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World Wrestling Federation 1996


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Date: June 17, 1996

Location: Kansas City, Kansas

Attendance: 10,046

Ticket Sales: $401,840

Announcers: Jim Ross and Vince McMahon

Monday Night Raw opens up with it's regular video package and then we're taken inside the arena where pyro shoots off. We're taken to the announce position where Jim Ross and Vince McMahon are standing by. They hype up tonight's main event of Shawn Michaels and Marc Mero facing Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett!

Who will be the champion?

We kick Monday Night Raw off in a huge way as Shawn Michaels' music hits the arena to a huge ovation from this sold out crowd. The "Heart Break Kid" makes his way down to the ring in his wrestling gear with the World Wrestling Federation Championship around his waist. Michaels poses inside the ring with pyros going off behind him. McMahon reminds us about the huge match between Michaels and Jarrett this Sunday night as HBK is handed a microphone.

Shawn Michaels- Thank you for that thunderous ovation. And I know it will not be my last as the World Wrestling Federation Champion. Last Friday night it was announced that Commissioner Ric Flair would be the special guest referee for the title match at the King Of The Ring. I got no problem with that. Why would I? I know that this Sunday night Flair will be fair. He'll call it right down the middle. I know he won't let Rick Rude interfere in the match up. I can trust Ric Flair this Sunday night. And all I'll have to worry about at King Of The Ring, Is kicking Jeff Jarrett's ass all over Milwaukee! This Sunday night the HBK era will not be coming to an end. The Kliq and I will prove to everyone why Shawn Michaels is the World Wrestling Federation Champion. Jeff Jarrett you thought you were so damn smart with Rick Rude in your corner, Well the plan has changed my man. Because I know Commissioner Ric Flair won't hesitate to knock Rude down on his ass if Rude gets involved. Rick Rude I know Ric Flair won't be afraid of you. So now all I have to worry about is you Jeff Jarrett. Tonight we're involved in the tag match and with Marc Mero by my side, We're going to beat you and Owen Hart. Tonight it'll be your King Of The Ring preview. If I have my way with you tonight, You'll be hearing some Sweet Chin Music. The tables have turned Jeff, And at King Of The Ring I'll be the one with the advantage. Now as far as the big tag match goes, I know Marc Mero will be in there and he's capable of handling himself. But Owen you and I got some history as well, And if Mero doesn't get you then I will! And.........

Michaels is interrupted by the music of Jeff Jarrett to boos from the crowd, Jeff Jarrett stands on the entrance way with a microphone in his hand.

Jeff Jarrett- Shawn Michaels do you really think Ric Flair will make a difference? You think having him as the referee will matter to me? You think it'll stop "Ravishing" Rick Rude will be stopped by Ric Flair? Shawn Michaels this Sunday night it'll be you and I for the World Wrestling Federation Championship. And only one man will walk out the winner and the World Wrestling Federation Champion. And Shawn Michaels that man will be me. It's my destiny to become the WWF Champion. It's time for Jeff Jarrett to get the WWF Championship around his waist. It's time for all your fans to learn that I am the best in this business. It's my time to be the champion and the man on top of the WWF mountain. Everyone that doubted me will be proved wrong. Especially you and your Kliq. Your fans are the biggest morons on the face of the planet. And they will be spat right in the face when I walk out of the King Of The Ring with the World Wrestling Federation Championship around my waist! The Shawn Michaels Era in the WWF is going to be over this Sunday night. And the Jeff Jarrett will begin because you have no chance in hell of beating me!

Shawn Michaels- I have no chance in hell? Who beat you for the Intercontinental Championship? Who beat you in April? It was me! It was me who pinned you Jeff. You have never beaten me, I have beaten you. And this Sunday night I will once again pin you one, two, three. You don't have what it takes to beat me Jeff. I'm better than you and the whole world is going to find out at King Of The Ring.

Jeff Jarrett- You might have beaten me those last times but I got Rick Rude in my corner! You can't beat me now! It doesn't matter how good you think you are! I'm better Shawn! I will be the WWF Champion! Tonight we're going to be in that ring and I'll hurt you. I'm going to make sure you won't be able to walk into the King Of The Ring at all! I'll see you later tonight!

Jarrett drops his microphone down and heads to the back. Monday Night Raw goes to a commercial break with the announcers hyping the Ultimate Warrior in action up next.



Ultimate Warrior Vs. Crush with Ted DiBiase

Holy cow this one sucked big time! Well at least the crowd was into it somewhat. It seems like all the heat Warrior had when he returned is starting to fade. Crush jumped Warrior from behind and kept Warrior down. Crush worked over Warrior's back using a couple back breakers to the Warrior. Crush used several stiff clotheslines and chokes to Warrior. Crush and Warrior brawled on the outside with Crush sending Warrior into the steel steps shoulder first! Crush distracted the referee a couple times and DiBiase got involved and hit Warrior with a kick to the gut! They went back into the ring and Crush connected with a full nelson slam to Warrior but Warrior kicked out at 2. Crush put Warrior down with a piledriver and called for the Heart Punch. Crush dragged Warrior up and went for the Heart Punch but Warrior blocked it and nailed Crush with a right hand! Warrior made his comeback hitting Crush with clotheslines, Atomic drops and a shoulder tackle! Warrior couldn't Warrior Press Slam Crush so he back suplexed Crush and came off the ropes with the Warrior Splash! Warrior hooked the legs and scored the 1,2,3 over the convict! Afterwards, Warrior posed in the ring as DiBiase helped Crush to the back. British Bulldog came running down from the back! Bulldog got into the ring and ran right over Warrior with a clothesline! Bulldog started stomping down the Warrior! Bulldog lifted Warrior up and went for the Running Powerslam but Warrior slipped out of it and clotheslined Bulldog out to the floor! Warrior dared Bulldog to come back into the ring but Bulldog decided to head to the back. Monday Night Raw went to a commercial break with Warrior posing on the turnbuckle.

72, 76, 63 *


Who is the master of the Powerbomb?

Monday Night Raw returns from the commercial with Sycho Sid's music hitting the arena to a huge ovation from the fans. Sycho Sid comes down to the ring as McMahon and Ross hype the huge match between Vader and Sid this Sunday night. The winner gets the WWF Champion at SummerSlam. Sid poses and the "SID" pyro goes off. Sid is handed a microphone and he gets ready to talk as the fans chant "Sid".

