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Kane & Lynch: Dead Men


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So this is out tomorrow in the US at least. We get it in the UK on Friday 23rd November. Unless I hear very bad things about it, I'll definitely be picking it up for PS3. The trailers I've seen for it so far have been really good.

Here's the Wiki write up for those who haven't seen or heard of it yet...


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This is down as one of the games I have an interest in picking up at some point. It's a damn shame there is no online co-op but LL informs me there is at least some form of multiplayer online. I think i'll wait for any demo that comes out and then, if I like it, ask for it for Xmas.

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Out of all the big games out this month, K&L is the one I'm most looking forward to. I've always loved the Hitman games, and what Maxx said isn't a downpoint in my opinion. I mean come on, who didn't love blasting the fuck out of everyone they saw on the Mardi Gras level in Blood Money? :shifty:

I do hope it gets good reviews in America first though, but I'm a lot more excited for this than Mass Effect or even Assassins Creed.

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Wow. This game is tons of fun. The aiming took me a bit of getting used to (when I figured out you could use an over the shoulder technique things got so much better.) The game is a total shoot-em-up gun-ho style game and it's right up your alley if that your kind of thing. So far, so good.

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Just got to Havana with my girlfriend, and damn is this game fun.

Very, very fucking intense. Just like a gritty crime thriller. The bullets flying everywhere and the brutality of it. I fear Jack Thompson hearing about the game though, he'll have a field day with all of the cops that get gunned down...


Lynch starting to freak out in the streets after the Rekomoto building was brilliant. Him seeing cops everywhere and some people with pigs heads. Fucking great, my girlfriend freaked out when she saw a cop right in front of her and shot the fuck out of them, while I was sitting there wondering why she just gunned down an innocent person. Fits so well with Lynch's character.

Anyone who liked Freedom Fighters should play this, it is right up that alley. I also don't get the big deal with some of the more negative reviews (albeit GameTrailers said it was good, and I pretty much go by their reviews anymore). The aiming is good, with realistic recoil and effects. The AI is decent and the graphics are perfectly fine as far as I'm concerned.

Just a really cool game. Although I fear that we're only a few hours in and it'll end soon.

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I like the reviews you guys are giving, as I mentioned, I've been needing a mindless shoot em' up sort of game.

I heard the multiplayer online was supposed to be fun, that you could rob a bank with Kane/Lynch and other henchman. Then say Lynch has all the loot, he can choose to just kill his gang and take the money and run? Also heard that if your character dies it let's you play as a police officer and gives you the chance of taking the gang down (this feature being in multiplayer as far as I know).

Oh and which is Kane, and which is Lynch?

Edit - Fucking weird Ska, very fucking weird.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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Beat the game with my girlfriend a couple of hours ago. The last few missions are evil when it comes to taking damage. Got both endings and was thoroughly depressed by both. Wish there was more of the game though. Seemed a bit rushed. Eh. Was still fun.

Albeit great in concept, the online stuff semi-shit if only because of who you wind up playing with. The four maps have already gotten dull (the placement of money, enemies and sequence of "events" are the same each go around).

And getting killed by a teammate is fucking irritating. I know it's a partial aspect of the game, but I was in a game where one dude killed all of us with a grenade right at the beginning then bragged how he'd get out with all of the money... "What the fuck, how'd you guys spawn as cops?" was all he said as the five of us converged on him. I suppose no one told him about the way the game works... Also the more players you add the less likely anyone will get out with anything considering everyone respawns as a cop.

It's probably because of my irritance at team killing in Warhawk... but playing something that glorifies it if not outright promotes it is disturbing... Especially considering there are no true consequences for doing so.

Albeit going into the bank level, having three of the guys turn on three of the other guys with only two of us left as non traitors, then taking out the traitors and newly spawned player cops while watching my only partner left get gunned down as he tried to screw me over by leaving early in the getaway car... Ah priceless. I got out as sole survivor with over $2+ million.

EDIT: And if Jack Thompson ever finds out how many police officers you indiscriminately kill in this game, he'll have a field day.

Edited by Vilge Duin
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When it says "saving game progress" is it safe to turn the game off after that...and still be in that spot. You would think so, but never know.

EDIT: Sorry that was pointless. It saved.

Enjoying the game as expected...will continue when I get home from work tomorrow.

Edited by Baddar D
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