo Brown next week?

Sycho Sid and Ultimate Warrior will join forces to face British Bulldog and Vader. This should be a huge tag team match up on the road to the King Of The Ring. What will happen between Warrior and Bulldog? What will Sid and Vader do to one another?

Another Quarter Finals Round match up takes place, Al Snow will face Marc Mero! The winner of this will go to the King Of The Ring to face Rick Martel or Sean Waltman. So if Snow wins and Waltman wins, We'll see two Corporation members fight it out! Marc Mero has been on a major winning streak, He's beaten Steve Austin and Owen Hart in the last couple weeks. Can Mero beat Snow and go to the Semi Finals?

And Shawn Michaels will face Steve Austin in a non title match in the main event!

Plus we'll hear from Undertaker, Ahmed Johnson and much more!

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Guest Prototype

Great Raw and Mayhem. I like how his fued with Cactus is bringing out a vicious side in Taker. Knock on wood, but so far im perfect in my KOTR predictions!

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Date: June 10, 1996

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Attendance: 10,002

Ticket Sales: $400,080

Announcers: Jim Ross and Vince McMahon

Monday Night Raw opens up with it's regular video package and then we're taken inside the arena where pyro shoots off. We're taken to the announce position where Jim Ross and Vince McMahon are standing by. They hype up tonight's main event of Steve Austin facing the "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels!

1996 King Of The Ring Tournament

Quarter Finals

Rick Martel Vs. Sean Waltman with Ted DiBiase

The winner of this will go on to the Semi Finals at the King Of The Ring. Martel and Waltman put on one heck of a match here, It went for over ten minutes with alot of near fall situations at the end which got the crowd into it. There were a few "Martel" chants which the announcers had to acknowledge. Waltman and Martel started off trying to out wrestle each other and Waltman got the best of Martel. Waltman taunted Martel and the crowd was all over Waltman, Booing the young man. They locked up again and this time Martel got the best of Waltman and tossed Waltman out to the floor! They brawled on the outside, And Waltman send Rick Martel into the steel ring post face first! Waltman then came into the ring and came back outside with a somersault plancha to Rick Martel! They went back into the ring, And Waltman caught Martel with a spinning back heel kick to the face! Waltman put Martel in the corner and used several kicks to Martel. Waltman kept coming at Martel with everything he had but Martel kept kicking out. Waltman planted Martel with a facebuster and headed up top, Waltman went for a long distance senton bomb but Martel moved out of the way! Martel made his comeback taking Waltman out with a huge bulldog! Martel hit Waltman with big chops and clotheslined Waltman down. Martel took Waltman down with a spinebuster and locked Waltman into the Québec Crab in the center of the ring! Waltman tried to make it to the ropes but Martel dragged him back to the center of the ring! Waltman quickly tapped out! Martel is going to the King Of The Ring!

88, 82, 94 ****1\4

Two more to go!

Sean Waltman is helped to the back by Ted DiBiase, Rick Martel poses in the ring and prepares to go to the back but Dok Hendrix comes to ringside.

Dok Hendrix- Rick Martel! I was wondering if I could get your thoughts on the King Of The Ring. You're the first man to advance to the Semi Finals. At King Of The Ring you will meet either Marc Mero or Al Snow. Your comeback to the ring has been amazing, Will you become the 1996 King Of The Ring?

Rick Martel- I said it once and I'll say it again, I came back to the WWF to be the best. To show everyone that I still had in me. I've done a pretty good job thus far. I'm undefeated and I just beat one of the best young wrestlers in the company. I've beaten everyone who's been put in the ring with me. Now it's time for Rick Martel to win the King Of The Ring. I will go to Milwaukee, Wisconsin ready for a fight. There's going to be two matches for me, And I will win both of them. I proved to the world that I can stand toe to toe with the best young stars this company has. I don't care who's in the Semi Finals with me, Mero or Snow will go down. And then in the Finals I'll beat another man. I will be the 1996 WWF King Of The Ring.

Martel walks off and heads to the back.

Dok Hendrix- Fans, It looks like Rick Martel is ready for the King Of The Ring. Will he be crowned the 1996 King Of The Ring? We'll find out on June 23, Live on Pay Per View! Monday Night Raw will return from the break very soon, Don't go away!



Smoking Gunns Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Goldust with Marlena

This is a non title match. McMahon says that next week the Quarter Finals will finish up, Next week it'll be Hunter Hearst Helmsley facing D'lo Brown and Ahmed Johnson going against "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak. There won't be any tournament matches on Friday Night Mayhem. These two teams have gone up against each other in the past but in non title matches. The team of Helmsley and Goldust isolated Billy Gunn early on after some double teaming. Helmsley and Goldust worked alot better than last time when Helmsley was disgusted at Goldust's antics. Goldust and Helmsley worked over Billy Gunn for a long time until Billy was able to clothesline both men off their feet and make the tag to Bart. Bart came into the ring and started cleaning house. Billy threw Helmsley out to the floor leaving Goldust inside the ring, The Smoking Gunns delivered the Sidewinder to Goldust to pick up the win! Afterwards, The Smoking Gunns posed with their titles. Helmsley left ringside and was going to leave near the RAW stage but D'lo Brown attacked Helmsley from behind with a steel chair! D'lo cracked Helmsley in the back with the chair and Helmsley went down! D'lo stood over Helmsley and told Helmsley that next it'll be D'lo and Helmsley in the Quarter Finals.

84, 85, 84 ***1\4

Ahmed Johnson gets taken out by "The Narcissist"!

We go backstage where we see Kevin Kelly standing by with Ahmed Johnson.

Kevin Kelly- Ahmed Johnson, Next week on Monday Night Raw you'll face "The Narcissist" Shwan Stasiak in the Quarter Finals of the King Of The Ring Tournament. The winner will go to the Semi Finals to face either Hunter Hearst Helmsley or D'lo Brown. Your thoughts at this moment Ahmed Johnson?

Ahmed Johnson- Next week it'll be me and Stasiak, Stasiak I have forgotten about the last time we were in the ring together. Your manager smashed that mirror right over my head! I will get my revenge on you. Shawn Stasiak next week I will beat you and go on to the King Of The Ring. And on that night I will come out as the 1996 King Of The Ring. Next week Shawn Stasiak will have to look into my eyes and know that the people's champion will do everything it takes to become the king of the World Wrestling Federation.

Kevin Kelly- If you do beat Stasiak it'll be you against either Hunter Hearst Helmsley or D'lo Brown in the Semi Finals, And then if you beat Helmsley or D'lo Brown it'll either be you against Rick Martel or Al Snow or Marc Mero in the Finals. Can you beat those men on the way to become the King Of The Ring.

