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I completely disagree, I thought that was absolutely brilliant. Moffatt is absolutely superb at picking out the emotional core of his episodes, and when it was finally worked out what was going on with the Star Whale I thought it packed a definite emotional punch. Amy Pond is turning out to be one of my favourite companions, also.

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It had a lot of really good stuff but there was something that didn't click. It seemed like not a lot was happening, which it was, maybe it was just a little too subtle? I dunno. I liked the intent and the thought behind all of it but it was kind of missing a spark. But then its the first regular episode we've had in ages. And I like the Discworld homage.

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I liked this week's episode a fair bit. Though, did anyone else feel it felt a tad rushed? Then again, I'd prefer it if all the eps were 65 minutes rather than the 45 we usually get lumped with. I thought Pond came across really well towards the end, and you can't complain at the Demon Headmaster spotting.

All in all, it was a filler ep but it was a pretty good one.

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Didn't think much of that. Not bad by any stretch of the imagination, and if that's the worst of the filler we get, then still proof that I'd take Moffat over Davies any day. Just thought it was all a bit naff - especially the ending. Amy's only been the Doctor's companion for a few hours at this point, and even with the fleeting knowledge she had of him from childhood, she shouldn't have been aware enough of his age and personality, especially the more lonely and desperate side of it, to be able to draw the comparison between him and the Star Whale and make that decision at the end, she's only really seen him as flippant and excitable. That's the kind of plot point you give to a long-term companion, not the girl who still hasn't got changed out of her nightie since stepping into the TARDIS.

Also, that's two episodes in a row to feature the "zoom in on a character's eye and recap what's just happened" bit. Could do without that, my memory can stretch back more than twenty minutes, and the plot isn't quite so complicated that we need it spelt out to us every time someone makes a decision.

And, honestly, I'm dreading the next episode. It just looks silly, and not really in a good way - we don't need to keep crowbarring the Doctor into every major historical event, we don't need to throw Daleks into ridiculous set-ups, especially not when said set-ups are further giving them an autonomy and ambition far beyond the entire concept of the Dalek as a single-minded machine, and we certainly don't need Winston bloody Churchill.

Oh, and CRACK IN THE UNIVERSE at the end of the episode. There's our recurring theme then.

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He basically outright told her at the start, and the moment where he was trying to comfort the little girl (and, to a lesser degree, the fact he comforted Amy herself over the crack), I didn't think their was fault in Amy figuring it out, but I can see where you're coming from.

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I really liked the episode but it did feel quite rushed and as if not a whole lot as really happening. It also bothered me that the creature looked a bit like Prisoner Zero at first but whatever, that's nothing major. The hug is the only thing I was a bit 'ehhh' with because it just seemed a bit premature.

I'm also getting sick of the constant travelling around different periods of Earth history. Moffat is a good enough writer that he should maybe focus a lot less on the WORLD IN DANGER scenarios and tone it down to a couple of people in danger or a foreign planet doing something or other. And The Daleks? Mehhh. Re-writing History doesn't bother me, I just wish things were more subtle than RTD's days where everyone in the world pretty much knew the Doctor and it distanced me from the action (unlike the Moffat Episodes in the library and with the statues).

Still, good writing and quite funny in parts. Nothing special but the next two episodes look to be a lot better so that's good news.

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Guest Jacob

Might be jumping the gun here a bit but wasnt the Pandorica the seal the Time Lords were concealed in?

When Patient Zero said "The Pandorica will open" it sort of hit me it might be the return of the Time Lords in The End Of Time has caused an almost incurable rip.

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Besides a pass with Issued 1990 on it, I don't see any evidence for this theory whatsoever. The cars thing is just grabbing at straws. The car on the right is a Nissan Micra, which was first issued 2002, so that's rubbish. I'm not even sure what the writer is trying to get across in Number 5.

In any case, what does it matter if Amy is from the nineties? I understand that it shows two eras are melding together, and Doctor Who usually hints at future events throughout the episodes, but this just seems inconsistent and stupidly subtle, even with the excuse that Stephen Moffat is expecting internet fans to trawl every scene.

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Besides a pass with Issued 1990 on it, I don't see any evidence for this theory whatsoever. The cars thing is just grabbing at straws. The car on the right is a Nissan Micra, which was first issued 2002, so that's rubbish.

You could argue that is to do with time leaking the cars and other stuff comes out earlier than they should of they just have to continue using the same format for license plates though.

I could see it myself but am not 100% sure

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To be honest, when I was watching the first episode it kind of ran through my head myself, I didn't see any evidence, but for some bizzare reason I can't put my finger on I was convinced there was going to be a twist on it.

Probably because they were already busy doing miniature 'time twists' (i.e. "12 years!" etc.), so the potential for a bigger one seemed to also be lurking.

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Hmm, Dalek make-over. I kinda laughed at the spit-fires in space. Tin man stopped from exploding because he has a heart!

I knew this was going to be exactly how it turned out.

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Is it just me who hasn't really enjoyed any of the new episodes so far? I don't mind Matt Smith as the Doctor but I'm not a fan of Karen Gillan and I don't like her character, I like her less than I initially liked Martha and that's saying something. Hopefully next weeks episode with the Weeping Angels can turn it around.

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I don't mind Amy (although Gillan does overract at times), it just seems like they've turned this Doctor into a bit of an idiot in order to try and make Amy seem 'more special' than the other companions. I'm sure there'll be a reason for that, and will probably have something to do with the cracks, but at the moment she's making the Doctor look like a bit of a simpleton.

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