Sycho Sid- This Sunday night is the night all the fans have been waiting for! Vader versus Sid! For the first time ever in the World Wrestling Federation. It'll be me and Vader and the winner gets a shot at the World Wrestling Federation Championship at SummerSlam! I am already looking forward to SummerSlam. I am already looking at me winning the title in Cleveland. But Vader it's you and I this Sunday night. It'll be a war, I know that. I know that there's got to be one winner. And that man will be me. I will hoist you up in the air and drop you down with the Powerbomb right on your back. I haven't been able to Powerbomb you yet, But I will this Sunday night. I promise the entire world that I'll beat you with the Powerbomb. At King Of The Ring I will be the king! Vader you will find out why I am the master, And why I am the ruler of the world. And then and only then will you know that Sycho Sid is...........

Sid's interrupted by "It's time, It's time, It's Vader time" and the crowd boos as the 458 pound Vader walks down to the ring. Vader gets inside the ring and goes face to face with Sycho Sid. Vader grabs a microphone as Sid doesn't take his eyes off of Vader.

Vader- Sycho Sid! Look at me boy! Look into my eyes. You really think you'll be able to lift me up in the air and Powerbomb me? It'll be the other way around boy! I'll be the one who Powerbombs you and leaves you laying. Then I'm climb the ropes and deliver the Vader Bomb to your ribs! You won't ever get up again! And then I will be going to SummerSlam and become the new World Wrestling Federation Champion! Because it's Vader time!

Sycho Sid- It's Vader time? No it'll be Sid time big man! It'll be time for me to Powerbomb your fat ass back to the Rocky Mountains! But I don't feel like waiting until the King Of The Ring!

Sid nails Vader with a kick to the gut! Both big men start slugging away at each other! Both men trade blows in the center of the ring! Sid ducks a clothesline from Vader and clotheslines Vader down! Vader gets up and Sid boots Vader right in the face! Sid tries to Choke Slam Vader but Vader elbows Sid right in the face! Vader sends Sid to the corner and avalanches Sid! Vader sends Sid to the opposite corner and hits another big avalanche to Sid! Sid falls down to the canvas and Vader climbs the second turnbuckle......... Vader Bomb to Sid! Sid is left in the corner with injured ribs! Vader stands over Sid and taunts him. Vader leaves the ring and goes to the back while Sid is left down and out from the Vader Bomb.


Sycho Sid lost overness from this segment.

Vader lost overness from this segment.


Smoking Gunns and Rick Martel Vs. Sean Waltman, Steve Austin and Al Snow with Ted DiBiase

Al Snow and Rick Martel will face each other in the Semi Finals of the 1996 King Of The Ring Tournament this Sunday night at the King Of The Ring. And Smoking Gunns will also face Austin and Waltman for the Tag Team Championship and Ted DiBiase is banned from ringside. The Corporation controlled this one after isolating Billy Gunn. Waltman used his educated feet against Billy while Austin and Al Snow wore him down with technical holds. McMahon made sure to hype the big tag match and the Semi Finals for the King Of The Ring. Billy Gunn ended up making the hot tag to Rick Martel. Martel came into the ring and started cleaning house taking out Austin and Waltman with clotheslines. Martel then hit Snow with a huge bulldog. All six men went at it in the ring. Somehow it ended up with Martel and Austin in the ring against each other while the Smoking Gunns battled Snow and Waltman. Austin went for the Stone Cold Stunner but Martel countered and rolled Austin up and got the 1,2,3! Afterwards, Martel and the Smoking Gunns headed to the back and the announcers reminded us that Martel did not pin Al Snow tonight.

83, 82, 85 ***1\4

Hardy Boyz video

Another video is shown hyping the debut of the Hardy Boyz, This time we talked to friends of the Hardy Boyz who said Matt and Jeff always wanted to become WWF Superstars. They said that Matt and Jeff would wrestle each other as kids and practice moves on each other. Matt and Jeff said that they know their destiny is to become WWF Superstars. The Hardy Boyz say that no one is going to hold them back. They tell everyone that they have a bright future in the WWF and they're going to take the ball and score a touchdown with it so to speak. Matt and Jeff talk about how dreams come true and they're living proof of it.


Jeff Hardy gained overness from this segment.


1996 King Of The Ring Tournament

Quarter Finals

Ahmed Johnson Vs. "The Narcissist" Shawn Stasiak with Clarence Mason

The man who wins this one will face either D'lo Brown or Hunter Hearst Helmsley in the Semi Finals at King Of The Ring this Sunday night. Ahmed Johnson is wearing a long bandage across his eye which was "injured" last week. Johnson started off kicking some ass due to his anger. Johnson beat Stasiak down like he was a government mule according to Jim Ross. Johnson easily tossed Stasiak out to the floor and rammed Stasiak's head into the steel steps multiple times risking disqualification. Johnson and Stasiak went back into the ring and Stasiak kicked Johnson right in the bad eye! "The Narcissist" took it to Johnson and started pounding Johnson down in the corner. Stasiak suplexed Johnson a couple times but instead of covering the opponent, Stasiak would pose drawing boos from these fans in attendance. Stasiak had Johnson locked into a rear chin lock for a long while but Johnson was able to over power out of it and beat Stasiak down. Johnson made the comeback and started running over Stasiak with clotheslines! Johnson knocked down Stasiak with several right hands! Johnson back dropped Stasiak down and followed up by taking out Stasiak with a huge spinebuster! Mason got up on the apron but Johnson decked him off! Johnson lifted Stasiak and planted him with the Pearl River Plunge and got the win! Ahmed Johnson posed on the turnbuckle while Stasiak was helped to the back by Mason. Could Ahmed Johnson be the 1996 King Of The Ring?

71, 73, 68 *1\2

A crooked referee?

Our cameras cut to the backstage area where we see the door to Commissioner Ric Flair's office. Rick Rude opens the door and gets inside the office. Rude stares down Flair who's at his desk.

Ric Flair- Rick by God Rude! Wooooooo! What are you doing here?

Rick Rude- I just came here to talk to you Commissioner, We do go a long way.

Ric Flair- That I know, We've been involved in some classic battles. So what can I do for you Rick?

Rick Rude- Well Ric it's more of what I can do for you, See I know you're going to be the special referee at the King Of The Ring. And I'm sure you're excited about it.......

Ric Flair- Of course I am, Shawn Michaels and Jeff Jarrett! The first King Of The Ring with Ric Flair in charge! It's going to be huge! I'm looking forward to it! And I hope you don't interfere in the match.

Rick Rude- See Ric that's the problem, I'm managing Jeff Jarrett. If he's in trouble I will have to get involved whether you like it or not. But you know Ric, I know you're looking forward to the King Of The Ring. I know it's your first King Of The Ring in the WWF. But you know, You can referee another match. There's going to be alot of huge matches on Sunday night.