Ahmed Johnson- I don't care who I'll have to face. I'm ready to wrestle twice in one night. I'm ready for everything they give me. I don't care if it's D'lo Brown, Helmsley, Mero, Snow, Martel or whoever gets in my face.But first I'm going to run right over "The Narcissist" next Monday night. And.......

Ahmed Johnson stops talking as Shawn Stasiak and Clarence Mason show up on the scene.

Ahmed Johnson- What do you two cake boys want?

Clarence Mason- Cake boys? Come on now my brother.

Ahmed Johnson- I ain't your brother fool!

Clarence Mason- Calm down, Calm down. We're not here to fight. Because next week it'll be you and "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak one on one. And the winner will go to the Semi Finals. And Ahmed Johnson do you really want to step into the ring with Shawn Stasiak again? Last time you two went at it he left you lying like a piece of garbage!

Ahmed Johnson- He left my lying because you broke a damn mirror over my head! And next week if you get involved, I'll beat the hell out of you Mason!

Shawn Stasiak- You don't need to worry about Clarence getting involved, Because next week I'm going to beat you up. I'm going to kick your butt and go on to the Semi Finals. And then Shawn Stasiak will be the 1996 King Of The Ring. And you will continue to be a piece of trash just like all these fans!

Ahmed Johnson nails Stasiak in the face with a right hand knocking down Stasiak! Johnson mounts on top of Stasiak and beats the hell out of Stasiak! Mason nails Johnson from behind! Johnson easily shoves Mason down! Stasiak grabs a mirror and smashes it over Ahmed Johnson's head! Ahmed Johnson goes down and grabs his eye screaming! Stasiak stomps down on Johnson!

Shawn Stasiak- Next week it's you and I, I will beat you and go on to the Semi Finals! See you next week!

Stasiak and Mason head off as Kevin Kelly asks for someone to come check on Ahmed Johnson who's down on the floor with his hand on his eyes. Monday Night Raw goes to a commercial break with Johnson down on the floor with glass everywhere!


Ahmed Johnson lost overness from this segment.


Sycho Sid and Ultimate Warrior Vs. Vader and British Bulldog with James E. Cornette

All four men started this one off in a huge brawl! Warrior and Bulldog went at it on the outside while Vader fought Sid inside the ring. Sid tried to Powerbomb Vader but Cornette got up on the apron which allowed Vader to sneak a low blow in on Sid! Bulldog and Warrior continued their fight out on the floor with Bulldog sending Warrior into the steel steps! Bulldog and Vader double teamed Sid and Bulldog and Sid were the legal men in. Bulldog was able to somehow suplex Sid with the stalling vertical suplex! Bulldog and Vader pounded the hell out of Sid as Warrior tried to get the fans to cheer on Sid. Vader connected with the Vader Bomb to Sid but Sid was able to kick out! Sid was finally able to tag in Warrior after Choke Slamming British Bulldog! Sid crawled to the corner and tagged in Ultimate Warrior! Warrior came into the ring and started cleaning house! Warrior ran right over Vader and then Bulldog with clotheslines! All four men got into the ring again! All four men brawled and the referee couldn't get any control into the match and called for the bell ruling it a double disqualification! It didn't stop any of the four men though! Warrior and Bulldog ended up brawling all the way to the back! Sid stayed in the ring and Choke Slammed Vader! Sid called for the Powerbomb but Cornette pulled Vader out of the ring! Vader and Cornette headed to the back and Sid went after them as we went to a commercial break.

86, 89, 80 ***


Who will survive at King Of The Ring?

Monday Night Raw returns from the commercial break and the music of Undertaker hits the arena to a huge ovation from the fans. The purple lights come on and out comes Undertaker with his manager Paul Bearer. Undertaker gets inside the ring and raises his arms bringing the lights back on. Paul Bearer is handed a microphone.

Paul Bearer- Oh yes, King Of The Ring is only a few weeks away. And on that night we will see my Undertaker go one on one with Cactus Jack. And on that night everyone will know why you can't beat the phenom of the World Wrestling Federation. Many men have tried but in the end, Undertaker was left standing over them. Cactus Jack you talked about how you can withstand any kind of pain? Well lets see what happens to you when you're going face to face with Undertaker at the King Of The Ring. Cactus Jack the pain you will feel at King Of The Ring will send the message loud and clear. And that message is, When you're in the ring with Undertaker, You will get hurt. And when you attack Undertaker from behind like you've done, You will get even more hurt. You can hide under the ring all you want but when it's time to go face to face with Undertaker, You will know that there's no beating him. You will know that you're no match for Undertaker and all the creatures of the night. Oh no you're not Cactus Jack. And after Undertaker plants you with the Tombstone, And you're lying flat on your back. You'll know that........

Paul Bearer is interrupted by the music of Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack is shown on the RAW screen.

Cactus Jack- I would go down to that ring but I think I need to leave something left of you before I end it all at King Of The Ring. Undertaker you have to hide behind your urn and the creatures of the night don't you? You nailed me over and over again with a steel chair but I kept coming back for more. Pain is my calling Undertaker. I life for it. I enjoy it. I enjoy getting hurt out there. It makes me stronger. Unlike you! I like my pain. It's made me what I am today. And yet none of these people appreciate the hard work I've been through. All the blood, sweat and tears over the years. You have never been through any pain like I have. You think you're going to take me out at the King Of The Ring? It's not possible Undertaker. I'll keep coming back for more and more and more! All these people will see your demise at the King Of The Ring. I will be the man who ends your legacy! And then all these people will have no other choice but to respect me. Undertaker you and I are going to fight and only one man will be standing when the night is over, And it will be me. I will show no mercy! I'll see you in Milwaukee, Wisconsin!

Cactus Jack's music plays and Jack's image fades from the RAW screen. Undertaker and Paul Bearer stand in the ring as Monday Night Raw goes to a commercial break.



