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The OAO Grand Theft Auto IV Thread


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We can confirmed that the 'rumoured' list of Grand Theft Auto IV achievements are real, because we've played it.

And having played it for our EXCLUSIVE REVIEW OMG in the issue on sale 18TH APRIL (subliminal advertising at its best, people), we can confirm that those achievements are the real deal.

However, it's probably a good idea to stay away from reading through the list of achievements if you want your GTA IV experience to be fresh and unspoilt. Just sayin'


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Out of the 360 and PS3 versions, which one will have better graphics? I need to know which one to buy. What other things might effect my decision?

The Xbox 360 version will have rumble, achievements and exclusive downloadable content sometime in the future (which is supposed to be 2 separate 'episodes' that are in the 10 hour range each, no price point has been given).

The Playstation 3 version will have rumble if you happen to have or plan to get a DualShock 3, will have possible Home integration and other such novelties tied to it (trophies, accomplishments, skins, etc.) and downloadable content. The DLC won't be the exclusive stuff for the 360 but will be some of the stuff that the 360 may get (no clue what it may be).

Then there's the choice of Xbox Live or the Playstation Network, whichever suits you better.

Other than that, both versions are supposed to be entirely identical. So it's really just a matter of preference and if the DLC for the 360 version means anything to you (there has been rumblings that it is a timed exclusive, but that's far from being proven).

[EDIT]: I'm personally picking it up for the PS3. I've grown bored of the 360 and it has too much of a habit of breaking, which I'm petrified will happen again. Achievements mean fuck all to me, I plan to get a DualShock 3 in a few weeks when they're out and I much prefer the Playstation controller anyways. I also prefer the simplicity of the PSN, which will be up to par with all the features Xbox Live has by the time Home comes out, and it is free of course. DLC shit isn't impressive since it'll likely be upwards of $20 if not more, of which the game apparently takes over a 100 hours to finish 100% anyways, and I've never remotely been done with any of the previous installments to warrant such a thing. And since I have my PS3 hooked up through an HDMI cord, I much prefer the visuals I get from it than the 360. Oh, and it hasn't fucking broken on me like the 360 has...

And besides I've played every GTA on a Playstation since I played the first back in '98. Wouldn't feel right any other way.

Edited by Vilge Duin
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Guest jonnocool91

Thanks for that info. My brother has a PS3 and a 360, but doesn't live with me, my sister has a PS3 and does live with me, and in a couple of weeks I will get my brother's old Premium 360 which he got on release date, once it's been returned from being fixed. It finally got the red ring of death thing. I've played previous games on both consoles, so I don't care about controls. My brother's getting the PS3 version of GTA, so it probably makes sense for me to get the 360 one. The differences between the two are minor to me, and like I said the PS3 I have available is my sister's so I'd maybe have to play it less if I got that.

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About multiplayer, I'm wondering, will it be an online only thing or will I be able to pick up a controller at my friend's hosue and play a quick free play game or whatever if I so feel like it?

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About multiplayer, I'm wondering, will it be an online only thing or will I be able to pick up a controller at my friend's hosue and play a quick free play game or whatever if I so feel like it?

What d'you mean by that exactly?

I'm probably totally wrong, because I've only been online with my PS3 for a few weeks, but if it's anything like Burnout: Paradise, you should be able to just create or join a room and roam around that way...then do the challenges within that.

Although thinking of it, by what you've wrote above, do you mean picking up a controller and joining him in a game offline, roaming around? If so, I'd say that's unlikely.

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I agree with Vilge Duin on almost all of that post. My Xbox is off to be fixed for the FOURTH time, and they want 100 smackers for the fix...slimy bastards. And I don't believe in DLC for any price other than free.

The PS3 I've had since launch and it's always worked the best, HDMI helps to get a better pic than the components on the 360 although it's still only pulling 1080i, as I got an older LCD from before 1080p got huge. So GTA for PS3 is my choice, and I'm too used to its GTA control scheme to go changing now. Although I am aware they've changed the controls this time around, supposedly I can switch back to a "classic" control.

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I agree with Vilge Duin on almost all of that post. My Xbox is off to be fixed for the FOURTH time, and they want 100 smackers for the fix...slimy bastards.

Didn't the 360 come out late 2005? The 3-year warrantee should still cover all of them at the moment shouldn't it? Mine's broken twice but the second time they just gave me a new one and a month's free XBL Gold.

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I agree with Vilge Duin on almost all of that post. My Xbox is off to be fixed for the FOURTH time, and they want 100 smackers for the fix...slimy bastards.

Didn't the 360 come out late 2005? The 3-year warrantee should still cover all of them at the moment shouldn't it? Mine's broken twice but the second time they just gave me a new one and a month's free XBL Gold.

