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Characters/franchises that you wish would return


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What old characters or gaming titles do you miss that are no longer around for one reason or another? Mine are mostly platformers and if they came back in some form, I'd be happy:

(Hidden behind a spoiler. as there's a fair few)


Croc was quite a cool platformer although very kiddish, I did play it when I was a lot younger. Throw in a few dark side elements that games seem to be obsessed with recently and people'll lap it up.


Klonoa is another platformer, where you're this wierd dog thing that can fly for a bit with his ears. I remember the puzzles being good, and there was the set up for a potential decent villain.


The simplest fighter I've ever played. All attacks are done with Triangle-button.png and a directional button, but there's still some strategy involved. The storyline would need a major shakeup though.


Tombi is one of the wierdest games I've played, but in a good way. I was addicted to the demo and when I finally got the game, many hours of my life were sunk in to finding leaf butterflies and throwing evil pigs in to bags. May have to fire this up in a bit. It spawned a sequel, but I have not yet played it. Unfortunately, Whopee Camp are out of business, so it looks like I'm shit out of luck unless I ever get the funds to make it.


A brilliant monster raising game. You went in to forests in order to complete your training to defend your village (of which most of the residents get turned to stone, you failure) from monsters that live in the forests. You can only carry three monsters, but can attack and defeat the monsters yourself. The cool thing was that you could Merge the Minions (that's what they're called) and then they become really fucked up little things. I had some disgusting looking Minions by the end of the game. They could totally destroy you though. With WiFi play, I'd love to see a DS remake first of all, and then start on the sequelage, with perhaps having Jade Cocoon 2, but I'd prefer to have the first one and then start a new DS sequel line.

Yes, there was a time when I thought Sony could do no wrong.

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All of the ones J mentioned above, plus...


Kula World, one of the finest puzzlers I've ever come across, and what's more, you use a fucking BEACH BALL, proof, you really don't need shiny graphics or a deep storyline to create a fun semi-modern game.


Pandemonium was such a fun platformer, #2 wasn't so great, but 1's 2D delights were always a fun and colourful experience.


The Legacy of Kain series was fucking awesome and to me is the spiritual predecessor to the feel of Prince of Persia in many ways, I especially loved Soul Reaver and the characters were well written and plotted (in the games I played, apparently there were two sequels I never heard of).


Take your SSX and shove it, this was the best snow boarding series ever. I seriously miss Cool Boarders because you could just settle down and blast a few tracks out or be on it for hours with fun being had no matter what.


Graphically it was amazingly unique (and still is to a large degree, though a lot of imitators have come by), but the play itself felt very different for a game of its style, perhaps it was due to the depth feel in the graphics, perhaps it was the puzzles, it may as well have stamped "Tomb Raider VS Resident Evil VS Horror Toon Graphics", but I ask you to name another game with that feel that was this awesome.


'Nuff said (so long as you forget Unjammy Lammy or whatever it was).


The Populous franchise, ironically, the final game "The Beginning" was the end despite being the most critically praised and most popular, such an awesome God sim, doing what we love best about these games -- causing fucking havoc.


My biggest complaint about Final Fantasy Tactics and XII is that they belong under the "Vagrant Story" umbrella, they're set in Ivalice and they aren't traditional FF games, plus, VS is the most awesome non-FF RPG ever in my book, amusingly still done by SquareSoft. It annoys me I don't still have it.

That's just a few PS1 games I could be bothered with checking on the Wiki list <_<

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I second Streets Of Rage and Monkey Island, and add a vote for ALEX FUCKING KIDD. Tombi...I only ever played the demo of that, but I played it to death.

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I still have both Fear Effect games...and how many games have you seen where a naked lesbian chick gets violated by a giant alien caterpillar? Downside was, those games were hard as FUCK.

Bushido Blade was also totally excellent. Two friends and I would wear that game out with matches that would be twenty minutes of continuous dodges and counters, and they usually ended with a one-hit kill.

Me, I'd like to see what could be done with games like Colony Wars and G-Police on PS3. (Damn, G-Police, speaking of a game that was maddeningly difficult...)

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Fear Effect was a brilliant game and one of few PS1 games I've held onto (along with Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Resi Evil 3, Overboard, Final Fantasy 7, Soul Blade and Parasite Eve 2)....

But what game would I like to see return all updated like?


Brilliant game with a fantastic plot, a brilliant lead character (Robert Foster, his surname given by a bunch of drunken down and outs who named him after the Aussie export lager) which would make a fantastic new game in my opinion with it's more grown up approach to the point and click genre.


Also some kind of exciting new updated UFO: X-Com Enemy Unknown would be brilliant.

Who wouldn't I want to see back?!

Bloody DIZZY


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The original Bushido Blade was awesome, and I don't even remember why I got rid of it. I was stupid, I guess.

There are two franchises that I really wish would return, both of them Star Wars.

The X-wing/TIE Fighter series hasn't had a release since 1999's X-wing Alliance, and it really needs another installment, considering there's a lot of time to cover. Can you imagine dogfighting Yuuzhan Vong coralskippers or Corellian freedom fighters? I certainly do!

And I need another Jedi Knight game!

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This was hours of fun to me back on the old Playstation, my copy has since broken and I am yet to buy a new one. I loved all the styles of creatures in the game and the locations, also a chance to play as two characters, it didn't add to much as the storyline for both was pretty much the same, I think anyway, I haven't played it for about six years.

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