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I liked the emotional payoff, but like last week I didn't hugely enjoy the episode as a whole, in fact I think I preferred last weeks. The angels have become less and less interesting since Blink (and they seem to do a lot of standing around when not required, the Statue of Liberty just lurked twice, and weren't there at last two people looking at the angel at the end?), and the red herrings like the Amy and Rory-alike angels all led to a fairly predictable Back to the Future II ending. It was neatly done, but I think it could easily have been a two parter or a longer episode to deal with the gravitas properly. I liked it, but I didn't love it.

Might just have been me but I didn't understand the angels plot with the building at all, what did they gain from keeping people locked in? And if its the perfect place because its the city that never sleeps how did no one see the Statue of Liberty do a Ghostbusters 2?

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Quite enjoyed the sadness of the episode. The previews told you that this would be a farewell to the Ponds, but that didn't soften the blow at all.

I "hated" how they made me think Rory and Amy jumping was how they would go, only to make me think maybe they would just stop going with the Doctor, only to have the angel there. It was sad seeing Amy letting go of her daughter and the Doctor, but seeing the tombstone add her in below Rory was great in a teary way.

As much as I love Rose and Donna, I think it will be hard for any companion to live up to Rory and Amy. The Christmas special, as short as the preview was, has me hopeful though. Oswin! :w00t:

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It was so sad. I was fooled. I thought they made it and then Rory disappeared!

:( I lost it. Although the more I think about it the more I think it's not as sad. Sure they don't get to see The Doctor or River anymore, but they were really ruining their lives by constantly going out with him. This way they were forced into living a long happy life together. Not the worst punishment in the world

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It was so sad. I was fooled. I thought they made it and then Rory disappeared!

:( I lost it. Although the more I think about it the more I think it's not as sad. Sure they don't get to see The Doctor or River anymore, but they were really ruining their lives by constantly going out with him. This way they were forced into living a long happy life together. Not the worst punishment in the world

Added bonus, if they've remembered any sporting results they can make a fortune gambling. Do we normally spoiler tag in here, surely common sense is 'if you've not watched steer clear'?

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I feel sorry for Brian.

Oh God, this.

A weird episode again. The emotional and character-based part of it was flawless, but the actual Doctor Who-y bit, less so. The Angels are great, but they definitely get diluted with each appearance. And "Statue Of Liberty is a Weeping Angel!" was such an obvious bit of hype with no real resolution, was more than a bit silly and, logically, made no sense. There's no way that in "the city that never sleeps", nobody was looking at the Statue Of Liberty long enough for it to reach an inner city apartment building.

I'm also really not sure how the apartment building helped the Angels. They only feed off the time energy from a when a person is displaced through time, so unless every single one of those victims was also then forced by the Angels to visit their older self, creating a paradox sufficient enough to invest them with more time energy...but it's such an ill-defined concept that I'm not sure that's it at all.

So many wonderful lines, though, and really very sad to watch.

I've been saying for weeks that I thought they'd kill off Amy, and have Rory just be utterly emotionally crushed - what could be worse than him having waited for Amy for two thousand years, only to lose her after ten? And if Rory was, theoretically, still sort-of immortal (as it turns out, he wasn't), he would have had to live thousands longer without her. That would have been crushing, and he obviously would never have wanted to see the Doctor again.

The main reasoning was that they'd have to kill one or both of them, and I really didn't think they'd be able to give Rory's death any real emotional impact considering we've seen it plenty of times before. But hell, somehow, even with them lampshading that very fact earlier in the episode ("I'll come back to life!" "How do you know?" "I always do, don't I?!"), it was still heartbreaking to watch. And I like that the grave actually gave their surname as Williams - it would have felt cheap, to me, to have it say Pond just because that's what they've been mostly commonly called through the series.

As always, there was a lot of time travel nonsense that doesn't make a whole lot of sense - the whole "some thing's are set in stone, others aren't" that the series has had to rely on for a while is still a bugbear to me - and River's timeline is now even more convoluted than ever thanks to the circumstances of Amy & Rory's death and, moreso, due to the change in the nature of her prison sentence. Though the Doctor being removed from every known database in the universe might explain why he's apparently considerably older than he was last time we saw him, as that's what's kept him busy for so long. It's also a perfect set-up for "The First Question" of "Doctor Who?".

"Goodbye, raggedy man." So sad :'(

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That was bloody good and sad, but the ending makes zero sense.

The Doctor can't take the TARDIS to New York again. Fine. Doesn't stop him going back and picking Amy and Rory up from any other bloody place, does it? Even if the Angels had zapped Amy and Rory WAY back in time and to a totally different part of the planet, Amy could still have put a message in the afterward of the book telling the Doctor exactly when and where they are. Problem solved.

So, to recap: Emotional, dramatic, well acted, nonsense.

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So in other words, it was Doctor Who :P

I guess one way to view it is that Amy and Rory DIDN'T want the Doctor to come and find them, so that they could live the rest of their lives without dealing with possibly losing eachother like they almost just did. It's obvious they have been adjusting to a Doctor-free life and might have preferred it, so that could make sense.

Edited by Vitamin E
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