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Guest strongarm85

I just got back from previewing the movie. It is easily the best Batman movie ever made, much much better than Batman Begins. Also, it is safe to say that Jack Nicholson will be dethroned as the best ever performance for the Joker.

That is all.

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Was kinda worried about not being able to go to a midnight screening as the nearest megaplex(meaning more than 2 cinemas) is 2 hours away and they usually sell out way too quickly. Thankfully one of the local movie theaters, although not the best, is having a midnight showing tomorrow(tonight, I refuse to say tomorrow since I haven't gone to bed yet), and I'm definitely heading down. So pumped up for this.

That is a sweet picture by the way.

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Saw it tonight and it was fantastic - Ledger surpassed the hype in my opinion.

One criticism (I know it says spoilers in the thread title, but I'll everyone a chance):

The Two-Face storyline would've been best saved for another movie IMO. It dragged on a bit at the end and it could've done without it as it seemed a bit tacked on.
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In regards to Bale's accent in that interview...

I think I read somewhere that if he's preparing for a role that requires an accent, he adopts the accent full-time to make it more natural.

Yeah, funny thing about that..when Begins came out, he actually did all the press stuff in an American accent. I think it was because he feared that it would turn off some potential viewers.

I'm hoping to go tonight at a 12:10 showing they have but the logistics are coming along fairly slow and I might not be going...which is uber gay.

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I am filming a movie at Universal Studios during the midnight showing (i got tickets in Hollywood to go to Midnight but the film i am on changed the schedule). So i got a ticket for myself at 1PM. Can't wait, but i wanted to experience the midnight showing of it but whatever. I gotta work. I won't be the only one on my crew though, cause yesterday on set everyone was joking about leaving early for it, even the director is disappointed they are filming during it.

This is going to do huge B.O. because this is the first time i have talked to every type of film fan and they all plan to see it within opening week.

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Yeah, I can't imagine that this movie doesn't open huge. Because I'd imagine, by the reviews it's getting and the Batman fanboys, that plenty of people will see it more than once.

Not to mention that non-fanboys are probably looking forward to seeing it as well.

I just hope I can go tonight but like I said, that's becoming more and more of an idea rather than an actual plan. :(

Edited by RocknRolla
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Yeah, I can't imagine that this movie doesn't open huge. Because I'd imagine, by the reviews it's getting and the Batman fanboys, that plenty of people will see it more than once.

Not to mention that non-fanboys are probably looking forward to seeing it as well.

I just hope I can go tonight but like I said, that's becoming more and more of an idea rather than an actual plan. :(

Everyone I know plans on going to see it at some point.

Yet, I can't find anyone to go with me. :(

Fuck it, I'm seeing it by myself on Saturday if I have to.

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I went and seen it last night.

So. Damn. Awesome.

For those who haven't seen it, I'll use the box to actually spoil some of my opinions.

I almost jumped straight out of my seat when The False Batman hit the Mayor's Window.

And, while I was shocked that Gordon 'died' the very second the other dude in the SWAT car started prattling on, while the Driver was completely covered, I KNEW it was Gordon.

And I disagree TMH. I think the Two-Face angle worked really really well. One of my friends that came with me, was like HOLY SHIT when she first saw his face. That makeup was insane.

And the ending was sweet too, having Batman become the Villain again, simply as a way to save Gotham, and keep Harvey's reputation alive.

My main worry is that no matter what they do, there not going to be able to replace Heath. The man was simply AMAZING as The Joker. I can't say enough good things about the way he played his part.

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I.. think I need a new pair of pants. I seemed to have misplaced mine with the overload of semen that came out of my body after watching this movie.

You know a movie is big when the theater decides to wave lines and have everyone who has a ticket pick a showing to watch it in. The theater had about 7 showings. I went in at 11 and began to look for just 3 seats as my friends were going to take a while. I ended up in a loaded theater 3 rows from the screen. This movie is definitely bigger than life and I'd eat a WHOLE baby if this movie doesn't get GINORMOUS numbers on opening weekend.