1996 King Of The Ring Tournament

Quarter Finals

Al Snow with Ted DiBiase Vs. Marc Mero with Sable

The man who wins this one will face Rick Martel in the Semi Finals at King Of The Ring. Snow and Mero started off trading a few near falls with Mero getting the best of the member of The Corporation. Mero tossed Snow to the outside and hit Snow with a plancha! Mero went to send Snow to the steel steps but Snow reversed it and Mero hit the steps shoulder first! Snow even slammed Mero on the padded floor! Back inside the ring, Snow caught Mero with a pair of flying head scissors. Snow worked over Mero's back and kept Mero into a abdominal stretch for a long time until Mero was able to counter out of it only to walk into a sit out powerbomb from Snow. Snow used plenty of suplexes to Mero to try to put Mero away. Snow had Mero down after a DDT but decided to go up top. Snow went for a moonsault but Mero moved out of the way and Snow hit the canvas! Mero made the big comeback catching Snow with a knee lift to the face! Mero put Snow down with several moves but Snow kept kicking out. Mero went for a drop kick but Snow ducked and Mero drop kicked the referee by accident! Snow nailed Mero from behind and went for a german suplex but Mero countered and took Snow out with a samoan drop! Mero went up top and hit the Wild Thing to Snow but the referee was out! Owen Hart came running down from the back with the Intercontinental Championship! Owen got into the ring and nailed Mero over the back of the head with it! Hart left the ring as Ross screamed that Owen must be bitter about losing to Mero last week! Snow was able to lock Mero into the Million Dollar Dream! The referee got up and checked Mero's arm. It went down three times and Snow was awarded the win! Sable checked on Mero while Snow and DiBiase headed to the back. Al Snow will face Rick Martel in the Semi Finals of the King Of The Ring on Pay Per View.

84, 85, 84 ***3/4


Interview with Steve Austin and Ted DiBiase

Monday Night Raw returns from the break and we go to the interview area backstage where we see Michael Cole standing by with Steve Austin and his manager Ted DiBiase.

Michael Cole- Steve Austin you entered the King Of The Ring Tournament but lost to Marc Mero in the Qualifying Round. You're not in the Tournament anymore but tonight........

Ted DiBiase- Cole shut up! Austin didn't lose to anyone! Marc Mero had a bunch of tights when he beat Austin. Marc Mero is a dirty cheater and everyone knows it!

Michael Cole- Well tonight it'll be you and Shawn Michaels one on one in a non title match, You requested this match but why?

Steve Austin- Are you a moron Michael Cole? Are you stupid? Why would Steve Austin want to face Shawn Michaels? Why would I want to get in the ring with that pretty boy punk? It's simple! Shawn Michaels is the World Wrestling Federation Champion. He's the king of the mountain right now. Tonight after I beat that man, I will be known as the man who beat Shawn Michaels. I have everything to gain tonight. Tonight I'm going to show everyone how good I truly am. Shawn Michael is nothing to me. Shawn Michaels in that very ring, You will know why I am the future of the World Wrestling Federation. You will know that Steve Austin is going right to the top of the WWF. I will beat you one, two, three in that ring. I will come out victorious. And after I do beat you, The WWF will have no choice but to name me the number one contender for the WWF Championship.

Ted DiBiase- And when Steve Austin is awarded the title shot, He will be the next WWF Champion!

Michael Cole- Fans up next we'll hear from Shawn Michaels! Monday Night Raw returns after the commercial break.



Interview with Shawn Michaels

Monday Night Raw returns from the break and we go to the interview area backstage where we see Dok Hendrix standing by with the World Wrestling Federation Champion, Shawn Michaels.

Dok Hendrix- Shawn Michaels tonight's a big night for you, You take on Steve Austin in a non title match up. And it looks like Steve Austin is already looking ahead for a title shot. Last week you faced Sean Waltman in a amazing match up, But tonight you have to once again go out there and wrestle. You haven't been in great shape since your match with Kevin Nash last month. Tonight can you beat Steve Austin even though you're not in any kind of condition to be wrestling?

Shawn Michaels- Well the WWF officials told me it wasn't wise to compete tonight, But I never turn down a challenge. Steve Austin I know you're thinking that you'll be able to beat me because I'm not one hundred percent but tonight I will beat you. I've beaten you before and tonight I'll be doing it again. You might have Ted DiBiase with you but I got the Kliq Austin. And tonight they'll be backing me up injured or not.

Dok Hendrix- Shawn Michaels it seems like at King Of The Ring we'll have a new champion, Jeff Jarrett has Rick Rude backing him up and it's very likely that Rude will interfere in the title match at the King Of The Ring. Will you be able to overcome Rude and Jarrett?

Shawn Michaels- I said it once and I'll say it again, Rude won't make a difference. I know he and Jarrett will be trying to screw me out of the title but I'll overcome the odds one way or another. I've worked too hard to become the champion and lose the title to Jarrett and Rude. Rick Rude might try to get involved but if he does, I will not be afraid of hitting him. I know a injury made him retire from the ring but if he gets involved I will not be afraid of hurting him. Rick Rude you try to get involved at King Of The Ring and I will not be responsible for my actions. I will do everything that I can to walk out with my title at King Of The Ring.

Dok Hendrix- Jeff Jarrett or Rick Rude aren't here tonight, Do you know why that is?

Shawn Michaels- I haven't seen or heard anything about either man being here. But it doesn't matter to me. If Jeff Jarrett and Rick Rude were smart they'd watch what I do to Steve Austin here tonight. Jeff I hope you're watching because what I do to Austin, Will be what I'll do to you at King Of The Ring!

Dok Hendrix- Good luck out there Shawn, Fans up next it's the big main event! Can Shawn Michaels beat Steve Austin even when he's not at one hundred percent? Find out when Monday Night Raw returns from the break!



WWF Slam Of The Week- Rick Martel locks Albert into the Québec Crab! (Superstars 6/9/96)

Shawn Michaels Vs. Steve Austin with Ted DiBiase

Steve Austin attacked the champion from behind as Michaels was posing to start this one off! Austin stomped a mud hole on Michaels in the corner with the crowd behind Michaels chanting "HBK". Austin went for his Stone Cold Stunner early on but Michaels countered into a reverse atomic drop! Michaels send out to the floor with a clothesline and skinned the cat back into the ring. Michaels even hit a huge moonsault all the way from the top turnbuckle to the outside onto Austin! Michaels tried to send Austin to the steel steps but Austin reversed it and Michaels went crashing into the steel steps! Austin distracted the referee and Ted DiBiase got some shots in on Michaels. Austin put Michaels back into the ring and came close to putting Michaels away after hitting a big time clothesline to the "Heart Break Kid". Austin suplexed Michaels three times one right after the other! Austin worked over Michaels' back and locked Michaels into a boston crab! Michaels tried to make it to the ropes but Austin dragged him all the way to the center of the ring. After being locked into the hold for awhile, Michaels was able to make it to the ropes! Austin continued pounding Michaels' back! Austin ended up going for a clothesline but Michaels ducked and hit Austin with the flying forearm. Michaels nipped up and made the comeback. Michaels scored several near falls over Austin but Austin kept kicking out. Michaels slammed Austin down and headed up top. Michaels came flying off the top with a elbow drop right to Austin's heart! Michaels went to the corner and tuned up the band! DiBiase got up on the apron distracting the referee! Jeff Jarrett then came running down from the back with a steel chair! Jarrett got into the ring and went to hit Michaels with the chair but Michaels ducked and Jarrett took Austin out! Michaels hit Jarrett with a clothesline sending Jarrett outside! Michaels then knocked DiBiase off the apron and covered Austin for the win!

