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So I bought the season one boxset a month or so ago and have decided I'm dissapointed, I forgot how great the episodes are, but the fact the Confidential on the DVD's is only the 'cut down' version felt retarded, surely people who choose to watch extras like them would want to see them in their entirety? :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
David Tennant is in negotiations to play the lead role in a new film version of Doctor Who, it has been reported.

The actor, who is currently only contracted for five more episodes, has reportedly agreed to star as the Doctor in a full fifth series in 2010 if the big screen role can be added to a new deal.

BBC managers are seeking funding for the film, according to The Sun newspaper. A corporation source said: "For ages, BBC Worldwide held the rights and were planning to make a movie, but it got held up and former BBC1 boss Lorraine Heggessey decided to bring back the TV series in 2005.

"But everyone is keen now and the fans are clamouring. Part of David's conundrum is that he wants to do films, so this looks like it would solve both issues."

Russell T. Davies, the outgoing producer and writer of the program, said he would like Catherine Zeta Jones to play the Doctor's companion in a film version.

Last month Steven Moffat, Mr Davies's successor, said: "It would be good to see it in the cinema so long as it's fantastic."

Mr Tennant, who is appearing as Hamlet for the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford-upon-Avon, has already filmed this year's Dr Who Christmas episode.

Two previous film versions of the series have been made. Peter Cushing took the lead role in 1965, and Paul McGann starred as the Time Lord in 1996.


I love SpoilerTV so so much.

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So, rewatching Season 2 after I bought it the other day, I forgot how brilliant this season is, The Girl In The Fireplace and the first Cybermen double bill in particular being brilliant, I've got the last 2 discs to go and then the Confidential disc, but already I remember why I love Tennant, I mean no disrespect to Ecclestone, but Tennant is and always has been a better Doctor, it's a role he was born for and I never stop loving him in the role whether it's lonely Doctor, angry Doctor, happy Doctor, odd banana-fetish Doctor or whatever else he portrays, such a unique chemistry between the actor and the role is very rare. In conclusion; David Tennant is wonderful.

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Should be good to watch but I'm never a big fan of TV show films, they tend to come across as a lenghthened (or shortened in the case of 2 or 3 parters) version of the show that they attempt to make standalone but never quite pull of, as they need to continue it to the next series. Because they're usually stuck in between series too they always seem 'of their time'. If you someone asked you to recommend a decent sci-fi film, you'd never suggest the X-Files as you'd need to watch 3 or 4 series of shows beforehand. Its why I'm really not looking forward to the mooted '24' movie, which I'm guessing is called '1:30' or '2', depending on the duration.

I'm also starting to get annoyed with Russell T Davies making statements now that he's left. Why not let Moffat get on with it rather than recommending Zeta Jones for jobs, he was in the paper today saying 'the man from History Boys' for the next Doctor Who. Walk away...

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Plus Tennant and Zeta-Jones seems a very weird pairing, but then I felt that about Tennant-Tate and that turned out to be fantastic.

On the film in general, it could be amazing or it could be awful, I don't see there being an inbetween, particually with something as loved as Doctor Who. They NEED to get this film right.

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The difference being, we hadn't seen Catherine Tate be anything but an annoying bint in a comedy, CZJ can't act in comedy or serious drama to save her life.

True that. The female lead doesn't need to have any kind of real name value, just be a good actress, since the film would sell based on Doctor Who and Tennant alone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Repeated viewings often change my opinion of an episode, but I didn't think that was particularly decent. I was intrigued by the Morrissey character until he got infodumped, solved and ditched midway through to concentrate on the Cyber-plot, which I didn't really get at all and didn't particularly interest me. Lovely to see the old Doctors though.

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As has been said, it was just kind of... there. It looked like we might get a really interesting story but instead it dropped off half way in favour of a generic "beat the enemy" story with no clever commentary, in fact, that ending where he blatantly stated his loneliness had me cringing, because if there's one thing I've loved about the new series, it's how subtle it's often been (there have been a few non-subtle moments that have worked "I just want a mate" being one), but it just felt like we've gone four series and RTD decided "Right, just in case the viewers are stupid, The Doctor is lonely and protecting himself from getting close to people because they abandon him".

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As has been said, it was just kind of... there. It looked like we might get a really interesting story but instead it dropped off half way in favour of a generic "beat the enemy" story with no clever commentary, in fact, that ending where he blatantly stated his loneliness had me cringing, because if there's one thing I've loved about the new series, it's how subtle it's often been (there have been a few non-subtle moments that have worked "I just want a mate" being one), but it just felt like we've gone four series and RTD decided "Right, just in case the viewers are stupid, The Doctor is lonely and protecting himself from getting close to people because they abandon him".

Always the case with the Christmas special, though, and to a lesser extent the other one-off specials; the assumption is that a lot more people will be watching than who would necessarily tune in every week to watch it, so everything becomes a lot more obvious, subtlety goes out the window, and you're left with a fairly standard one-off story. For what it was, I thought it was okay, but I think that's just contrasting to the dreadful attempt last year.

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As has been said, it was just kind of... there. It looked like we might get a really interesting story but instead it dropped off half way in favour of a generic "beat the enemy" story with no clever commentary, in fact, that ending where he blatantly stated his loneliness had me cringing, because if there's one thing I've loved about the new series, it's how subtle it's often been (there have been a few non-subtle moments that have worked "I just want a mate" being one), but it just felt like we've gone four series and RTD decided "Right, just in case the viewers are stupid, The Doctor is lonely and protecting himself from getting close to people because they abandon him".

Always the case with the Christmas special, though, and to a lesser extent the other one-off specials; the assumption is that a lot more people will be watching than who would necessarily tune in every week to watch it, so everything becomes a lot more obvious, subtlety goes out the window, and you're left with a fairly standard one-off story. For what it was, I thought it was okay, but I think that's just contrasting to the dreadful attempt last year.

Oh yeah, totally, it was nothing offensive to the senses, it was an acceptable story, just not what I was hoping for considering the potential of "The Next Doctor" going into it.

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