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The Place Where Fallout Purists Whine

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Yes, you can. Moira turns into a Ghoul after the explosion. For a day or two she hangs around Megaton's ruins and then makes her way to the Underground in one of the Museums in DC.

NIIIICEEEE! That's a really cool touch!
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That freaked me the hell out when it happened to me. I blew up Megaton and somewhere down the line I eventually went back to see what it looked like now. I get there and suddenly the camera spins round and there she is, all ghouled up but still her (nauesiating) chipper self. I had already finished that quest though so no need for her. I liked the robot still being around professing that the bomb was safe. I say he was still around, I think it was just a small part of his head, kinda looked like a liqoruice allsort.

I just got Dogmeat too. I got the contract killer perk and went to the junkyard to find my new employers. This led to me running into the little mutt as he proudly stood on the bodies of a bunch of raiders. However, he soon got set upon by two giant scorpions so I reloaded and sent him back to Vault 101 forever and always. It's too dangerous for him out here!
Edited by We Three Kings of Ellis
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  • 4 weeks later...

ARGH, I really love this game but now I'm completely fucked. I feel like I'm close to the end but a big plot point has just thrown a spanner in the works...

I'm in Rave Rock(?) after getting hold of the G.E.C.K and then taken in by the Enclave and I've to go meet the President but the Enclave are all over the place, I have very little HP, no form of aid and can't walk down a single corridor without being hit with a laser rifle and dying

I don't know what I can possibly do to make this any easier, I prepared for the G.E.C.K mission well enough but used up most of my supplies and then they just throw this at you, I'm so frustrated! Is there an easier way to get through this place?

Edited by Boogey131
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Just started playing this game and it's pretty cool. Though last night, I was wishing that I could buy XP like in Fable II as I need to hit Level 5 to bring up my Repair and Explosives up to get shit done in Megaton. Had a nice rush of almost dying on my last mission, though.

Went and did the Minefield mission for Moira and was getting shot the fuck up by Arkansas. Since I didn't have a good long range gun, I wanted to get up to where he was to cap him. But getting shot up and tripping landmines all over the place dwindled my health down. Worse yet, when I got to the top level of the ruined building, he wasn't there, yet I was still getting shot. Somehow, he dropped down a level and I was able to get him...with basically 1 HP remaining. Took my last 2 stimpaks, got a landmine and fast-traveled to Megaton to get the fuck outta there.

Also, fuck fire ants.

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I got this game a few weeks ago, it's fucking rad. I've always had a strange affinity for dystopian themed movies, games, books, etc. etc. so this is right up my alley. The leather armor is cool for aesthetic reasons (it looks identical to the gear you'll see from Mad Max in the Road Warrior).

My favorite missions thus far is...

Those! I don't know, but it was fucking epic for some reason, going through my ammunition trying to survive against those bastard ants. I remember killing the first two I encountered and thinking "Those weren't so hard" then the next one starts breathing fire on me. Then I'm thinking "Holy fuck, these fuckers mean business". It was sort of gratifying to find the young fellow a home in Rivet City.

By the way, fuck those Yao Gui bear things, they are a pain in the dick.

One question, I'm having a bitch of a time getting to the fucking National Archives, can anybody tell me a way to get there. It seems like every route is blocked off. All I've been told from faq's is that "it's right by the mall" except that I don't know where the damn mall is either. I've annihilated enough of those fag mutants and haven't found what I'm looking for.

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Excellent ApSham, I think my current save is actually on Penns Avenue right now, next time I'm load the game up I'll begin my search again. I don't think I have found the Washington Monument yet but can't be too far off.

By the way, for some reason there is something eerily gratifying about jumping from high area's and plummeting to your death.

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Excellent ApSham, I think my current save is actually on Penns Avenue right now, next time I'm load the game up I'll begin my search again. I don't think I have found the Washington Monument yet but can't be too far off.

By the way, for some reason there is something eerily gratifying about jumping from high area's and plummeting to your death.

I must admit I saved the game and then leapt from the tower of that scumbag who wanted to destroy Megaton.

Still, it's not quite as aesthetically pleasing as takinga fall in Mirror's Edge.

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Woo, just got this (for PC obviously, as most of you know I haven't owned a console since the PS2 and haven't even got that any more). Fucking amazing game so far, with easily the best tutorial section any game has ever had. I've clocked up three plus hours already and I don't feel like I've done anything yet.

I've just been to Megaton, fucked around in there for a while.

Can't repair any of the leaks because my repair skill is too low, and can't deactivate the bomb because my explosives skill is too low, so I pretty much just did Moriarty's quest (ended up killing Silver) and buggered off in search of the radio thing, got to the river, and whilst looking for a way across it I ran into a little kid. Almost shot him as a reflex action (:shifty:) so it took him a while to talk to me, but eventually he gave me a quest somewhere else, so I headed over there.

Can't help but think I'm missing hours worth of stuff in Megaton though, I'll have to go back there later.

And is it bad that I'm already thinking about characters to play on my second run through? ¬_¬ Currently I'm pretty much 'goody two-shoes, help the innocents, but not afraid to kill people that get in my way (like the Overseer... oops)' guy. Skilled in Medicine, Sneaking and Speech and training repair on the side. Oh, and I also accidentally have a whiskey addiction. How cool is that feature?

Edited by Farmer Reil
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