Ric Flair- That I cannot argue with, The World Wrestling Federation is going to have some huge matches on Sunday night. But Rick you know there's no bigger match than the WWF Championship. I mean it's the biggest title in the industry. You know "The Nature Boy" is all about refering the main event.

Rick Rude- Ric what will it take for you to not referee the match?

Ric Flair- Nothing in this world will make me miss the King Of The Ring, I already got my referee shirt picked out and everything. It's going to be a wild night in Milwaukee.

Rick Rude- Well then, How much will it take for you to ignore a few things during the match? Like say I interfere and hit Michaels or something? You can just look away? How about that Ric?

Ric Flair- You're saying you want to pay off the Commissioner of the World Wrestling Federation?

Rick Rude- Yeah. You could buy some of those nice suits you like to wear. With the money I'll give you, You can take the girls on a night on the town Ric.

Ric Flair- That's very tempting Rick but I'm going to have to pass..... See this Sunday night I will be the referee whether you like it or not! And if I see you attack Michaels, I will throw you out of the ringside area! You understand me?

Rick Rude- Come on Ric! You know what it's like! They do call you the dirtiest player in the game!

Ric Flair- That doesn't matter! Jarrett's going to have to win the big one on his own! If you interfere, I'll send your ass to the back myself! You stay away! You can be at ringside but you cannot get involved in the match! You got me?

Rick Rude- Fine! But Ric you'll be sorry if Jeff Jarrett doesn't leave with the title! There will be hell to pay! And Jeff Jarrett is not afraid of beating you up Flair!

Ric Flair- If your boy wants a fight I'll give him one! You tell him I'm not afraid of his ass!

Rick Rude- You'll regret the day you crossed "Ravishing" Rick Rude and Jeff Jarrett!

Ric Flair- I'm sure I will. Now leave and don't let the door hit you on the ass.

Rick Rude leaves the office and slams the door. Ric Flair goes back to working on some papers as Monday Night Raw goes to a commercial break.


Rick Rude gained overness from this segment.


1996 King Of The Ring Tournament

Quarter Finals

Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. D'lo Brown

The winner will meet Ahmed Johnson in the Semi Finals this Sunday night. Helmsley and Brown had an outstanding match up, Both men fought harder than ever to advance into the Semi Finals. Brown started off hot taking it right to Helmsley, Brown took Helmsley out with big right hands and then back dropped the blue blood snob! Brown send Helmsley out to the floor with a clothesline and went out after Helmsley. Brown send Helmsley right into the steel steps and then into the steel ring post face first! They went back into the ring and Helsley caught Brown with a knee buster and then a stiff clothesline. Helmsley took Brown down and score a few near falls on the youngster. Helmsley worked over Brown's legs and locked Brown into a figure four. Brown was able to reverse it and put the pressure onto Helmsley! Both men got up and D'lo made his comeback hitting Helmsley with huge right hands to the face! Brown scored with a tilt a whirl slam and big leg drop. Brown even hit the Sky High but Helmsley kicked out! Brown went up top but Helmsley crotched Brown on the top turnbuckle. Helmsley went up with Brown and tried a superplex but brown countered and shoved Helmsley down to the canvas. Brown came off the top with the Lo Down to Helmsley! Brown covered but Helmsley had his foot on the rope! Brown went to lift Helmsley up, But Helmsley raked Brown in the eyes and drove Brown down to the canvas with the Pedigree! Both men stayed down until a 9 count where Helmsley rolled his arm over on top of Brown and got the 1,2,3! The crowd booed as Helmsley slowly got up to his feet, Helmsley posed as McMahon said this Sunday night it'll be Helmsley and Johnson in the Semi Finals!

91, 87, 95 ****1\4

Undertaker at the Graveyard!

Our cameras take us to a local graveyard where we see Undertaker and Paul Bearer standing by. There's a open grave with a gravestone that reads "Cactus Jack" Undertaker is digging some more as Paul Bearer begins to talk.

Paul Bearer- Oh yes, Oh yes. We're six days away. Just six days away from your funeral Cactus Jack. Six days from now you'll have to look into the eyes of Undertaker. You'll have to go face to face with him. And you'll know that you stand on chance with a force as great as my Undertaker. He's been waiting for this for a long time. You've been a thorn on his side for many weeks now. And now it's time for Undertaker to take you out and end the games once and for all. It's time for all these games to end Cactus Jack. This Sunday night you will feel pain like never before. You think you're going to beat Undertaker? After all you've been through with Undertaker you think that it's going to come to an end just like that? Undertaker will give you a beating so vicious, He will make it seem like you're getting beat down by ten men. It's going to be all out war Cactus Jack. You started it and now it's time for Undertaker to end it. We know you like to have a fight, It won't be a match. It'll be a fight. We got your grave all set. It's a nice one too. Your soul will belong to the creatures of the night this Sunday night. It will be a war and in the end there will be one casualty and that's going to be you Cactus Jack.

Undertaker stops digging and looks at the camera.

Undertaker- This Sunday night my creatures of the night will enjoy taking your soul Cactus Jack. You are in for the fight of your life. I won't be about winning. It'll be about who can take the other one first. It's about who's more violent and who can withstand the most pain. And that's me. You wanted a fight? Well now you're going to get a fight. You're going to get the worst beating you've ever gotten. This Sunday night you will rest in peace.

Paul Bearer- Oh yes you will Cactus Jack!



Interview with Cactus Jack

Monday Night Raw returns from the commercial break and we're taken to the back where we see Cactus Jack standing by.

Cactus Jack- So the man from the dark side was too afraid to show up here tonight? You're scared of me aren't you Undertaker? You have to be at a graveyard, You think that a graveyard scares me? You think I'm afraid of a graveyard? I been two plenty of graveyards in my life. I know what they're all about. And I know that this Sunday night will be the biggest match in both our careers. There must be a winner Undertaker. But it's so much more than getting a win on your record. It's about you and all these fans thinking you're just going to walk all over my career. It's about all these ungrateful fans thinking that I'm a piece of trash. They don't respect me. No one in the WWF respects Cactus Jack. None of the fans could give a damn about me. This Sunday night I will make everyone respect me. Everyone will respect me when I'm done beating you one, two, three. And after I send you to a emergency room. You van bring the urn, Paul Bearer and all those creatures of the night. But it won't matter. This Sunday night I'll be making history by being the man who ends Undertaker once and for all. Six more days deadman!