88, 85, 92 ****

How can Michaels survive at the King Of The Ring?

After the match was over, Jarrett got up and Michaels went out after him! Both men brawled around the ringside area with Michaels sending Jarrett into the steel steps! Jarrett went running to the back and Michaels followed! When our cameras took us to the back, We saw Rick Rude nail Michaels with a steel chair right to the head! It was a trap! Rude and Jarrett put the boots to Michaels! Jarrett spat at Michaels and told Michaels he had no chance in hell at King Of The Ring! Monday Night Raw went off the air with Shawn Michaels out on the floor while Jarrett and Rude stomped away on him.


Shawn Michaels lost overness from this segment.

Overall Rating- 81

TV Rating- 7.28


Monday Nitro

TV Rating- 6.50

Attendance- 7,008

Ticket Sales- $280,320


"Bart Gunn and Billy Gunn work well together as a team, it adds to their matches."- Pat Patterson

"Al Snow and me don't have much chemistry in the ring. How about putting me in a program with a worker like Sean Waltman? I think our styles would really work well together."- Marc Mero

"Our ratings battle with Monday Nitro is so close that neither show is gaining a clear advantage!"- Sophie

Edited by Baby Hewey
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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: June 14, 1996

Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Tonight on Friday Night Mayhem we're going to hear from Commissioner Ric Flair. We understand that Commissioner Flair has a big announcement regarding the WWF Championship match for the King Of The Ring. We have no idea what sort of announcement Flair is going to make over the title match. But knowing "The Nature Boy" you can expect it to be something big. Both Shawn Michaels and Jeff Jarrett are going to be in Tulsa for the big announcement. Infact, We will be hearing from Jeff Jarrett and his manager "Ravishing" Rick Rude.

In tonight's main event, Goldust will battle Undertaker. Paul Bearer won't be in Tulsa according to rumors because Bearer is involved in some other "activities" tonight. How will Undertaker do without Bearer and the urn with him? Will Goldust's mind games be able to work on the phenom or will he fall victim to the Tombstone?

Matches for Friday Night Mayhem

The Masked Americans take on Sean Waltman and Steve Austin of The Corporation. This is the biggest match for the Masked Americans since debuting in the WWF. Can they beat these two members of The Corporation? Or will Austin and Waltman get the win?

Mabel is big, bad and mad. We understand that the 1995 King Of The Ring has been upset over not being invited to join this year's Tournament. Tonight Mabel will face Jake "The Snake" Roberts. Can Jake overcome 568 pounds of Mabel or will Mabel squash Jake with the Big Splash?

Rick Martel continues his amazing return to the ring tonight, But tonight he faces Brian Christopher. Can Martel continue his undefeated streak by beating the Light Heavyweight sensation? Martel will be in the Semi Finals of the King Of The Ring and this is a big match up on the road to the King Of The Ring.

Ahmed Johnson and D'lo Brown will team up to face Shawn Stasiak and Hunter Hearst Helmsley. All four men are involved in the Quarter Final round matches of the King Of The Ring. This Monday night it will be Johnson against Stasiak and Helmsley again D'lo. Who will win this tag match? What kind of condition is Johnson's eye in after getting hit over the head with a mirror by Stasiak?

And in the main event, We'll see Undertaker face Goldust!

Plus Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Jarrett and much more!

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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: June 14, 1996

Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Attendance: 10,049

Ticket Sales: $401,960

Announcers: Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect

Friday Night Mayhem opens up with it's regular video package and then we're taken inside the arena where pyro shoots off. We're taken to the announce position where Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect are standing by. They hype up tonight's main event of Goldust taking on Undertaker!

Sean Waltman and Steve Austin with Ted DiBiase Vs. Masked Americans

This is the best match that the Masked Americans have had as a tag team. Waltman and Austin were able to care them to a great match up and the crowd was getting into the Masked Americans, Chanting "USA". The Masked Americans started off tossing both Waltman and Austin out to the floor and then taunting them by doing poses (which looked like Hulk Hogan's poses.) Austin and Waltman were finally able to take control of the match after Austin caught Prichard with a big spinebuster. Austin and Waltman double teamed Prichard for awhile keeping him from making the tag to Lombardi. Austin and Waltman ended up going for a double clothesline to Prichard, But Prichard ducked and took both members of The Corporation out with a pair of clotheslines! Prichard then made the hot tag to Lombardi! Lombardi came into the ring and started cleaning house! Lombardi took out Waltman and Austin with right hands and clotheslines! The Masked Americans took Austin down with a double clothesline and then took out Waltman with a double flapjack! The Masked Americans went to double suplex Austin, But Waltman nailed Prichard from behind and tossed Prichard out to the floor! Waltman then drilled Lombardi with a spinning back heel kick and Austin covered for the 1,2,3!

82, 76, 88 ***1\2

Waltman and Austin want the titles!

Afterwards, The Masked Americans headed to the as Ted DiBiase came into the ring with a microphone.

Ted DiBiase- You people just saw that didn't you? Sean Waltman and Steve Austin rack up another win. Sean Waltman and Steve Austin might not be in the King Of The Ring Tournament but they want to wrestle at the Pay Per View. They want a big match. They want the WWF Tag Team Championship! Smoking Gunns I'm laying down the challenge right here, Right now. Sean Waltman and Steve Austin want to become the WWF Tag Team Champions! And they want to become the champions at King Of The Ring! So how about it Billy and Bart? Do you boys accept? Do you two have the guts to put the titles on the line against this team at King Of The Ring?

The Smoking Gunns' music hits the arena to a great ovation from the fans as Billy and Bart Gunn stand on top of the entry way with the WWF Tag Team Championship around their waists.

Ted DiBiase- So what will it be boys? Do you two accept the challenge or are you two too yellow?

Billy Gunn- You're darn right we accept boys! We've beaten you two before and we're not afraid to fight you two again! We'll put the titles on the line at the King Of The Ring! But with one exception.

Ted DiBiase- Sure what is it?

Bart Gunn- You Ted DiBiase cannot be at ringside for this match! We want it to be a fair fight! A fair match between two great teams without you interfering!

Ted DiBiase- All right, We accept! I won't be at ringside for this match!