While I don't want to go into the details of the movie I do have to note that Heath Ledger's performance is definitely all that and more with a bag of chips, a side of fries, super-sized, and enough to have you satisfied until you yourself kick the bucket. Bravo, Heath.

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Holy shit.

No, no, I think that needs repeating.

Ho... ly... shit.

That was amazing, just absolutely incredible. What a movie. Everyone played their parts perfectly, Heath Ledger just... I was so blown away. The story worked together perfect, everything came together full circle at the end, it was just far too awesome.

The crowd in the theater was spectacular too. Seriously, it's so great to watch a movie like this surrounded by so many people who are just as into it as you are. So many people freaked when the fake batman dropped down on the noose.

Ledger played the Joker perfectly, there has never been and probably never will be someone who can capture that character as amazingly as he did, and for God's sake, someone give that man his Oscar. "I'm going to make this pencil disappear" will forever be one of my favorite Joker quotes of all time, that whole sequence with the mob leaders was just fantastic.

Hell, the opening sequence was hilariously awesome too. From the Joker cronies offing each other left and right 'til just the Joker and the bus was left, to the mob banker with the shotgun taking them on like he did. I also loved how he kept changing around the story of his scars, that was great. And just the psychology behind all of the attacks, the way all Joker's plans worked in so well... Christ, the writing for the movie was just tremendous.

GOD. I want to see this movie again, that was just so amazing. The Two Face storyline, I thought, worked perfectly as well honestly. Joker and Two-Face's characters bounced perfectly off each other in the hospital. And I'm sorry, maybe it's wrong of me, but I took a great satisfaction from the scene when Gyllenhaal dies. Seriously, she did fine in the film, but I just didn't want to see her in the sequel, and that all got taken care of.

Long movie, but for me, it didn't drag at all. It needed to be that long. Lorina watched it with me and she pretty much shared all my opinions, so the drive home was fun talking about all of it. God this movie made me nerd out.

So, uh, yeah. The movie was good.

... oh who am I kidding it was the goddamn movie of the year. I shall buy the DVD. I want to see it again. I... oh, you get the point.


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Greatest.... movie... ever.

No, not just best Batman movie, not best comic book movie, not best action movie - the greatest movie ever.

Am I going a bit overboard? Maybe, but fuck you, I've waited three goddamn years for this movie and I say it's the greatest movie ever. It was perfect, everything I had hoped from it and so so so much more. I'm going to sound like a total whackjob here, but my heart was pounding for literally the entire movie, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time because the action never stopped.

Much like Brandon Lee with The Crow, Heath Ledger will be forever immortalized by this movie and he deserves every bit of praise that is going to be heaped upon him in the coming days. The man was absolutely phenomenal and nailed the role - he is and will forever be, The Joker.

The only issue I have is I just don't know if they could ever bring back The Joker. Even if they wait two films, those shoes are just way too big to fill now, but they left it so open that they almost have to bring him back. He completes Batman!
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I just got home from the screening.

Wow and Damn.

Best movie I've seen possibly ever. It just all fit together so perfectly. I had very very high expectations for this movie and they were completely exceeded when I left. I honestly don't think they could have cast a better actor/actress for any of the roles in the movie. Aaron Eckhart was amazing as Harvey Dent, Ledger was phenomenal as Joker, rinse lather and repeat for all of the other roles. It was simply an amazing movie and leaves you with an amazing feeling.

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This was absolutely amazing. I was on such a high after seeing it that selling out 10 theaters tonight at work didn't bother me in the slightest, nor did being there until 3am. The movie was just absolutely everything it had to be and more. All the storylines balanced perfectly together and it ended the way it should have. No, the way it had to end. I could go on, and on, and on. Just everything was perfect.

And I think we also can all say... Jack who?

Edited by damshow
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Just got back from the movie and I think everything I had to say right now has been said. This was the perfect sequel to Batman Begins and Ledger as The Joker was just downright disturbing. This is a movie I will need to watch again (at the theater perhaps) and I know for certain that I will buy the BluRay disc when it comes out. The theater I went to had atleast 8 screens going and the concession lines were all the way to the front of the theater. This is THE summer movie and will go down as one of the greatest movies ever.

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