WWF Slam Of The Week- Kama drives Hakushi down with the Supreme Driver! (Superstars 6/16/96)

Shawn Michaels and Marc Mero with Sable Vs. Jeff Jarrett with Rick Rude and Owen Hart

All four men started this one off in a huge brawl. Mero and Owen went at it while Michaels tossed Jarrett out to the floor and hit a reverse cross body off the top all the way to Jarrett on the outside! Mero and Owen went at it in the ring and Owen nailed Mero with the enziguri kick! Owen and Jarrett isolated Mero while Michaels and Sable tried to rally the fans behind "The Wildman". Ric Flair was shown watching this one from the back. Owen and Jarrett took turns beating down Mero. They worked over Mero's leg. Owen was looking to go for the Sharpshooter while Jarrett wanted to get the Figure Four locked in on Mero. Mero was able to tag Michaels in after taking out Owen with a DDT! Michaels came into the ring and started cleaning house! Jarrett and Michaels went at it and Michaels got the best of the challenger! Owen jumped Michaels from behind though when Michaels had Jarrett down! Mero went after Jarrett and both men ended up on the outside! Michaels nailed Hart with the flying forearm and came off the top with the flying elbow drop! Cornette and Rude tried to interfere but Mero nailed each one of them with right hands! Owen got up to his feet, And Michaels nailed him with Sweet Chin Music! Jarrett tried to stop the count but Mero held him back allowing Michaels to score the 1,2,3! Afterwards, Mero came into the ring and he and Michaels posed. Michaels posed with the WWF Championship while Mero took Owen's Intercontinental Championship and posed with it. Monday Night Raw went off the air with Michaels and Mero posing with all the gold.

83, 81, 95 ***1\4

Overall Rating- 81

TV Rating- 7.28


Monday Nitro

TV Rating- 6.42

Attendance- 7,007

Ticket Sales- $280,280


"Crush just doesn't have what it takes at this level yet, I was forced to carry our entire match."- Ultimate Warrior

"Shawn Stasiak and me don't really click. How about booking me against someone like Ron Simmons? I think our styles would really work well together."- Ahmed Johnson

"Our ratings battle with Monday Nitro is so close that neither show is gaining a clear advantage!"- Sophie

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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: June 21, 1996

Location: Wichita, Kansas

We're just two days away from the King Of The Ring, And tonight we got two huge main event matches. The first one will be a brutal battle between Vader and Ultimate Warrior. This should be a huge match up between two men who are scheduled to be in huge matches this Sunday night. And in the second main event we'll see Jeff Jarrett go up against "The Wildman" Marc Mero. Jarrett has Shawn Michaels to worry about this Sunday night while Mero has Owen Hart on his mind and the Intercontinental Championship. Who's going to win this one? Can Mero score the upset over a three time Intercontinental Champion? Or will Double J continue his winning ways.

Both Undertaker and Cactus Jack are going to be interviewed before their huge match up at the King Of The Ring this Sunday night. What does both men have to say? Who will walk out of the King Of The Ring the winner? Who will end up getting hurt? You don't want to miss what both these men have to say.

Matches for Friday Night Mayhem

The Smoking Gunns will do battle with Sean Waltman and Steve Austin this Sunday night, But tonight they defend the tag team titles against Jerry Lawler and Brian Christopher! Will new champions be crowned two days before the King Of The Ring?

Goldust faces Scorpio in what should be a great match up! Can Goldust pick up the win or will Scorpio score the upset over the former Intercontinental Champion?

In the first main event, Ultimate Warrior faces Vader. Warrior has had alot of problems with Vader's friend and fellow Camp Cornette member the British Bulldog. Who will win this huge match up between two of the most powerful forces in the World Wrestling Federation?

Rick Martel and Al Snow will team up to face Ahmed Johnson and Hunter Hearst Helmsley! Sunday night it'll be Martel and Snow in the Semi Finals and Helmsley/Johnson in the Semi Finals as well. One of these four men will be crowned the 1996 King Of The Ring, But tonight they have to team up!

And in tonight's second main event, It'll be Marc Mero versus Jeff Jarrett!

Plus we'll hear from Undertaker, Cactus Jack and Commissioner Ric Flair is scheduled for Friday Night Mayhem! All this and much more!

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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: June 21, 1996

Location: Wichita, Kansas

Attendance: 10,003

Ticket Sales: $400,120

Announcers: Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect

Friday Night Mayhem opens up with it's regular video package and then we're taken inside the arena where pyro shoots off. We're taken to the announce position where Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect are standing by. They hype up tonight's main event of Marc Mero facing Jeff Jarrett! We're two days away from the 1996 King Of The Ring!

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Smoking Gunns© Vs. Jerry Lawler and Brian Christopher

This match was made so the announcers can hype the match between the Smoking Gunns and Austin/Waltman this Sunday night. Lawler is Brian Christopher's real life dad but the announcers don't mention that and instead, Mr. Perfect says Lawler would make a hell of a mentor for Christopher. The team of Lawler and Christopher were able to work pretty well together here and gave the champions a run for their money. Bart Gunn got double teamed thanks to some dirty tactics by Lawler and Christopher. Christopher and Lawler isolated Bart Gunn and double teamed the older Gunn. Christopher and Lawler did a good job of getting heat as the crowd started booing them and chanting for Bart. Bart kept taking a beating until he was able to take both Lawler and Christopher out with a pair of clotheslines and tag in Billy! Billy Gunn got into the ring and started cleaning house! Billy took out Lawler and Christopher with right hands! Billy back dropped Christopher and clotheslined Lawler out to the floor! The Smoking Gunns finished Christopher off with the Sidewinder and Billy hooked the legs to get the 1,2,3! Afterwards, Lawler helped Christopher to the back while the Smoking Gunns posed. Sean Waltman and Steve Austin came running down from the back and jumped the champions! Waltman drilled Bart with a spinning back heel kick while Austin hit the Stone Cold Stunner to Billy! Waltman and Austin stomp down the Smoking Gunns! Both Austin and Waltman got the WWF Tag Team Championship belts and knocked both Bart and Billy out with them!

70, 76, 80 **3/4

The WWF Tag Team title has lost image.

The new Tag Team Champions!

Waltman and Austin stayed in the ring and called for a microphone while the Smoking Gunns were helped to the back. The fans started booing the team of Waltman and Austin. Waltman got the microphone and started speaking.

Sean Waltman- Yeah you got them to the back and get them ready for this Sunday night! You people need to shut up for a damn minute and listen to what the new tag team champions have to say. Now this Sunday night it'll be Steve Austin and myself against these two punks who are down. Look at them! They're out cold like the pieces of garbage they truly are! This Sunday night it'll be me and Steve Austin walking out with the WWF Tag Team Championships around our waists. We're the top tag team in this company and everyone knows it. And this Sunday night we're not going to hold anything back!