Billy Gunn- Then you two boys got your match! But at King Of The Ring we're going to be the ones who walk out with the titles still around our waists!

Bart Gunn- We'll see you two at the King Of The Ring!

The Smoking Gunns' music plays and Bart and Billy pose on top of the entrance way, Waltman and Austin stare them down with Ted DiBiase looking a bit concerned.


Ric Flair decides to punish the King Of Harts!

Our cameras take us to the office of Commissioner Ric Flair. We see the Commissioner at his desk with some paperwork. Flair looks at the camera and begins to talk.

Ric Flair- Woooooooo! I hope all you WWF fans have enjoyed Friday Night Mayhem so far. It's going to be one hell of a match show! But I'm not out here to talk about the big announcement regarding the World Wrestling Federation Championship just yet, I'm here to talk about Owen Hart. It seems to me that Owen Hart thinks he can go around doing anything he wants just because he's the Intercontinental Champion. Well, Owen I'm the Commissioner of the WWF not you! And last Monday night you involved during the Al Snow and Marc Mero match. You cost Marc Mero the chance to become the King Of The Ring. And you have to be punished. Since Marc Mero isn't going to the King Of The Ring, He will meet you at the King Of The Ring. You two have fought and last time you two fought, Marc Mero pinned you in a non title match. So at King Of The Ring it will be you and Marc Mero for the Intercontinental Championship! Woooooooooo!



Mabel Vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts

It seems like the WWF has decided to start pushing last year's King Of The Ring winner again, Mabel squashed Jake here and beat the hell out of Jake right from the opening bell. Mabel avalanched Jake a couple times in the corner and then tossed Jake out to the floor. Mabel send Jake into the steel ring post a couple times injuring Jake's back! Mabel rolled Jake back into the ring and ran over Jake with a clothesline. Mabel hit Jake with a belly to belly suplex and dropped a leg drop right onto Jake. Mabel came running at Jake with the Big Splash! Mabel covered Jake and got the 1,2,3. Afterwards, Mabel lifted Jake back up and hit another big belly to belly! Mabel then hit another Big Splash to Jake! Mabel stood over Jake who had blood coming out of his mouth! Mabel headed to the back victorious saying he was done playing around.

70, 72, 67 *1/4


Rick Martel Vs. Brian Christopher

Martel was involved in another good match up, Martel has been having some truly great matches since his return to the WWF. It seems like he really wants to prove himself. The match between him and Al Snow should be killer at the King Of The Ring. Christopher started off out wrestling Martel and then taunting Martel. They locked up again and this time it was Martel who took Christopher down. Martel went right after Christopher and beat him down in the corner with right hands and chops. Christopher went out to the floor to take a breather but Martel went right after him! Martel beat Christopher down and send Christopher into the steel steps! Martel tried to suplex Christopher on the outside but Christopher countered! Christopher rolled Martel into the ring and got a few near falls over Martel. Christopher had Martel beat after coming off the top with the Tennessee Jam but he didn't cover Martel and chose to taunt the crowd! This allowed Martel to mount a comeback. Martel chopped Christopher and hit a big atomic drop followed by a bulldog! Martel took Christopher down with a spinebuster but couldn't lock Christopher into the Québec Crab. Christopher caught Martel with a big DDT! The ending came when both men ended up going several near fall sequences that ended with Martel locking Christopher into the Québec Crab! Christopher had nowhere to go and quickly tapped out! Martel posed on the turnbuckles as Mr. Perfect said Martel had a really good chance of being the 1996 King Of The Ring.

84, 76, 92 ***3/4

Hardy Boyz video

Another video hyping the debut of the Hardy Boyz are shown, We're shown several clips of Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy wrestling. It seems like these two are real dare devils. Both Matt and Jeff talked about dreaming of making it to the World Wrestling Federation and how they've always wanted to compete at Wrestlemania for a chance to become the tag team champions. Both Hardy's say that their dreams are going to come true. They'll go through any team that stands in their way. Matt and Jeff claim that they're dare devil type offense will be alot different then what the WWF fans are used to, They'll put their bodies on the line at any cost. No matter how dangerous it is. They say you have to live for the moment as the video comes to an end.


Matt Hardy gained overness from this segment.


Ahmed Johnson and D'lo Brown Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley and "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak with Clarence Mason

On Monday Night Raw it'll be Ahmed Johnson versus "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak and Hunter Hearst Helmsley versus D'lo Brown in the last Quarter Final round match ups in the King Of The Ring Tournament. So these men who are partners tonight, Could be facing each other. Ahmed Johnson is wearing a eye patch due to "injuries" sustained on Monday Night Raw at the hands of Shawn Stasiak. All four men started off brawling with Johnson and Brown tossing the blue blooded snob aristocrat and "The Narcissist" out to the floor. Brown and Johnson then stared each other down and decided to save it for later, And went out after Helmsley and Stasiak beating down both cocky young men on the outside! Ahmed Johnson and Stasiak were the legal men and Johnson was just beating the hell out of Stasiak. Stasiak was finally able to thumb Johnson in the eye! Stasiak took Johnson down with a forearm shot and then did a pose (Lex Luger's pose) and tagged in Helmsley. Helmsley and Stasiak were able to double team Johnson for awhile until Johnson took both men out with stiff clotheslines and tagged in D'lo Brown. Brown came into the ring and started cleaning house! D'lo knocked Helmsley down with a spinning heel kick and then nailed Stasiak with a big powerslam! Johnson and Brown ran down Helmsley with a clothesline sending Helmsley out to the floor! Ahmed Johnson hit Stasiak with a big spinebuster and called for the Pearl River Plunge! Helmsley headed to the back and left Stasiak all alone! Johnson picked Stasiak up and planted Stasiak with the Pearl River Plunge! D'lo then came off the top with the Lo Down to Stasiak and got the 1,2,3. Afterwards, Mason helped Stasiak to the back while Brown and Johnson stood in the ring face to face. Both men shook hands and raised each other's arm in the air.

79, 80, 79 **3/4


Interview with Jeff Jarrett and Rick Rude

Friday Night Mayhem returns from the break with Jeff Jarrett's music hitting the arena to boos from the crowd. Pyro goes off from the rafters and from the entrance way. Rick Rude and Jeff Jarrett make their way down to the ring with Mr. Perfect saying that with Rick Rude in his corner, Jeff Jarrett will be the new World Wrestling Federation Champion at King Of The Ring. Jarrett and Rude pose in the ring while pyros go off from the turnbuckles. Rude is handed a microphone while the fans begin a "HBK" chant.

