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With five episodes episodes left to go here are the things Darlton promised us in season four. All hidden in groups spoiler tags relevant to each one.

Oceanic Six

- We will find out how they get off The Island

- We will find out what they have to sacrifice

- We will find out what happens to those who aren't part of the Oceanic Six


- We will see The Monster again and learn more about it

- We will see the Four Toed Statue againa and learn more about it

- We will find out who was in the coffin

- We will see The Orchid

- We will see the purple sky again


-Jack & Claire will find out they are related

- We will see Christian Shephard again

- We will see more of Libby

- We will see more of Ms. Hawking

- We will see more of Matthew Abaddon

- We will see more of Harper Stanhope

- We will find out what happened between Ben & Henry Gale

- We will find out what Ben was up to when Rosseau caught him

- We will find out what happened whilst Desmond was in prison

- We will see Richard Alpert again

- We will see a Danielle flashback, though it may come in season five

- We will find out what happened to Montand's arm

- We will find out what happened to Marvin Candle's hand

I think that's everything

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I was underwhelmed by Meet Kevin Johnson. The Michael backstory stuff was a bit predictable, and it seemed to end pretty abruptly.

Interesting point made on Lostpedia: Maybe Sayid's decision to turn in Michael (if that results in the Freighter people killing some of the Losties) is the decision Ben is holding over his head in The Economist ("remember what they did the last time you followed your heart instead of your gun?").

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I was underwhelmed by Meet Kevin Johnson. The Michael backstory stuff was a bit predictable, and it seemed to end pretty abruptly.

Of course it was predictable, it was pretty much the only way to do it without people complaining. You're complaining that for once they did something predictable? That I understand, but it wasn't predictable and stupid, it made total sense, and added some interesting elements.

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This was one of the rar episodes were the "flashback" seemed to matter and it felt like stuff was moving on in the story... (don´t ask me why , just wave and smile)

The show is over now, right? Or am i remembering something wrong here? Wrtiers strike and the TV station just putting out there what already was filmed - being only 8 Episodes?!

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This was one of the rar episodes were the "flashback" seemed to matter and it felt like stuff was moving on in the story... (don´t ask me why , just wave and smile)

The show is over now, right? Or am i remembering something wrong here? Wrtiers strike and the TV station just putting out there what already was filmed - being only 8 Episodes?!

Four weeks and we get the second half of the season, strike ended earlier than expected so they got five episodes done, including one two hour finale.

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I thought you gave up after the first four episodes of Season One? :P

Naaah, i have a terrible habbit of not being able to let something go unfinished so i always check back on everything way to often... i missed a lot of seasons 2 and 3 but frinds tolled me that the review episodes get prittymuch everything don... this lead to me avoiding a lot of TV all together wich has been a good thing to my life.

I had no idea the strike was over, why the hell is there no new the shield on my TV?!

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Season 7 of The Shield will premiere sometime in the fall of 2008, according to a FX spokesman in a recent newspaper article, and will consist of 13 one hour episodes. This will be the final season according to its creator and the network
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I was underwhelmed by Meet Kevin Johnson. The Michael backstory stuff was a bit predictable, and it seemed to end pretty abruptly.

Of course it was predictable, it was pretty much the only way to do it without people complaining. You're complaining that for once they did something predictable? That I understand, but it wasn't predictable and stupid, it made total sense, and added some interesting elements.

It made sense, but I was hoping there'd be something more to the story than "he goes home, feels guilty, Ben says he can redeem himself and so he gets a job on the boat".

The whole "the Island won't let you die" thing is interesting, though. Wonder if that applies to the Oceanic Six, too. And it was good to see Tom back.

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