Steve Austin- Me and Sean Waltman are going to make an impact at the King Of The Ring. We're sick and tired of seeing these two fools walking around with the titles that belong with us. The Tag Team Championship belong around the waist of Sean Waltman and Steve Austin. Two members of The Corporation. We're the best tag team in the world! Smoking Gunns have no chance on retaining the titles. We're going to prove to the whole world why we're the best tag team to ever set foot in the World Wrestling Federation!

Sean Waltman- And even though our manager Ted DiBiase can't be at ringside, We're still going to win. We don't need a manager at ringside with us. We know we can beat the Smoking Gunns without any help. We're ready for the King Of The Ring. It's time for everyone to respect Sean Waltman and Steve Austin! And what better way to get the ball rolling then to become the new tag team champions?

Steve Austin- The Smoking Gunns better get ready to lose those titles, At King Of The Ring we're going to be at our best. And can't nobody beat Steve Austin and Sean Waltman when we're at our best!

Sean Waltman- Smoking Gunns you two boys better get ready, This Sunday night the titles will be leaving with us!

Sean Waltman drops the microphone down and The Corporation's music starts to play. Waltman and Austin head to the back as Friday Night Mayhem goes to it's first commercial break.



Ric Flair bans Owen Hart from the arena!

Friday Night Mayhem returns from the commercial break and we see Commissioner Ric Flair heading towards the locker room. Flair enters a locker room that has "Camp Cornette" written on the door. We see Owen Hart sitting down a bench with the Intercontinental Championship over his shoulder.

Ric Flair- Owen Hart, Just the man I was wanting to see.

Owen Hart- What's up Commissioner? Do you want an autograph or a picture taken with the champ?

Ric Flair- No not today Owen, Tonight your friend Vader is going to be in action. And I know you're a member from Camp Cornette and you'll probably try to get involved so.........

Owen Hart- No need for me to go out there, Bulldog's got Vader's back. I'm just going to sit here and watch the show.

Ric Flair- Just watch the show? Sitting down and relaxing with the title?

Owen Hart- That's the plan, Just enjoy Friday Night Mayhem with the Intercontinental Championship.

Ric Flair- You wouldn't be interested in the big Marc Mero versus Jeff Jarrett main event now would you?

Owen Hart- Of course I'm interested, Thanks to you I got to face Mero for the title at the King Of The Ring. I shouldn't have been put in that match! I should be teaming with Davey to face Warrior in a handicap match!

Ric Flair- Well that ain't happening, But Owen since you're not wrestling tonight, And since you said Bulldog's got Vader's back tonight. I don't need you here tonight.

Owen Hart- You don't need me here? I'm the champ! I can stay in the arena if I want!

Ric Flair- Not when I'm in charge pal, I know you're going to try to run down during the main event. And I won't allow it! We're going to get a fair main event! And I know you don't have the character to stay out of it! Unlike your brother Bret............

Owen Hart- Shut up about Bret! Bret's not here is he? I'm the champ not Bret! And you know what? I'll leave because you and the WWF make me sick! And at King Of The Ring I will retain the title! I will beat Marc Mero!

Ric Flair- Just like you did last night Owen?

Owen Hart- That was a fluke and you know it! Sunday night everyone is going to see why I am the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time!

Ric Flair- Whatever, Just get your bags and go.

Owen Hart grabs his bags and the Intercontinental Championship and heads out the door, Owen comes back into the locker room and looks Flair in the eyes.

Owen Hart- You and everyone else will see what I'm capable of this Sunday night. I won't be held responsible for what I do to Marc Mero!

Hart leaves the locker room as Ric Flair looks on.


Owen Hart gained overness from this segment.

Goldust with Marlena Vs. Scorpio

Usual filler match up here, Hendrix and Perfect spent most of the match talking about the King Of The Ring and the King Of The Ring Tournament. Scorpio started off doing pretty well for himself, Taking Goldust down with some quick offense. But Goldust was quickly able to connect with a uppercut to Scorpio and take control. Goldust slowly wore down Scorpio with some boring offense. Goldust locked Scorpio into a sleeper hold but Scorpio was able to get out of it and drill Goldust with a spinning heel kick. Scorpio made the comeback and caught Goldust with a tornado DDT and a flying splash from the top but Goldust was able to kick out. Scorpio hit Goldust with a enziguri kick and went up top. Scorpio missed his Scorpio Splash and Goldust was able to deliver the Curtain Call to Scorpio. Goldust hooked the legs and got the win. Goldust and Marlena then shared a kiss and headed to the back.

73, 84, 78 **3/4

Interview with Undertaker and Paul Bearer

Our cameras take us to the interview area backstage where we see Michael Cole standing by with Undertaker and his manager Paul Bearer.

Michael Cole- Undertaker this Sunday night it will be you and Cactus Jack one on one. Cactus Jack is not like anyone you have ever faced before. This man is sick! He's gotten blown up, Thrown on barbed wire and he's come back from it all. He's going to be tough for you to put down. How are you going to beat this insane individual?

Paul Bearer- Oh Yes, Oh yes. We're nearing the King Of The Ring. Just two days away. And two days from now it'll be the fight everyone has been waiting for. Undertaker and Cactus Jack one on one. It'll be like nothing anyone has ever seen before. Cactus Jack you're funeral will be coming very soon. It's time to call the funeral home because a new body will be arriving this Sunday night. And that body will be your's Cactus Jack!

Michael Cole- Undertaker how do you plan on going about this match? Cactus Jack enjoys pain. He enjoys the punishment! How do you beat a man who enjoys getting the heck beat out of him like Cactus Jack?

Paul Bearer- We know that Cactus Jack enjoys punishment, We seen what he can do. But you have to remember that he cannot put down my Undertaker. You think you're the only one who can get up from a beating? Undertaker's been involved in so many brutal matches and every time he got up from the pain. Undertaker doesn't care how much pain your body can handle. Because in the end you'll be the one who comes out the loser. Pain is the name of the game Cactus Jack. And this Sunday night there's no amount of pain you can give Undertaker that he won't be getting up from. The question is how much pain can you handle?

Undertaker- Cactus Jack do you think you're going to be able to beat me? Do you think that the pain is going to keep me down? I've been in the ring with alot of men who gave me some of the worst beatings of my life. But I have always gotten up from it. You say pain is your calling? Well I enjoy making people feel pain. I enjoy hurting people. And this Sunday night the creatures of the night will enjoy seeing me inflict pain on you. You're life will change as you know it, This Sunday night the whole world will see me unleashed the demon. And this Sunday night you will rest in peace.

Michael Cole- Thank you for the interview, Fans if you want to watch the huge battle between Undertaker and Cactus Jack then you do not want to miss King Of The Ring! Stay tuned because up next we got a huge match up coming up!