Rick Rude- You can chant "HBK" all you want but we're still going to talk. I know everyone here saw what me and Jeff Jarrett did to your "Heart Break Kid" on Monday Night Raw this past Monday night. Shawn Michaels ran right into our trap. Seriously how stupid is Shawn Michaels? Did he think we'd stay away? Did he think we'd stay away from him with the King Of The Ring just weeks away? Shawn Michaels we're going to be making your life a living nightmare for you. We're going to do everything it takes to make sure you don't walk out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin with the Championship around your waist. Shawn Michaels with me in his corner, Jeff Jarrett will be the next World Wrestling Federation Champion. You will not be able to overcome the odds. It doesn't matter what Flair has in store for the match. Whether it's a special stipulation or something else, It won't matter. If I get involved, It will be the end of your title reign Shawn Michaels. You have had a great run as champion but now it's time for Jeff Jarrett to end it. This will be the biggest match of your career Shawn. There's no chance in hell of you winning it. It'll be impossible. Your title reign will come to an end on June 23rd, You have no way to beat Jeff Jarrett no matter what kind of stipulation Commissioner Ric Flair adds to the match.

Jeff Jarrett- Shawn Michaels, Last Monday night was perfect. We suckered you in just like the moron you are. You thought we would stay away? Not with King Of The Ring being so close. Shawn Michaels you better get ready for the King Of The Ring. You better get ready to lose the WWF Championship to me Michaels! It's time the title left you and the Kliq! Your era will come to an end on June 23rd. At Milwaukee, Wisconsin you will know why I am the future of the WWF and the true leader of the New Generation. You might have beaten me last year but I had that idiot The Roadie back then, This is 1996 and I have "Ravishing" Rick Rude in my corner. Shawn Michaels enjoy the time you have left with the title because at King Of The Ring, It'll be coming around my waist! And Ric Flair, You better not try to make up some crazy ruling! Or I will be forced to smash my guitar over your head, Commissioner or not!

Rick Rude- Flair just remember that Jeff Jarrett is the future and Shawn Michaels is done!

Rude drops the microphone down and he and Jarrett pose.


Interview with Undertaker

We go to the interview area backstage where we see Kevin Kelly standing by with Undertaker who doesn't have his manager Paul Bearer at his side tonight.

Kevin Kelly- Undertaker tonight you face the bizarre Goldust in a one on one match up, But as we can see Paul Bearer isn't here tonight. Where is Paul Bearer?

Undertaker- That's none of your business, Paul Bearer is attending some activities with the creatures of the night. He'll be back on Monday Night Raw by my side like he's been for the past five years.

Kevin Kelly- Undertaker it will be you and Cactus Jack at the King Of The Ring in singles action. It seems like Jack is intent on taking you out once and for all. He claims that he can stand anything you'll throw at him. What's going through your mind as you get ready for this battle with the deranged Cactus Jack?

Undertaker- Cactus Jack thinks he'll be able to stand after all me and the creatures of the night will give him, But he's mistaken. Cactus Jack I know all about your past. I know you very well. My creatures of the night know you very well too. And Cactus Jack it doesn't matter how hurt you've been in the past, You will know what real pain is like. You have to look into the eyes of the grim reaper at the King Of The Ring. And you'll have to realize that you stand no chance against me. Your pain will be the the delight of my creatures of the night. We will enjoy hurting you and giving you pain like you never felt before.

Kevin Kelly- Tonight it's you and the bizarre Goldust, Goldust loves to play mind games with his opponents Undertaker. Will his mind games work on you?

Undertaker- Goldust might like to hide behind his little mind games, But they won't work on me. Tonight I might not have the power of the urn and Paul Bearer by my side. But I do have all of my creatures of the night. And Marlena if you try to interfere in this match, Then you will have to go face to face with the creatures of the night worldwide. And that's a fight you cannot win. Tonight Goldust you will rest in peace.

Kevin Kelly- Up next you'll see Undertaker go up against the bizarre Goldust! Can Undertaker beat Goldust? Find out next!



Undertaker Vs. Goldust with Marlena

Undertaker show a more aggressive side to himself here, Goldust's mind games didn't seem to work on the man from the dark side who was all business. Undertaker started off beating Goldust down with right hands in the corner and then choking Goldust down. Undertaker tossed Goldust out to the floor and went after him. Marlena tried to get involved but Undertaker grabbed her around the throat! Goldust saved Marlena but ended up getting sent into the steel ring post face first! Undertaker rammed Goldust's head against the steel ring post several times opening Goldust up! Undertaker rolled Goldust into the ring and hit him with a flying DDT. Undertaker slowly beat Goldust down. Goldust was able to bulldog Undertaker but Undertaker sat up and booted Goldust in the face! Undertaker did the walk on the ropes and called for the Choke Slam. Goldust staggered up to his feet and Undertaker grabbed him by the throat and Choke Slammed Goldust! Undertaker called for the Tombstone as Marlena watched at ringside, Worried for Goldust. Undertaker lifted Goldust up and planted Goldust with the Tombstone! Undertaker did the darkness pin and got the 1,2,3 to end this squash! Afterwards, Marlena helped Goldust to the back as the purple lights flashed through out the arena. Undertaker posed and Cactus Jack came out through the crowd with a steel chair! Undertaker turned around and Jack drilled the phenom with a huge chair shot right to the head! The lights came back on and Cactus Jack stomped away on Undertaker. Jack lifted Undertaker up and planted Undertaker with a double arm hook DDT into the steel chair! Jack left the chair down and headed to the back as Undertaker was once again left down by a Cactus Jack assault.

88, 91, 84 ***1\2


WWF Slam Of The Week- The Smoking Gunns deliver the Sidewinder to Goldust! (Monday Night Raw 6/10/96)

Ric Flair makes sure the main event will be fair!

Friday Night Mayhem returns from the commercial break with the music of the "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels hitting the arena to a huge ovation. The WWF Champion makes his way down to the ring not looking too pleased after being attacked on Monday night. Michaels poses in the ring with his usual pyro going off behind the "Heart Break Kid". Michaels is handed a microphone and prepares to talk as the "HBK" chants start up.

Shawn Michaels- Now I know everyone knows why HBK is out here. Last Monday night after I was done beating the hell out of Steve Austin, Jeff Jarrett lead me to the back where Rick Rude smashed me in the head with a steel chair. Rick Rude you and Jeff Jarrett are right, You two have had the advantage for a long time now. Ever since Rick Rude came back to the WWF, You and Jeff Jarrett have been beating me down like a dog. But it's now time to stop. I will be the hunter. I will be the one who stalks and attacks you like you're an animal. The time for games is over, And Rick Rude I will get even for that chair shot don't you worry about that. But what I want to do is what does Ric Flair have in mind for the main event? What kind of match is he making? Ric Flair I know you're a fair man and I want to know what stipulation you've added for the title match. So I want you to come down here and tell me what your decision for the match is.

