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The Place Where Fallout Purists Whine

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Jericho wouldn't join me, as I was too much of a goody two-shoes (when you first get to Megaton it's pretty damn hard NOT to be a goody two-shoes unless you're specifically trying, to be fair). Mere hours later he fell off a balcony due to a scripting bug and died in a broken heap in the pool of irradiated water around the bomb. Poetic justice methinks.

Also, completely inappropriate place to bring it up, but where the hell does the phrase 'goody two-shoes' come from? Surely most people have either two shoes or no shoes at all, and thus the amount of shoes you wear is irrelevant?

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Jericho disappeared off the face of the planet in my game after I had hired him. Dogmeat died fairly early on too, such an annoying thing, kept running off and attacking Super Mutant Bruts... stupid dog.

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I just stumbled into Deathclaw territory. I pooped on myself.
lol yeah, I did the same when the enclave flew in a deathclaw to fight me, I shit myself.
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I only ever came across one or two caravans in my time and one of those was in the midst of it getting attacked by a Yaoa Gaui (or whatever they're called). I wouldn't mind but I paid to upgrade them.

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There's something truly atmospheric about sprinting through a burnt out town with Deathclaws absolutely everywhere that tear through you in 2 to 3 hits while you are criminally low on ammo. I don't think atmospheric is the right term actually. I think absolutely fucking terrifying is.

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So I was looking for the museum last night and got to the Washington Monument and got inside to spend the night. Woke up the next morning to see a load of trenches winding away in front between myself and the museum and EVERYWHERE there were supermutants.

Very stressful time so I got the old invisibility working and snuck through.

Dunno though, still can't play the game in any more than an hour burst cos it's a bit too bleak and hopeless for me I think. :P

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I did that quest myself the other day. I was a little daunted myself with all the mutants but now I have Charon as a follower and the somewhat over powered dart gun. Man, how did I ever live without them? I've been keeping myself companion free, however, the events surrounding the recruitment of Charon are pretty awesome and fit my character.

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Schematics + Paint Gun + Plastic Tubing + Toy Car + Radscorpion Poison Gland + Darts = Dart Gun. :) You can buy the Schematics from the Montenegro woman in Tenpenny tower*, or loot it from a corpse in one of the power stations (forgot which one, they're all random numbers and letters ¬_¬). Probably other places too.

Pretty sweet though, one hit anywhere on the body cripples the legs of a target (does pretty paltry damage though, and subsequent hits have no further effect other than the paltry damage). So it's good for fighting Yao Guai and other stuff that's fast and can jump, but you only really want it for the first shot, and sometimes switching weapons can take just as long as killing it before it gets to you in the first place. :shifty:

Except against Super Mutant Behemoths... then it's inv-fucking-valuable. "Hello Mr. Mutant. Haha, you can't catch meee!". Hours of fun. ¬_¬


Or, if you help the Ghouls to move in (in either of the two possible fashions), then from Michael Masters, who takes over her shop)

Talking of which (spoiler referring to Tenpenny Tower)

I completed it in the most badass way ever. I talked most people into leaving, but the husband and wife (Milicent and Edgar somethingorother) wouldn't leave. So I shot them in the face with a shotgun. :shifty: "Hey, Mr. Tenpenny. They all said yes. All the ones who aren't dead, anyway."
Edited by Farmer Reil
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I made it through with the named Plasma rifle. You guys must just suck. :P

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Yeah, I think my trip through there was pre-dart gun so it was just me and my Combat Shotty/Chinese Assault Rifle and a few stimpaks. I now wear the nice armour that you pick up from the sewers in there. It's a bitch to repair since I don't have parts lying around to repair it so I have to spend like 700 caps.

Speaking of apparel, dressing up followers in silly hats is lots of fun.

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Sounds like a pretty good and open game. I've been looking into getting an open sort of game and was wondering if this game is worth getting? or should I get oblivion on the cheap instead? or maybe both.

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This definately has a cooler story/setting, but they're both very excellent games. Oblivion has slightly more 'extra stuff' to do, i.e., stuff that isn't related to anything and you can just mess around with (like Alchemy, or creating your own spells), whereas F3 just has four or five pre-set weapons you can make.

But yeah, I'd definately heartily recommend both if you can afford it, or just Fallout if you can't. Unless you're heavily into fantasy and dislike sci-fi, I wouldn't recommend getting Oblivion if it means you miss out on Fallout 3.

In unrelated matters, what's everyone's preferred route of getting to Rivet City? I want to get there to continue the main quest, but I don't want to 'spoil' anything en-route because I want to do it later. Basically I want to do the next part of the quest and explore Rivet City, because it seems to be the biggest city in the game. So naturally I want to see it. But I don't want to 'skip over' some of the intervening quests and places in my rush to get there. I wanna get Rivet City out of my system and then come back and do the rest properly. The problem is, according to the map, getting there means trawling through the most densely populated area in the whole game, and the nearest map marker I have is the Mall/Museum of Technology.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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