Ultimate Warrior Vs. Vader

The crowd was pretty hot for this one instead of the crowd we had on Monday Night Raw while Warrior was fighting. Warrior's pops are still pretty big but not like it used to be. This was a pretty decent match considering you got two guys who aren't able to carry wrestlers on their own. Perfect mentioned that James E. Cornette was not at ringside for this one because he's training for his match at the King Of The Ring. Both men started off with a dramatic lock up which was won by Warrior. Warrior hammered Vader with right hands and kept running down the monster from the Rocky Mountains with clotheslines. Warrior and Vader went out to the floor and Vader grabbed Warrior and rammed Warrior into the steel ring post like Warrior was a small child! Vader send Warrior right into the steel steps! Vader got the top part of the steel steps and hit Warrior over the back with it! Vader rolled Warrior back into the ring and dominated Warrior. Vader nailed Warrior with huge right hands to the face! Vader avalanched Warrior a couple times in the corner and kept beating down Warrior. Vader ended up slamming down Warrior and going up to the second turnbuckle. Vader connected with the Vader Bomb but Warrior kicked out! Warrior got up to his feet and stared at his hands feeling the power of the Warriors! Warrior started nailing Vader with big right hands to the face! Warrior ran down Vader with three clotheslines one right after the other! Warrior atomic dropped Vader and came off the ropes with the flying shoulder tackle to Vader! Warrior calls for the Warrior Press Slam! Warrior lifted Vader up but before he could finish off Vader, British Bulldog came running down to the ring! Bulldog got into the ring and nailed Warrior with a clothesline causing a disqualification! Bulldog and Vader started stomping down on Warrior! Sycho Sid then came running down from the back with a steel chair! Vader and Bulldog quickly fled the ring! Warrior got up and shook Sid's hand. Sid and Warrior stood tall while Vader and Bulldog stared them down. Friday Night Mayhem went to a commercial break with Warrior and Sid standing tall in the ring.

76, 89, 76 **3/4


Interview with Cactus Jack

Friday Night Mayhem returns from the commercial break and we're taken to the interview area backstage and we see Cactus Jack standing by.

Cactus Jack- We're just two days away from the King Of The Ring. Undertaker in two days it'll be you and I. It's going to be one hell of a fight. It's going to be the night where all these World Wrestling Federation fans learn to respect me. What's going to happen when your beloved hero Undertaker goes down to Cactus Jack? Will these people finally respect me? Will the World Wrestling Federation fans finally respect Cactus Jack? Or will they once again treat me like I'm trash? Because lets face it, These fans don't appreciate any hard work. They don't care for what I did to become a WWF Superstar. All you fans cheer guys like Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Ultimate Warrior. While a man who gave everything to the wrestling world gets no respect. Why do you fans disrespect me? Is it because I'm not the most handsome guy in the world? Is it because I'm missing half a ear? Or it is because you fans are all spoiled little brats who never worked for anything in your life? I want everyone to order King Of The Ring. I want everyone to see what happens when Undertaker gets in the ring with me. I want everyone to see Cactus Jack hurt your precious Undertaker. What will happen when you people see Undertaker bleed? What will happen when you see Undertaker hurt? Will you people cry? I can't wait for the whole world to see me and Undertaker go one on one. I'm going to take him out and proof to everyone that he's no hero. He's nothing. Cactus Jack will be the most famous name in all of wrestling after I get done with Undertaker. Two days, Just two days before the World Wrestling Federation changes.........................



Rick Martel and Al Snow Vs. Ahmed Johnson and Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Sunday night it'll be Rick Martel versus Al Snow and Ahmed Johnson versus Hunter Hearst Helmsley in the Semi Finals of the King Of The Ring. Hendrix said that Ted DiBiase wasn't at ringside as a ruling by Commissioner Ric Flair. Johnson is still wearing a bandage on his left eye. Both teams didn't work well together and had a few problems. Martel and Helmsley started off with Martel dominating Helmsley. Snow tagged himself in and he and Helmsley went at it with Helmsley taking down Snow with a high knee to the face. Helmsley tagged out to Johnson. Johnson pounded Snow for a bit until Snow hit him with a spinning heel kick. Snow and Martel would then double team Johnson. Johnson did try to tag Helmsley in but Helmsley chose to ignore Johnson. Both Martel and Snow wore down the big man with submission holds while Helmsley just watched enjoying seeing his opponent for the King Of The Ring getting beat down. Martel went for his Québec Crab but Johnson wouldn't get turned over. Snow also went for the Million Dollar Dream but Johnson countered and hit Snow with a clothesline! Johnson went to tag in Helmsley but before he could, Helmsley came into the ring and planted Johnson with the Pedigree! Helmsley left the ring and headed up to the entry way as Snow came into the ring and covered Johnson scoring the win! Afterwards, Martel and Snow celebrated their win, Snow attacked Martel from behind and hit a devastating T-Bone suplex to Martel! Snow and Helmsley stared each other down while their competition were left laying.

74, 84, 81 ***

Interview with Marc Mero and Sable

We go backstage where Kevin Kelly is standing by with Marc Mero and his wife/manager Sable.

Kevin Kelly- Marc Mero tonight you're scheduled to take on Jeff Jarrett in singles action. But this Sunday night it will be you and Owen Hart for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. You two fought before and it was you who beat Owen Hart in a non title match. Owen Hart cost you your match with Al Snow in the King Of The Ring Quarter Finals and now it'll be you and the "King Of Harts" for the title. Your thoughts on this huge match with Owen Hart?

Marc Mero- I should be in the King Of The Ring Semi Finals. I would have beaten Al Snow if it wasn't for Owen Hart sticking his big nose in my business. But that's all right with me. I got a shot at the Intercontinental Championship. All the greats have held that title and I'm going to become the new Intercontinental Champion this Sunday night. Owen Hart you better get ready for the King Of The Ring because this Sunday night the title is coming around the waist of "The Wildman"!

Kevin Kelly- You'll be going up against Jeff Jarrett in a bit, Can you beat the number one contender for the WWF Championship and his manager Rick Rude's interference at ringside?

Marc Mero- I know that Rick Rude is going to be out there, And Rude if you try to interview then I will go wild on you! And Jeff Jarrett, You got Shawn Michaels on your mind and that's fine. But tonight you better have to worry about me in that ring with you! And when I do beat Double J, I should be the number one contender!

Kevin Kelly- Good luck out there "Wildman". Fans up next we'll get Jeff Jarrett's thoughts on the main event!



Interview with Jeff Jarrett and Rick Rude

Friday Night Mayhem returns from the commercial break with Todd Pettengill standing by with Jeff Jarrett and his manager "Ravishing" Rick Rude.

