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Just noticed on the second viewing, Doctor Who seems to have a 'similar minded' theme this season, the hive-like Ood, the cloning Sontarans, the Doctor's daughter also apparently being a clone, several Adipose being produced from one person. Possibility of Rose having been cloned being hinted at perhaps? Dunno, just something that briefly crossed my mind.

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That was brilliant. The script was great with some hilarious moments, the human genius kid was handled really well, the pacing was near spot on, and while I'm ashamed to admit that was my first 'Sontaran Experience' I really, REALLY loved them, they were brilliant.

The best bit though: Intruder window! Best. Pun. Ever.

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Just watched the repeat tonight and it was very good, probably my favourite of the season and although i's on Earth, I loved it all. The scene with how all of Donna's family had met the Doctor seemed like a nice joke at how The Doctor is everywhere. The sontaran leader is quite a good character and they generally just seem to be so much more improved than when we last saw them; although that confused me as to how Martha didn't know what species they were, she was the companion for that moon episode wasn't she?

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Just watched the repeat tonight and it was very good, probably my favourite of the season and although i's on Earth, I loved it all. The scene with how all of Donna's family had met the Doctor seemed like a nice joke at how The Doctor is everywhere. The sontaran leader is quite a good character and they generally just seem to be so much more improved than when we last saw them; although that confused me as to how Martha didn't know what species they were, she was the companion for that moon episode wasn't she?

They were Jidoon, not Sontarans :P

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My mind seems to have drawn a blank - where did The Doctor meet Donna's mother?

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Thats fine then, a search shows that the Judoon are 'rumoured' fo the season finale, so I hope we get a Sontaran/Judoon face off >_>.

That would be pretty sweet, and seems possible. After all, weren't the judoon the space/time police? I could see them coming in to enforce the 'Shadow Proclamation'.

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My mind seems to have drawn a blank - where did The Doctor meet Donna's mother?
At Donna's wedding, Christmas Special couple years back.

Thats fine then, a search shows that the Judoon are 'rumoured' fo the season finale, so I hope we get a Sontaran/Judoon face off >_>.
Judoon? I spent all that time trying to remember which it was without Wiki'ing and still got it wrong. I fucking hope that's the finalé because they would be absolutely badass as a face off, wonder if they're just going to ignore the Rutan Host being the main Sontaran enemy then?

Thats fine then, a search shows that the Judoon are 'rumoured' fo the season finale, so I hope we get a Sontaran/Judoon face off >_>.

That would be pretty sweet, and seems possible. After all, weren't the judoon the space/time police? I could see them coming in to enforce the 'Shadow Proclamation'.

No, well, not quite. They were intergalactic bullies (not time ones though) who acted like police, more like mercenaries for hire, think of them as a bunch of security guards who think they've got the powers of policemen.
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I really enjoyed the episode, I'm extremely glad they made it a two parter, there's no way it could've worked otherwise. I have to see Martha annoys me, maybe it's the actress playing her, but when she plays Martha I don't find her convincing and it sort of kills the heat of the mood. On the other hand she seemed much more comfortable playing the Clone Martha. Maybe it's just me.

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Thats fine then, a search shows that the Judoon are 'rumoured' fo the season finale, so I hope we get a Sontaran/Judoon face off >_>.

Isn't everyone and their mother from the last four seasons meant to be in the season finale?

Well we have met pretty much everyones mother, and they're almost all annoying bints.

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This episode is brilliant.

"Are you my Mummy", The Valiant, reference to the Brigadier, Rose...just brilliant stuff so far.

Also, of the returning baddies, the Sontarans have to be the most well protected yet.

Oooh....TARDIS in flight without The Doctor's consent? Being summoned, methinks. At first I was thinking Time Lords but it would appear not - Doctor's Daughter time! Looks a bit corny, but could be a good'un. Also, I love that the Doctor has the least bad-ass catchphrases ever: "I'm so sorry" and "what? what? WHAT?!"

Edited by Skummy
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OH MY GOD! That may have been not only the best episode of the new series, but one of the best episodes EVER. I can ignore the odd physics/chemistry of the sky burning for sheer fact that ending capped off such an amazing episode. The callbacks, the mention of The Rutans (I was hoping for a reference), the logic, the relationships, the ridiculously well done Sontarans... droolage all round.

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