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Gonna have to do the same whenever Lorina and I get the chance to lie down and watch it together. We would have yesterday but that was a busy day out and about so never had the time.

Today looks like we've got a shot. This episode looks intense, so I hope we get the time to watch it today.

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Soul Eater 24:

Finally! Epic battle time! We get to see Shinigami start kicking ass a bit, a bit of a backstory on why he doesn't seem as menacing as he should (the mini-flashback had me laughing) Asura looks like he's leaving to fully recover, then should come back soon. I'm 5%-10% sure that Asura is Death The Kids real father. Next weeks flashback on his origins should be pretty cool. Maybe finally get a glimpse of Maka's mom.

As for Medusa, I guess the rule of Soul Eater is that pretty much NO ONE DIES (except for the first couple episodes, but those don't count :shifty: ) She dies, comes back for "one last scare", dies again, and now she's a snake. Yeah.

I would have liked had the battle lasted longer, oh well. Not a big fan of Medusa dying, and coming back, now, the question is: Did she inject Stine with something?
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Spoilers for Geass 24 are already floating around the internet, raws are probably floating around but no subs are out. But anyway,

Turn 24 spoilers below.

Cornelia's alive. Guilford's alive. Nunnally can apparently see. Tamaki dies (told you so). Gino owns Lelouch. Diethard dies (nobody cares) and drum roll, please...

Schneizel gets geassed.

I can't find any raws, so I'm skeptical. It could just be a big troll.

Edited by ALPHA Cloudy
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... so Geass gets me to the point where I'm so exasperated at it that I stop watching...

... and then gives an episode that, poor (first character)'s death aside, is everything I would want in a Code Geass episode. Dammit, Geass.

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... so Geass gets me to the point where I'm so exasperated at it that I stop watching...

... and then gives an episode that, poor (first character)'s death aside, is everything I would want in a Code Geass episode. Dammit, Geass.

Told you. What did I tell you, GoGo? I warned you, sure not in the exact terms that would fit this situation, but certainly something similar. This sort-of thing always happens, you give up on a show that's disappointed you nearing its conclusion, and it somehow makes a turn-around that leaves you second guessing your decision... eh, to an extent, anyway.

But yeah.


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turn 24

Oghi still isn't dead yet. die already oghi. how the fuck did Guilford survive a FLEIJA that definitely hit him? I knew Cornelia was alive, as predictable as it was. Diethard's death was kinda pathetic, but it fit his character. no idea where the finale goes, as there isn't much of a war left with only Suzaku and Jeremiah really fighting. I guess we'll find out what the zero requiem is.
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So like, theories on the end of the show? Anyone? In spoiler tags just in case anyone's anywhere near right, of course.

I'd really like to see an ending where Lelouch and Suzaku die. Like, say, have the deal they made be a suicide pact and with the death of Lelouch, Cornelia assumes the throne and everyone lives on in peace, the end.

But yeah. Never know what to expect with Sunrise, they could troll us all and have some awful ending. :(

Oh and turn 24:

I guess this means that Guilford is blind, right? Or that's the feeling I get from the black sunglasses and all.

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Yeah, Guilford is blind. Or at least it's very safe to assume. Yay! Cornelia is still alive! (Cloudy, I can live with the ending you proposed), and I was expecting more people to die this episode, not just Diethard. Also....is Tamaki dead? It looks like he escaped. Who's going to die? Here's who I think:

Lelouch, CC, Jeremiah, Schneizel, Schneizel's underling who's name I never heard, and maybe Oghi will get the "Hero" death, along with Gino (who I do not want to die).
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I just rewatched the Tamaki bit; I'm like 90% sure he didn't die, you can see him eject.

I was mostly indifferent on the episode, it really wasn't that great, but there were a couple of strong moments (Guilford and Cornelia mostly).
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Ruki, another theory about the end that seems popular is

Suzaku having only agreed to be Lelouch's Knight if he could be the one to kill Lelouch.

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I don't think so. He seems to have a whole other side that she helped unlock simply by fighting him. He's nuts enough without her injecting him with the Black Blood. Shinigami/Asura was a brief taste (although satisfying to me at least) of what we are going to see soon enough. I'm pumped!

Just finally got around to watching it and I have to wonder if Stein got infected with snakes or something so Madeusa can come and get some sort of revenge. She also said she loved him so I expect some completely fucked up things to happen in between them. Shinigami vs. Asura was taste but I cannot wait to see all the Deathscythes together in 25. That is going to be brillant.
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Picked up volume 2 of the Rosario + Vampire manga yesterday. Voume 3 comes out next month. Its starting to get a bit ecchi, like someone said when I asked about it, but its not too bad yet.

Can anyone recommend some good horror animes that aren't either hentai or extremely gory? No need to recommend Vampire Hunter D or Blood+, as I've already seen both VHD movies and most of Blood+.

Re-watching AMV hell....and now I am curious of Galaxy Angel....any good?

Its on my list of anime to check out, and the people I've talked to who have seen it seemed to like it. Keep in mind there are something like three or four different series, though, and its another one of those animes based on a dating sim game.