Todd Pettengill- Jeff Jarrett tonight it will be you and Marc Mero one on one. Mero claims that he's going to beat you and if Rick Rude tries to get in his way he will be knocked down. What's going through your mind as tonight's main event nears?

Rick Rude- We heard your little comments Marc Mero. You think you have a chance of beating Jeff Jarrett tonight? You got no chance in hell! You're nothing to me and Jeff Jarrett. You were never anything special and tonight Jeff Jarrett's going to prove it by beating you in just a matter of seconds. And after Jeff's done with you, Sable if you want a real man you can go to room 543. I'll be there all night long. And it looks to me like you need a real man in your life not jungle boy!

Jeff Jarrett- Mero if you think you're beating me before my big title match then you are so wrong boy! Tonight this match will be a message to Shawn Michaels. Michaels you watch what I do to Marc Mero. Watch him get beat down like the no good dog that he is. That's your King Of The Ring preview!

Todd Pettengill- This Sunday night it will be you and Shawn Michaels for the World Wrestling Federation Championship. This will no doubt be the biggest match of your career. Will you walk out as the champion? Will Ric Flair being the referee matter?

Rick Rude- Ric Flair knows his role and that is to count the one, two, three and keep his mouth shut. This Sunday night everyone will see Ric Flair count one, two, three or ring the bell when Jarrett has Michaels locked into the Figure Four. That's all Flair needs to do. He better not stick his nose in my business though. Because I will be at ringside and I'll do as I please!

Jeff Jarrett- Shawn Michaels I hope you enjoy your final two days with the WWF Championship. I hope you get that belt nice and ready for me because this Sunday night I'm winning it. This Sunday night I will be walking out of the King Of The Ring as the new World Wrestling Federation Champion. It's my time to become champion. And Ric Flair you better just call it right down the middle or I'll have to smash my guitar right over your head!

Todd Pettengill- Fans up next it's the big main event! Jeff Jarrett faces Marc Mero!



WWF Slam Of The Week- Hunter Hearst Helmsley beats D'lo Brown with the Pedigree! (Monday Night Raw 6/17/96)

Jeff Jarrett with Rick Rude Vs. Marc Mero with Sable

This one was no doubt the best match of the evening. The crowd was pretty much into the match except for a few slow spots. Mero and Jarrett started off doing a wrestling sequence trading several near falls. Mero got the best of Jarrett and took Double J out to the floor with a big drop kick. Mero then came off the ropes with a suicide dive to Jarrett on the outside! Mero rolled Jarrett back into the ring, And Rick Rude attacked

Mero from behind without the referee seeing it! Rude send Mero face first into the steel ring post! Jarrett was then quickly able to DDT Mero and get control of the match. Jarrett worked over Mero's leg trying to soften it up for his Figure Four. Ric Flair was shown watching this match from his office in the back. Jarrett spent most of the match gaining a couple near falls on Mero with the crowd behind Mero chanting for him. Jarrett ended up going for the Figure Four but Mero kicked Jarrett in the butt and send Jarrett shoulder first into the steel ring post! Mero made the comeback hitting Jarrett with right hands and taking out the number one contender with a huge drop kick. Mero came off the apron with a slingshot legdrop to Jarrett but Jarrett kicked out. Mero put Jarrett down with a samoan drop and headed up top. Rude got up on the apron distracting the referee, Mero got off the top rope and nailed Rude with a right hand! Mero then walked right into a swinging neck breaker from Jarrett! Jarrett covered and scored the win! Afterwards, Rude and Jarrett started beating down Mero as Sable watched not being able to do a thing! Jarrett called for the Figure Four but Shawn Michaels came running down from the back with a steel chair! Rude and Jarrett fled the ring while Michaels checked on Mero. Friday Night Mayhem went off the air with Michaels holding a steel chair daring Jarrett to come get some.

77, 86, 87 ***3/4

Overall Rating- 78

TV Rating- 7.59


Saturday Night

TV Rating- 2.94

Attendance- 7,522

Ticket Sales- $300,880

Hardcore TV

TV Rating- 0.32

Attendance- 504

Ticket Sales- $10,080


"Goldust and Scorpio didn't 'click' in their match, maybe due to their mismatched skills causing their styles not to gel?"- Pat Patterson

OOC: The KOTR card will be up tomorrow :D

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Guest Prototype

Good show. Built up well to KOTR. I cant believe Warrior pressed Vader! Should be a good PPV.

Just a question- Maybe you just have more time than I do, but how do you get your shows up so quick? Im lucky if I get two shows done a week, and you seem to get three of four done in that time.

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Good show. Built up well to KOTR. I cant believe Warrior pressed Vader! Should be a good PPV.

Just a question- Maybe you just have more time than I do, but how do you get your shows up so quick? Im lucky if I get two shows done a week, and you seem to get three of four done in that time.

Edited by Baby Hewey
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First time I've checked in on this diary Hewey. I remember reading a WCW one of yours a while back during the nWo era which I was really enjoying so thought I'd check this one. Haven't had a chance to read through much yet so have just checked the last couple of shows but it looks good.

I'm liking the roster you've got, and that guys like Ahmed, Warrior etc haven't just been dropped because most people don't like them. Personally I marked out huge for both those guys at one time or another. I'm liking Jarrett with Rude, that's interesting. I could be way off having only read a couple of shows but I'm smelling Flair turning on Michaels in when he's the special referee though.

Can't wait for KOTR

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King of The Ring is going to be sooooo exciting! I'm afraid Hunter wins it. We've seen enough HHH in these days, and also in Hewey's diarys. The winning streak in the old WWF diary and so on... so I will be happy if ANY other guy than Helmsley wins the KOTR. :P

I won't make The Ultimate Warrior a jobber. He could have a big feud with Cactus first.

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user posted image

Date: June 23, 1996

Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Final Card

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Special Guest Referee: Commissioner Ric Flair

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Shawn Michaels©

King Of The Ring Finals

Rick Martel or Al Snow Vs. Ahmed Johnson or Hunter Hearst Helmsley

King Of The Ring Semi Finals

Rick Martel Vs. Al Snow

King Of The Ring Semi Finals

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Number One Contenders Match

Winner Gets A WWF Championship Match At SummerSlam

Sycho Sid Vs. Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Owen Hart© Vs. Marc Mero

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Ted DiBiase is banned from ringside!

Smoking Gunns© Vs. Sean Waltman and Steve Austin

If Warrior's Team Wins, He Gets A Match With British Bulldog On Monday Night Raw

British Bulldog and James E. Cornette Vs. Ultimate Warrior and a mystery partner

Undertaker Vs. Cactus Jack

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first match on the Pay Per View?