3 year warranty is only for the RRoD. Anything else is only covered by the 1 year warranty and after that it's $100 a pop to effectively fix anything. The 360 actually has quite a lot of problems with faulty DVD drives and scratching of discs.

And at that, once that warranty is up then what? Every system I've ever bought still works to this day. My 1988 NES my parents got me still works. My SNES, Genesis, N64, PSX, Dreamcast, PS2, GBA SP, DS, DS Lite, PSP and PS3 were all bought within a year of their releases and still work perfectly to this day.

The only system I've had break on me was the 360.

Backwards compatability is great, but I'm fond of pulling out an old system to enjoy a game from years past. The likelihood of that happening with the 360? Hahahaha....

And watching the new Gamestop ad and reading Kotaku's little preview of the game has made me want it even more. Ugh. 27 days seems quite long.

Edited by Vilge Duin
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3 year warranty is only for the RRoD. Anything else is only covered by the 1 year warranty and after that it's $100 a pop to effectively fix anything.

I didn't get the Red Rings and they fixed mine for free and it was beyond the one year warranty.

And at that, once that warranty is up then what? Every system I've ever bought still works to this day. My 1988 NES my parents got me still works. My SNES, Genesis, N64, PSX, Dreamcast, PS2, GBA SP, DS, DS Lite, PSP and PS3 were all bought within a year of their releases and still work perfectly to this day.

You're officially the luckiest video game player on the planet. The NES, PSX and PS2 are notorious for crapping out. I am meticulous about taking care of my systems, but even I couldn't save those three. The NES with all its urban legends of how to get the games to play, the PSX getting hot enough to light carpet on fire and PS2's Disc Read Errors were all pretty widespread problems.

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3 year warranty is only for the RRoD. Anything else is only covered by the 1 year warranty and after that it's $100 a pop to effectively fix anything.

I didn't get the Red Rings and they fixed mine for free and it was beyond the one year warranty.

Go read their press releases and official terms of agreement. It's all their in writing.

An exception doesn't make it the rule. And at that, Microsoft likely isn't too concerned right now anyways with enforcing their policy. That'll likely come later on.

And more than enough people have had to dish out money.

And at that, once that warranty is up then what? Every system I've ever bought still works to this day. My 1988 NES my parents got me still works. My SNES, Genesis, N64, PSX, Dreamcast, PS2, GBA SP, DS, DS Lite, PSP and PS3 were all bought within a year of their releases and still work perfectly to this day.

You're officially the luckiest video game player on the planet. The NES, PSX and PS2 are notorious for crapping out. I am meticulous about taking care of my systems, but even I couldn't save those three. The NES with all its urban legends of how to get the games to play, the PSX getting hot enough to light carpet on fire and PS2's Disc Read Errors were all pretty widespread problems.

I wouldn't say I am. I've been instilled with a sense of pride in my possessions and I take meticulous care of them. A lot of people treat their systems like shit. That said, I did have my PC's power supply blow out from overheating while playing Empire At War for too long.

My NES however is an ugly brown piece of shit that's original RCA connector doesn't work, but my Genesis one works with it. My Dreamcast crapped out once, but after adjusting the laser again it's been fine. A PSX for example though, should not ever once be on carpet to begin with, doesn't allow airflow. And at that I put ridiculous time into that machine (between the Tomb Raiders, MGS, original GTA, the Crashes, all of Squares RPGs, Twisted Metal 2, and so on).

Then again, my newfound disdain for the 360 likely stems entirely from not ever having problems with my other systems. 3 and a half months of sporadic use including a two week break of even touching it before it red ringed, is shit.

It's the worst designed mainstream system ever designed. How anyone can even defend it boggles me.

The games can be fun and are great, but the system itself is shit.

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People can defend it because when it does work it's an excellent gaming console. Superb interface, superb online play and a superb selection of games and accessories available for it. I've had mine fail twice on me but I've had countless problems with the PS2 before it. To me it just sounds like you've been 'spoiled' (for lack of a better word) by your previous lucky streak with consoles. And it's not just because you take care of them particularly well because as Zero said, you're not the only one who does.

And while the RROD has been a major problem, you have to admit that Microsoft's done a solid job of dealing with it by extending the warantee and fixing consoles for people. Hell, even dishing out new ones free of charge if needed.

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Although thinking of it, by what you've wrote above, do you mean picking up a controller and joining him in a game offline, roaming around? If so, I'd say that's unlikely.

See, if that's the case - which I hope not - that fucking irritates me to no end. There are so many games out that tout multiplayer, but oops, sorry, it's online only. That's a bunch of bullshit. I don't want to have to get online just to play a quick free play match or whatever. Ugh.

I sincerely hope you're wrong, though, and that they confirm local multiplayer.

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