Edited by GhostMachine
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The vast majority of Galaxy Angel episodes involve them throwing random nonsense at the wall and seeing what sticks, which about half of it does. Some of the episodes come out just being cutsey fluff that seems like it's trying to be funny or "wacky" but is really epic fail on everything. The very first episode of season 1 is like this. "Oh dear, there's a missing cat. Let us search for the missing cat. Oh lolz, all the cats look the same. Now people are attacking us because the cat's heir to a fortune or some shit. Fuck off."

Conversely, the episodes that work are fucking ridiculous but actually funny as well. Not in a smart or clever way (well, okay, sometimes they can be the tiniest bit clever), but you will most likely enjoy it all the same. I dug out a DVD-R of Galaxy Angel that I had in order to remind myself (I could only find season 3, which I think is named Galaxy Angel AA or something equally ridiculous in the Western release), and I picked an episode at random where the process is thus:

They start the episode hanging - in a human chain - off the edge of a cliff. Why? Fuck knows. Actually Milfuelle (pink-haired one) does ask how they got here and gets reminded, but the 'cause' is equally silly. It involves a picnic and a parody of an 'Idol' group song. Anyway they then spend a while bickering about whose fault it is, blaming first Milfuelle, who blames Ranpha (blonde one), who finally turns the blame to Mint (the small blue-haired one). Suddenly they slip off the edge, fall for a bit and Mint grabs a new ledge, with everyone else grabbing on beneath in a new chain. It should be pointed out at this stage that Mint is a vindictive, Machiavellian bitch who just happens to be all deceptively cutsey (though sadly her personality doesn't get to come out much in many episodes), and she considers kicking them off and letting them all drop. Ranpha (second in the chain) also joins in kicking as a matter of self-preservation. Before they can get anywhere, they all fall off again, a new ledge is grabbed and now Mint and Ranpha find themselves at the bottom of the chain...and Forte/Vanilla want revenge.

This is where it goes off the wall.

Terrified of dropping, Ranpha snaps. Her hairclip...things become rocket boosters which lift her off from the chain. She then turns in mid-air and her hairclips let off a volley of machine gun fire, knocking Mint/Forte/Vanilla down into the crevace (Milfuelle remains, because she's too innocent like that). But wait: the others fly back up (Forte is flapping her arms; Vanilla is swinging Normad [a small pink stuffed toy with the AI of a smart bomb] around in a helicopter motion; Mint has appeared on the back of her pet which was briefly in an earlier flashback - a giant white sealion with a blonde toupé, named Meimon). Mint orders Meimon to attack, and the flying sealion lets loose a blast of energy from its mouth which smashes Ranpha into the cliff face. Forte applauds Mint, but Mint then turns on her and Vanilla, saying "I haven't forgotten your insolence to me from before". And so she chases them, in mid-air, with her lazer-blasting sealion.

Meanwhile, semi-crippled in the hole in the cliff-face, Ranpha goes into full Martial Arts Anime/Dragonball Z mode.

Ranpha: "I need more...power. I need the power to beat Forte-san and the others."

Glowing Blue Light: "Ranpha!"

Ranpha: "Gasp! Master, why are you here?!"

Forte: "Master?! Who the hell?!"

Random Glowing Guy in 80s Clothing: "Ranpha, your martial arts skill is still insufficient...UGH."

He gets hit by a blast from Meimon. The background turns red and the animation goes into slow-motion, as is traditional.

Ranpha: "MASTER!!!"

Master: "Ugh...my chest..................itches."

This anti-climax is besides the point, because Ranpha is now in full Super Saiyan mode.

Master: "Oh! That aura! You've awoken at last!"

Ranpha: "How dare you attack Master! So, now I have powered up and I am invincib-"

*Meimon blasts her back into the cliff*

...This is what I mean by ridiculous nonsense. :shifty:

But with all those episodes aside - there are SOME episodes (not many) which are some of the best satirical anime you have ever laid eyes across. The 'Power Rangers' piss-take and the 'Every Sports Anime Ever' piss-take are two examples, both located within season 3. These are relatively few and far between, but excellent when they turn up.

So, um, conclusion: I like Galaxy Angel. Some episodes fail miserably to be any good, sure, but I enjoy their random nonsense. I do however perfectly understand those people whose reaction is "WTF, this is fucking shit".

and its another one of those animes based on a dating sim game.

...It really isn't. :/ The anime came first, then they made some semi-RPG/shoot 'em up style PS2 games for it, then probably a dating sim game (though not a porn one, since it was based on a franchise popular with kids), then some really rather crap mangas as an afterthought.

Edited by stokeriño
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Soul Eater 26:

Not really too much to say this time around. Getting (most of) the Death Scythes together and playing basketball. Still, we've got Stein starting to go mad (if anyone is actually going to die by the end of the series it's Stein) and now there's this girl (forgot the name already....) who may be able to help him keep in control, but I hope she actually builds a personality other than "I want to be married NOW WAAAAH!". And she wanted to marry a toilet, then she got pissed at it and destroyed it, so I guess there's hope.

And Justin better pull some badass power out soon or he's just comic relief, about religion.

BTW, this video is ALMOST perfect.

Smash Eater

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