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16 minutes ago, Benji said:

Just fan art. Eccles is never coming back. Man has entirely reasonable reasons for not wanting back tbf.

He's since done the audio bits though and is far too old to worry about typecasting, is it issues with RTD?

14 minutes ago, Naitch said:

He's behind them all; it's his light they're basking in.

Explains the look on Matt Smith's face.

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From what I gather he wasn't a fan of the people involved in that era at least. There were talks of a very questionable on set etiquette by people around him (given stuff that's come out about Barrowman over the years, I imagine it may be somewhat related to that, but that's entirely my conjecture). At the end of the day the buck stops with RTD and given his own attitudes towards things, I was always under the impression that their was an implied issue between him and RTD/other producers.

He also disliked how the BBC handled things, especially his exit, though time may have healed that wound, and the people at the BBC may have changed enough for that to be a non-factor.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

From what I've seen, they've dropped those teaser glitches the past couple of weeks, and the "hardcore" fans have been trying to decipher their content, the main thing to take from them is that the main trailer may drop this Saturday around Eurovision in some way, mostly because they found the numbers for that date in one of the teasers.

I wouldn't look much into these teasers, the common theory is that they are Donna regaining her memory, and if you reverse the audio (yes, seriously) there is a clip of Tennent saying "She mentioned Galifrey".

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Big Finish isn't canon, Doctor Who is kinda like old Star Wars, they have the main canon (the TV show) and the extended canon (everything else), many times the TV show picks from the extended canon and adds it to canon, like how Human Nature was based from a book from the wilderness years.

And if they are taking from the comics, first Beep, next Frobisher!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Take this with a massive grain of salt, but there is a rumour going about that Philip Morris (the guy behind returning Enemy of the World and Web of Fear) has mentioned that the 97 (missing episodes) may be getting reduced soon.


There are rumours it could be related to this.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit more news on the found missing episodes, in short 4-6 seem to be known, 4 in private hands, 2 found internationally, with 2-3 being known to exist sources from the guy who works on the restoration for the classic Doctor Who DVD's.


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