Michaels stays in the ring and the music of Commissioner Ric Flair hits the arena to another huge ovation from the crowd. Ric Flair makes his way down to the ring with a big smile on his face. Flair gets face to face with Michaels and lets out a wooooooooo!

Ric Flair- Wooooooooo! You want to know what I have done to the main event? You know I listened to Rick Rude and Jeff Jarrett, Jarrett said he's smash a guitar over my head? Well lets see the son of a b**** try! Woooooooo! And then you have the champ over here talking about the match, And telling me to come down to the ring? Let me tell you something Michaels, I've been a two time WWF Champion. You don't tell me to go nowhere son! I think that both you and Jeff Jarrett have very big egos. You two think you can go around doing everything you want. Well you're wrong pal! See at King Of The Ring there will be a special guest referee for your main event! And that referee is a man who's a limousine ridin', jet flyin', kiss stealin', wheelin' dealin' son of a gun! Woooooooo! That's right! I will be the guest referee at the title match! You and Jarrett for the World Wrestling Federation Championship and I will be the referee! Wooooooooo! So it's you and Jarrett! And if either one of you gets in my face, I'll knock you both down on your asses! And Rick Rude, You get involved and I'll lock you into the Figure Four! Woooooooo! I wish you two the best of luck at the King Of The Ring!

Flair's music hits and the crowd and the announcers are stunned. Ric Flair heads to the back as Michaels stays in the ring. Friday Night Mayhem goes off the air with Ric Flair posing on top of the entry way while Michaels looks on.


Overall Rating- 83

TV Rating- 6.91


Saturday Night

TV Rating- 2.97

Attendance- 7,004

Ticket Sales- $280,160

Hardcore TV

TV Rating- 0.38

Attendance- 509

Ticket Sales- $10,180


"Rick Martel and Brian Christopher work pretty well together due to their similar styles."- Pat Patterson

"Sean Waltman would be a great opponent for me, how about putting us together in some matches?"- Marc Mero

Edited by Baby Hewey
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Date: June 16, 1996

Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Attendance: 10,041

Ticket Sales: $401,640

Announcers: Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly

Superstars opens up with it's regular video package. We're then taken inside the arena where Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly are standing by. Cole and Kelly hype up today's main event of The Smoking Gunns defending the WWF Tag Team Championship against Jerry Lawler and Scott Taylor.

Albert with Ted DiBiase Vs. Jim Neidhart

These two big men actually had a pretty decent match together, Though the announcers chose to ignore it and talk about Ric Flair being the special referee at King Of The Ring. Neidhart mounted a comeback near the end but Albert caught him with the A-Bomb to score the win. Afterwards, Albert dragged Neidhart back up and scored with a second A-Bomb to "The Anvil"! Albert and DiBiase laughed as the referee checked on Neidhart who seemed to be out of it after suffering two A-Bombs in a row.

73, 72, 75 **


The Thrillseekers Vs. The Headbangers

The Thrillseekers and The Headbangers always seem to put on a good match up, The WWF though doesn't want to push The Thrillseekers just yet, They want to make The Thrillseekers earn their spot on the card. The WWF did want to push The Headbangers but Mosh has a attitude problem which the WWF will not put up with. The Headbangers isolated the young "Lion Heart" Chris Jericho early on and gave the young man a hard time. Jericho got double teamed for a long time until he put Mosh down with a DDT and hit Thrasher with a spinning heel kick. Jericho tagged in Lance Storm who came into the ring and started to clean house. The Thrillseekers double suplexed Thrasher and then clotheslined him out to the floor. Storm took Mosh out with a release german suplex and Jericho followed up with the Lion Sault to pick up the win. Afterwards, The Thrillseekers posed to a good pop from the fans.

86, 72, 100 ****1\2

Cactus Jack/Undertaker video

We're shown a video highlight of what happened during Friday Night Mayhem this week between Undertaker and Cactus Jack.

Undertaker posed and Cactus Jack came out through the crowd with a steel chair! Undertaker turned around and Jack drilled the phenom with a huge chair shot right to the head! The lights came back on and Cactus Jack stomped away on Undertaker. Jack lifted Undertaker up and planted Undertaker with a double arm hook DDT into the steel chair! Jack left the chair down and headed to the back as Undertaker was once again left down by a Cactus Jack assault.



Alex Porteau Vs. Chris Candido

Superstars wouldn't be Superstars without Chris Candido either jobbing or looking like a complete moron in the process. Keep in mind that Kevin Nash has been helping in the booking. And you know how the Clique just loves Mr. Candido :shifty:  Candido was easily beaten as he came charging into the ring only to get taken down by a inside cradle from Porteau giving Porteau the win. Afterwards, Chris Candido tried to bully the referee but the referee shoved Candido down! Candido left the ring scared of the referee! Porteau and the referee then celebrated to some pops from the crowd. Candido threw a fit backstage about having to lose to Porteau who's a glorified jobber.

63, 56, 70 *1/4

Chris Candido lost overness from this match.

Alex Porteau gained overness from this match.

Interview with Kama and Ted DiBiase

Todd Pettengill interviewed "The Supreme Fighting Machine" Kama and his manager Ted DiBiase, DiBiase said that he was tired of people treating Kama like a joke. Ted DiBiase did a good job of hyping Kama as a true "Supreme Fighting Machine". DiBiase says Kama is no longer going to take any abuse from anyone and that today on Superstars he was going to beat Hakushi and prove himself worthy of being a champion in the WWF.


Kama gained overness from this segment.


Kama with Ted DiBiase Vs. Hakushi

Looks like the push that Crush was going to get might be going to Kama who's less over than Crush. Hakushi got to put Kama over as "The Supreme Fighting Machine" selling everyone of Kama's blows like it killed him. Kama tossed Hakushi around the ring a couple times and clotheslined Hakushi a few times as well. Kama lifted Hakushi up and dropped Hakushi down with a sidewalk slam and then a leg drop but chose to pick up Hakushi at 2 instead of covering him for the win. Kama lifted Hakushi up and delivered the Supreme Driver. Kama picked Hakushi up and planted Hakushi with a second Supreme Driver and covered scoring the win. Afterwards, Kama lifted Hakushi back up and delivered a third straight Supreme Driver to Hakushi! Kama stood over Hakushi as Ted DiBiase shouted that Kama's going to the top of the World Wrestling Federation.

