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Horror Crash at Canadian GP


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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Funny, that's what North America thinks for most of the year...every race is either at 1 AM (Asia) or 6 AM (Europe), or at least it seems like it...

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Senna Crash

Again, it's not actually "spectacular". You see cars do that nearly all the time nowadays, just goes to show how much more safe these cars are now. In fact, the more violent of the two crashes that killed that weekend was Ratzenberger's, because he just went right forward in to the wall. In fact, the reason I was so worried about Kubica was that his head was bouncing about a lot, and it seemed eerily reminscent of Ratzenberger's head just rolling around in his car.

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Senna's crash never looks that fatal, because it wasn't the crash that killed him, it was the bits of debris flying around afterwards. I think a bit of his car ended up crashing through his visor and giving him a skull fracture or something, and that's what killed him.

Whereas, with Ratzenberger, it was the fact that his head had just hit a concrete wall at 150+ MPH that did it...

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Yeah, it was the suspension that pierced Senna's helmet and caused the brain damage. That was anothr thing with Kubica's crash, the sheer amount of debris that could have hit him or another driver; Tonio Liuzzi's camera caught the car flipping and stuff, and a big metal bar cracked the top of the car on the roll cage, just missing Liuzzi's head...

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He's lucky to survive, because when his fuselodge did that canoo style barrel roll, he could very easily have clipped his head on the asphalt, and with that kind of torque, that would have been game over for sure.

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Actually, if you look really hard at the end of the crash, something seems to slide underneath his head, unless that's his hand...

The crash was much worse live I think, because you can watch it now and think "well I know he's safe, so...", but it seriously was bad live. The thing that shocked me was that the car flipped over, so that gives an indication of how much force it takes for it to do that flip so quickly, and then travel as fast as it did in to the wall.

On a lighter note, it's a sprained ankle and light concussion, so that's all good. Plus, for the first time in like...ever, F1 has dominated the back pages; hell, Hamilton filled up most of the Sun's front page even.

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Hmmm...I think you're looking for Luciano Burti climbing over the back of Michael Schumacher back in '01:

Ah, Luciano Burti. Worst, most accident prone driver ever. Here's his most spectacular and near death one:


EDIT: Last really, really big one, where Nick Heidfeld loses control and smashed in to Sato.

Edited by Katsuya
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