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The OAO Grand Theft Auto IV Thread


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Apparantly Sony are running a proper PS3 GTAIV hardware bundle on release. It's a reasonable price I believe: £309.99 or something.

On Play.com they have a bundle, with a special GTA4 designed box etc. like you see, for £299.99.

And Nickelback!? It'll be great (eventually) burning around LC with their uniquw brand of radio-friendly rock blaring through the stereo. Though I kinda hope its NOT "Rockstar", but it would be epic to be cruising through fake-Times Square with it playing as you mow people down. I can kinda see it be "Rockstar" too, due the makers of the game and all, and it'll prob come with some quip as its introduced too.

Foo's song is "The Pretender". Cool.

Edited by TheModernWay
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I see no problem with Nickelback being on the radio - if it's set present day, that's the kind of thing you'd expect to hear on the radio. Plenty of the music in San Andreas and Vice City was shite too. I doubt I'd go anywhere near a radio station with Nickelback, The Foo Fighters and Arctic Monkeys on it anyway, but Miles Davis? FUCK YES. George Clinton? DOUBLE FUCK YES.

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I see no problem with Nickelback being on the radio - if it's set present day, that's the kind of thing you'd expect to hear on the radio. Plenty of the music in San Andreas and Vice City was shite too. I doubt I'd go anywhere near a radio station with Nickelback, The Foo Fighters and Arctic Monkeys on it anyway, but Miles Davis? FUCK YES. George Clinton? DOUBLE FUCK YES.

After hearing "The Mothership Connection" on NBA Live 2000 back in the day and him presenting Bounce FM on San An, it's safe to say that man brings the funk.

Though according to Wikipedia, Aqua's fuck-awful "Barbie Girl" is on the game :angry: . On the LATIN RAP station :wacko: . I hope to god, on both accounts, that this is some assclown being a dick.

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Forget about Sunday, leaked videos are flooding the nets. To bad they're on youtube, because they barely last.

- The animation and lighting look great.

- The shootouts look and sound much more intense. The shooting is a mix of Uncharted/GOW and Crackdown.

- The cover system looks great. It's exactly like the one in Uncharted.

- Euphoria kicks ass. In one of the videos, a cop is shot and falls down. When he got back up, he was limping, hunched over in pain.

- The running animation isn't stiff like in most games, it looks natural

Edited by abundant
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Though according to Wikipedia, Aqua's fuck-awful "Barbie Girl" is on the game :angry: . On the LATIN RAP station :wacko: . I hope to god, on both accounts, that this is some assclown being a dick.

It was an editing mistake, presumably. Already been fixed.


That's even if it's in the game and not just something rumoured.

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IGN has another feature on the multiplayer modes today, including Free Mode, which will almost surely be what we'll be playing the most.

Think Crackdown's multiplayer, but with 16 people.


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No longer do you need to nudge your buddy and say, "You looked up the Statue of Happiness' skirt yet?" Now you can pick him up in a chopper and show him what you're going on about.

I shall give this a look. :shifty:

No, Fitzy, you can't teabag the statue.

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:lol: I can imagine Fitzy being like "LL, take me up in this helicopter. :) " and then he bails out at the top.

"This one likes b...."

Only to be interupted by his body bouncing down the statue to his eventual death.

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