78, 74, 82 **3\4

Hakushi lost overness from this match.

Kama gained overness from this match.


Shawn Michaels- Now I know everyone knows why HBK is out here. Last Monday night after I was done beating the hell out of Steve Austin, Jeff Jarrett lead me to the  back where Rick Rude smashed me in the head with a steel chair. Rick Rude you and Jeff Jarrett are right, You two have had the advantage for a long time now. Ever since Rick Rude came back to the WWF, You and Jeff Jarrett have been beating me down like a dog. But it's now time to stop. I will be the hunter. I will be the one who stalks and attacks you like you're an animal. The time for games is over, And Rick Rude I will get even for that chair shot don't you worry about that. But what I want to do is what does Ric Flair have in mind for the main event? What kind of match is he making? Ric Flair I know you're a fair man and I want to know what stipulation you've added for the title match. So I want you to come down here and tell me what your decision for the match is.

Michaels stays in the ring and the music of Commissioner Ric Flair hits the arena to another huge ovation from the crowd. Ric Flair makes his way down to the ring with a big smile on his face. Flair gets face to face with Michaels and lets out a wooooooooo!

Ric Flair- Wooooooooo! You want to know what I have done to the main event? You know I listened to Rick Rude and Jeff Jarrett, Jarrett said he's smash a guitar over my head? Well lets see the son of a b**** try! Woooooooo! And then you have the champ over here talking about the match, And telling me to come down to the ring? Let me tell you something Michaels, I've been a two time WWF Champion. You don't tell me to go nowhere son! I think that both you and Jeff Jarrett have very big egos. You two think you can go around doing everything you want. Well you're wrong pal! See at King Of The Ring there will be a special guest referee for your main event! And that referee is a man who's a limousine ridin', jet flyin', kiss stealin', wheelin' dealin' son of a gun! Woooooooo! That's right! I will be the guest referee at the title match! You and Jarrett for the World Wrestling Federation Championship and I will be the referee! Wooooooooo! So it's you and Jarrett! And if either one of you gets in my face, I'll knock you both down on your asses! And Rick Rude, You get involved and I'll lock you into the Figure Four! Woooooooo! I wish you two the best of luck at the King Of The Ring!


I fucked up and booked a Michaels interview when this was suppose to be a highlight of what happened on Friday Night Mayhem.


WWF Slam Of The Week- Mabel squashes Jake Roberts with the Big Splash! (Friday Night Mayhem 6/14/96)

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Smoking Gunns© Vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler and Scott Taylor

The announcers mentioned that at King Of The Ring it'll be the Smoking Gunns defending the titles against Sean Waltman and Steve Austin and how Ted DiBiase is banned from the ringside area. Lawler and Taylor got some great heat here. Bart Gunn was isolated by Lawler and Taylor early on. Taylor and Lawler made quick tags in and out to keep Bart Gunn grounded. They came close to beating Bart and winning the titles but Billy kept making the save. Bart was able to tag in Billy after taking out both Lawler and Taylor with the Forearm Shot! Bart tagged in Billy who cleaned house! The Smoking Gunns took Taylor out with their back suplex/drop kick combo and finished Lawler off with the Sidewinder. Nice to see Jerry putting people over :D Superstars went off the air with the Smoking Gunns celebrating their win by posing with the titles.

80, 81, 80 **3\4

Overall Rating- 79

TV Rating- 2.90


SWF Sunday

TV Rating- 2.25

Attendance- 416

Ticket Sales- $8,320

WCW Great American Bash

Pay Per View Buyrate- 1.49

Attendance- 15,989

Ticket Sales- $959,340

Pay Per View Revenue- $3,725,000


"Our ratings battle with Worldwide is so close that neither show is gaining a clear advantage!"- Pat Patterson

"I would like to work with Mabel at some stage, i think you'd be impressed with the results."- Ultimate Warrior.

"Lance Storm would be a great opponent for me, how about putting us together in some matches?"- Jeff Jarrett

"How about booking me against Shawn Michaels? I'm sure we could do some pretty entertaining stuff that the fans would like."- Steve Austin

"I think i should be higher up the card."- Hakushi


The recent behavior of Ultimate Warrior has annoyed several other members of the locker room.

Edited by Baby Hewey
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Date: June 17, 1996

Location: Kansas City, Kansas

We're just six days away from the King Of The Ring, Tonight a big tag team main event is going to take place. Shawn Michaels and Marc Mero team up to face the team of Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett. At King Of The Ring it'll be Michaels and Jarrett for the WWF Championship and Owen Hart and Marc Mero for the Intercontinental Championship. This should be a great tag team match up between four great athletes.

Undertaker was once again attacked by Cactus Jack this past Friday night, Tonight we're going to hear from Undertaker live from a graveyard! What does the phenom have to say? We will also hear from Cactus Jack who's scheduled to be in Kansas City, It'll be interesting to see how Jack responds to Undertaker being in a graveyard.

Sycho Sid and Vader will do battle this Sunday night with the winner facing the WWF Champion at SummerSlam. Tonight we'll be hearing from Sid. What does the master and the ruler of the world have to say?

Matches for Monday Night Raw

Ultimate Warrior steps into the ring with that dangerous convict Crush, We still don't know who Warrior's partner will be at the King Of The Ring. But we know that Warrior better have his Warriors with him tonight because if not, Then he's getting a Heart Punch from the dangerous Crush.

Rick Martel teams up with the Smoking Gunns to face Sean Waltman, Al Snow and Steve Austin of The Corporation. This Sunday night it'll be Martel and Snow in the Semi Final rounds of the King Of The Ring while the Smoking Gunns defend the tag titles against Sean Waltman and Steve Austin in a match where Ted DiBiase is barred from ringside. This should be a wild tag team match.

The first Quarter Finals match of the night will be Ahmed Johnson facing "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak. Last week we saw Stasiak break a mirror over Johnson's head injuring Ahmed's eye resulting in Johnson have to wear a bandage over his eye. Can Stasiak beat Johnson tonight or will the one eyed Johnson come out on top and go on to the Semi Finals?

The second Quarter Final Round match up will be Hunter Hearst Helmsley facing D'lo Brown, Brown has made one heck of a career since debuting in the WWF but tonight he faces one of the very best young stars the WWF has. The winner of this will meet either Stasiak or Johnson in the Semi Finals this Sunday night!

And in the main event, It'll be Shawn Michaels and Marc Mero teaming up to face Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart!

Plus Sycho Sid, Undertaker, Cactus Jack, Ric Flair and much more!

Edited by Baby Hewey
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