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(Un)Official Metal Thread


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I can't remember the last time I've looked forward to a new album quite as much as I'm looking forward to Monoliths & Dimensions. It sounds like it's going to be by far the biggest change SunnO))) have made to their sound since...well, ever, really, and as much as I love them, a change is much needed. I'm hoping that, with the presence of strings and whatnot, it'll sound closer in feel to "Altar" (the collaboration with Boris), only darker and creepier; though Atilla Csihar's vocals pretty much guarantee the "creepy" aspect. Really curious as to how in hell Julian Priester is going to work with them, too.

Edited by Skummy
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According to the long-running Dutch rock/metal magazine Aardschok, Norwegian singer Jorn Lande has rejoined MASTERPLAN, the band led by former HELLOWEEN guitarist Roland Grapow.

Lande left the band in May 2006, citing "musical differences" between the vocalist and the rest of the band, particularly then-drummer Uli Kusch (who has since also left MASTERPLAN). During the songwriting process for the group's third album, it became increasingly apparent that the other members of the band had different visions and plans for the group's musical direction. While Jorn allegedly wanted MASTERPLAN to follow a more melodic path, the rest of the band apparently wanted to return to the metallic roots of their debut album.

Vocalist Mike DiMeo (RIOT, THE LIZARDS) announced his departure from MASTERPLAN in January 2009 after recording just one studio album with the group — 2007's "MK II".

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Going back to the topic of what upcoming releases we're looking forward to... Success Will Write Apocalypse Across The Sky, Old Man's Child, new Otep, and Killswitch Engage's new one all come to mind. Even though I have the first two on my computer already :shifty:

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Hey guys,

Just wondering if anybody can give me the names (and possibly a taste) of some good Power/Melodic Metal Bands. I've just started getting into it, with my intrest being led by the amazing Hammerfall, so I'd like a few other bands to try out. :)

And just to give my dimes worth, I don't know why people are so hyped up for Killswitch Engage. I haven't heard that much of their work, but what I have heard, I've disliked.



Edited by Douglas
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Well, I'm not overly knowledgable on Power Metal, but just naming some off the top of my head, you might like Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, Wintersun, Elvenking, Rhapsody of Fire, Ensiferum, Angra, Altaria, Archontes, Kamelot. Power Metal seems to cross over a lot into Folk metal, so you might like to check out that sub-genre as well, although the singers are much more harsh and less melodic.

Alternatively, been listening to Tiamat's Wildhoney. Great album.

Edited by Sinroth_
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Just wondering if anybody can give me the names (and possibly a taste) of some good Power/Melodic Metal Bands. I've just started getting into it, with my intrest being led by the amazing Hammerfall, so I'd like a few other bands to try out. :)

Sonata Arctica's early albums are awesome.

Couple of sample songs:

from their 4th album "Reckoning Night"

from their second album "Silence"

Their latest album ("Unia", 2007) is good aswell. It has some progressive metal styles in it but I liked it :)

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Hey guys,

Just wondering if anybody can give me the names (and possibly a taste) of some good Power/Melodic Metal Bands. I've just started getting into it, with my intrest being led by the amazing Hammerfall, so I'd like a few other bands to try out. :)

And just to give my dimes worth, I don't know why people are so hyped up for Killswitch Engage. I haven't heard that much of their work, but what I have heard, I've disliked.



Ten awesome albums you should definitely check out:

Blind Guardian - Imaginations from the Other Side (epic speed metal - my favourite album of all time)

Angel Dust - Enlighten the Darkness (aggressive power metal - the best metal CD of the 21st century)

Savatage - Wake of Magellan (a rock opera - the best album by the best band ever)

Iced Earth - Night of the Stormrider (a more thrashy power metal band)

Stratovarius - Visions (a melodic metal masterpiece)

Nightwish - Wishmaster (fast power metal, if you prefer the heavier more epic approach, check out "Once")

Pink Cream 69 - Sonic Dynamite (unbelievable infectious song writing - Scorpions on steroids!)