2. Who will be Ultimate Warrior's mystery partner?

3. What will be the match before the main event?

4. What will be the best match? (best meaning by match quality in EWR)

5. What will be the worst match (worst meaning by match quality in EWR)

6. How many titles will change hands? (title cannot change hands by disqualifications, count outs, no contests etc)

7. Who will get pinned in the tag team championship match (the loser)

8. Will anyone debut?

Edited by Baby Hewey
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Date: June 23, 1996

Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Final Card

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Special Guest Referee: Commissioner Ric Flair

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Shawn Michaels©

Winner: HBK

King Of The Ring Finals

Rick Martel or Al Snow Vs. Ahmed Johnson or Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Winner: Martel

King Of The Ring Semi Finals

Rick Martel Vs. Al Snow

Winner: Martel

King Of The Ring Semi Finals

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Winner: HHH

Number One Contenders Match

Winner Gets A WWF Championship Match At SummerSlam

Sycho Sid Vs. Vader

Winner: Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Owen Hart© Vs. Marc Mero

Winner: Owen

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Ted DiBiase is banned from ringside!

Smoking Gunns© Vs. Sean Waltman and Steve Austin

Winners: Waltman & Austin

If Warrior's Team Wins, He Gets A Match With British Bulldog On Monday Night Raw

British Bulldog and James E. Cornette Vs. Ultimate Warrior and a mystery partner

Winner: Warrior & Partner

Undertaker Vs. Cactus Jack

Winner: Taker by DQ

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first match on the Pay Per View?


2. Who will be Ultimate Warrior's mystery partner?

Bret Hart

3. What will be the match before the main event?

KOTR Final

4. What will be the best match? (best meaning by match quality in EWR)


5. What will be the worst match (worst meaning by match quality in EWR)

Warrior & ???/Bulldog & Cornette

6. How many titles will change hands? (title cannot change hands by disqualifications, count outs, no contests etc)


7. Who will get pinned in the tag team championship match (the loser)

Bart Gunn

8. Will anyone debut?


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Guest ryan_the_canuck

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Special Guest Referee: Commissioner Ric Flair

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Shawn Michaels©

King Of The Ring Finals

Rick Martel or Al Snow Vs. Ahmed Johnson or Hunter Hearst Helmsley

King Of The Ring Semi Finals

Rick Martel Vs. Al Snow

King Of The Ring Semi Finals

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Number One Contenders Match

Winner Gets A WWF Championship Match At SummerSlam

Sycho Sid Vs. Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Owen Hart© Vs. Marc Mero

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Ted DiBiase is banned from ringside!

Smoking Gunns© Vs. Sean Waltman and Steve Austin

If Warrior's Team Wins, He Gets A Match With British Bulldog On Monday Night Raw

British Bulldog and James E. Cornette Vs. Ultimate Warrior and a mystery partner

Undertaker Vs. Cactus Jack

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first match on the Pay Per View? - Ahmed/HHH

2. Who will be Ultimate Warrior's mystery partner? - Scott Steiner

3. What will be the match before the main event? - Bulldog/Cornette vs. Warrior/???

4. What will be the best match? (best meaning by match quality in EWR) - Jarrett/Michaels

5. What will be the worst match (worst meaning by match quality in EWR) - Cornette/Bulldog vs. Warrior/???

6. How many titles will change hands? (title cannot change hands by disqualifications, count outs, no contests etc) - 1...despite me predicting everyone to retain

7. Who will get pinned in the tag team championship match (the loser) - Sean Waltman

8. Will anyone debut? - Yep

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World Wrestling Federation Championship

Special Guest Referee: Commissioner Ric Flair

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Shawn Michaels©

Winner: Double J

King Of The Ring Finals

Rick Martel or Al Snow Vs. Ahmed Johnson or Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Winner: Triple H

King Of The Ring Semi Finals

Rick Martel Vs. Al Snow

Winner: Martel

King Of The Ring Semi Finals

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Winner: Triple H

Number One Contenders Match

Winner Gets A WWF Championship Match At SummerSlam

Sycho Sid Vs. Vader

Winner: Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Owen Hart© Vs. Marc Mero

Winner: Owen

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Ted DiBiase is banned from ringside!

Smoking Gunns© Vs. Sean Waltman and Steve Austin

Winners: Smoking Gunns

If Warrior's Team Wins, He Gets A Match With British Bulldog On Monday Night Raw

British Bulldog and James E. Cornette Vs. Ultimate Warrior and a mystery partner

Winner: Warrior and the Mystery Man

Undertaker Vs. Cactus Jack

Winner: Cactus

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first match on the Pay Per View?


2. Who will be Ultimate Warrior's mystery partner?

Bret Hart

3. What will be the match before the main event?

KOTR Final

4. What will be the best match? (best meaning by match quality in EWR)


5. What will be the worst match (worst meaning by match quality in EWR)

Warrior and the Mystery Man vs Bulldog and Cornette

6. How many titles will change hands? (title cannot change hands by disqualifications, count outs, no contests etc)


7. Who will get pinned in the tag team championship match (the loser)


8. Will anyone debut?


Edited by themick
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Date: June 23, 1996

Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Final Card

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Special Guest Referee: Commissioner Ric Flair

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Shawn Michaels©

King Of The Ring Finals

Rick Martel or Al Snow Vs. Ahmed Johnson or Hunter Hearst Helmsley

King Of The Ring Semi Finals

Rick Martel Vs. Al Snow

King Of The Ring Semi Finals

Ahmed Johnson Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Number One Contenders Match

Winner Gets A WWF Championship Match At SummerSlam

Sycho Sid Vs. Vader

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Owen Hart© Vs. Marc Mero

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Ted DiBiase is banned from ringside!

Smoking Gunns© Vs. Sean Waltman and Steve Austin

If Warrior's Team Wins, He Gets A Match With British Bulldog On Monday Night Raw

British Bulldog and James E. Cornette Vs. Ultimate Warrior and a mystery partner

Undertaker Vs. Cactus Jack

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first match on the Pay Per View?Martel vs Snow

2. Who will be Ultimate Warrior's mystery partner?Bret Hart

3. What will be the match before the main event? KOTR Final

4. What will be the best match? (best meaning by match quality in EWR)HBK vs Jarrett

5. What will be the worst match (worst meaning by match quality in EWR)Bulldog/Cornette vs Warrior/Partner

6. How many titles will change hands? (title cannot change hands by disqualifications, count outs, no contests etc)1

7. Who will get pinned in the tag team championship match (the loser)Bart Gunn

8. Will anyone debut?No

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