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That was pretty...blah. It didn't excite me at all, really. Just nothing great, nothing particularly bad, but it felt like any old episode.

The only thing was when Clara said "some girl gave me it, said you were a real hero" about how she got his number. Sense would say it was Rose or, at a push, Donna if they wanted a surprise.

It's bugging the hell out of me as to who the Great Intelligence is/was. Great episode though. Clara and The Doctor have great chemistry

Richard E. Grant.

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I feel the same. It wasn't at all what I was expecting, and when it was over I had a sense of was that it?. It's so disappointing that after such a long break it was so disappointing.

And why Rose! I can't stand her. And I really hope we get more than just David Tennant back for the 50th. I'm really hoping for loads of old Doctors back, but it's looking more and more likely it'll just be 10 and 11 with Clara and Rose bloody Tyler

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Edit: So apparently I don't know how spoilers work. I just said that I'm glad that I can't see the theory in Katsuya's post being true because it'd be wanky beyond belief.

Yeah that episode was great. I'm so glad that dismal series six is behind us and that series seven (bar the subpar exit episode of Amy and Rory) has been more single episode fun than some long "something big's going to happen, just not yet, this is the unimportant stuff" series arc. Like the Christmas special, I wouldn't say it was well written good drama but it was what Who is very good at, silly, mental, a little bit rubbish, and overwhelmingly fun. The bit where The Doctor was shocked that Clara knew what twitter was despite being 24 was the only bit that was too ridiculous for me (I'll except an anti-grv bike, not that she doesn't know what twitter is) but that was there for a Moffat rant against twitter which he'd obviously decided to keep in over sense and it was midly amusing so there's that. That's what this was really, a bunch of Moffat's bitter thoughts about the way society is all chucked into a silly children's story and it was really fun at being that. You wouldn't want it every week of course, but I can't really think of a better way of starting the second half of this series. And there felt like a relative lack of gimmicks beyond LONDON! WOOO! YEAH! and that actually felt really fresh. Kudos to whoever was directing for that. The last episode of this series sounds like it gets pretty dark towards the end so I wouldn't mind some more silliness in this vein before we get there. Especially since I'm rather wary that the anniversary special could try and be more than a little serious in tone.

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Oh, somebody has also theorised that:

The girl who gave Clara the number was Sally Sparrow. Which I suppose makes a little bit more sense, though I can't remember if she ever had a way of contacting the Doctor...

Also the book 'Summer Falls' was written by Amelia Williams, who can be Amy Pond.

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I liked that the book was by Amelia Williams, and that Richard E. Grant is back. Really not a lot else. The Wifi stuff was absurd, and just terrible as a central premise. It's a very Moffat thing, though, to give us the basic narrative as something flimsy and a bit crap, while the more subtle character-building around the edges of it is quite strong, and Matt Smith's Doctor definitely seemed to have grown somewhat in this episode, while for Clara it was, if anything, a step back. I'm utterly unsold on her - at best she's River Song in reverse, at worse she's a female Matt Smith, as she's consciously quirky in too many of the same ways that he is, and the companion needs to be a little more at odds with the Doctor, from time to time. Obviously it's still early days, though.

Richard E. Grant being back as the Intelligence is wonderful, though, and I could get behind him being a Big Bad. I actually loved the little reveal that the evil woman had been under his control since she was a child, too, as it was genuinely very, very sinister. It also raised questions as to how long he's been doing this, and to what end - has it been ongoing ever since we last saw him?

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