Valley's Eve - Deception of Pain (heavy, fast, powerful, aggressive, catchy)

Gamma Ray - Land of the Free (possibly the greatest pure power metal album ever recorded)

Helloween - Walls of Jericho (thrashy power metal - alternatively check out either of the first two Keepers of the 7 Keys albums to see where the European power metal scene originated from)

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Just wondering if anybody can give me the names (and possibly a taste) of some good Power/Melodic Metal Bands. I've just started getting into it, with my intrest being led by the amazing Hammerfall, so I'd like a few other bands to try out. :)

Sonata Arctica's early albums are awesome.

Couple of sample songs:

from their 4th album "Reckoning Night"

from their second album "Silence"

Their latest album ("Unia", 2007) is good aswell. It has some progressive metal styles in it but I liked it :)

Yes, I'd say Ecliptica was their best. Silence is good, too. Those two are essential albums.

Also, another melodic band I really like is Axxis, but I'm sure it's an acquired taste. Very cheesy, almost like glam, but I love it. Favourite album is "Back to the Kingdom".

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Looking over that Metal Storm list, there's nothing that's really popping up as a "must-have" except for 1349's newest (and the new Agoraphobic Nosebleed which is already out). Just as well as I've been spending a few hundred bucks towards putting together a new computer. Listening to nothing but the new Mastodon and Cattle Decapitation albums has kinda worn me out. Now I'm back to listening to Dir en grey's "Uroboros". BTW, I would so be buying the new DEG live DVD if it weren't the price of a freakin' import.

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Three days late, but damnit, Best. News. Ever.

As for

Power Metal seems to cross over a lot into Folk metal, so you might like to check out that sub-genre as well, although the singers are much more harsh and less melodic.

Have to disagree with that... Lyrically, power metal and Scandinavian folk metal have similar origins because the Fantasy genre has it's origins in Norse mythology, but that's where the similarities stop. Some BANDS mix the genres up a bit (thinking of Kiuas in particular), but the genres themselves definately don't cross over.

Power metal is speed metal with fantasy/war/mythology-based lyrics (usually, not always though. Sonata Arctica, for example). Like Helloween, Blind Guardian, Dragonforce (the first two albums anyway; with the exception of one song the last two albums were barely music at all ¬_¬).

Folk metal is Skyclad, Finntroll, Korpiklaani, Turisas. The lyrics are based on folk themes (duh), and usually involve harsh growly vocals. Nothing like power metal.

Some bands (Kiuas, Gravedigger) are 'power metal with growly vocals', but they're still electric guitar, bass, drums, possibly a keyboard. There's no folk metal there.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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I agree. Folk is not that similar most of the time. Blind Guardian does do folky ballads though.

Power metal crosses over more with thrash metal in my opinion, both are just different types of speed metal. If you like some of the more aggressive power metal (Angel Dust, Iced Earth, Valley's Eve), some thrash is definitely worth checking out. At least Belladonna-era Anthrax and maybe some Annihilator and why not Megadeth even.

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Stop fagging this topic up with all your gay metal :shifty:

All jokes aside, has anyone heard the new Trigger The Bloodshed, and is it any good?

Also, on the way up to my interview today, had a little listen to the new Samael, and the new Big Business. Both were good, BB especially so. But they are awesome, so its to be expected.

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Stop fagging this topic up with all your gay metal :shifty:

All jokes aside, has anyone heard the new Trigger The Bloodshed, and is it any good?

Also, on the way up to my interview today, had a little listen to the new Samael, and the new Big Business. Both were good, BB especially so. But they are awesome, so its to be expected.

QFE. And also, yes, needs less deathcore and more deathgrind, death metal and what have you. Saying that, I haven't heard Trigger The Bloodshed. What does Big Business do? Sounds like a crap name so please tell me there is awesome inside.

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Anybody know how the new Heaven & Hell album is?

Boring. My bud and I were listening to it during a car ride over the weekend. Outside of that "Bible Black" song, they all sound very similar and have an odd slow pace to them. Not my thing I guess.

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