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I love how Rex has just managed to macho his way to king of the house. Now that Mario's gone, there's nobody to challenge him and he's just gotten his own way the entire time. Plus he's awesome. If he ever gets evicted I'll be distraught.

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Mario was awesome, I just couldn't believe that they evicted him instead of that fat bitch when they were both up.

The series would have been crap without Rex, he is the only one that has managed to entertain me so far.

I like Mikey, he makes me laugh sometimes with the stuff he comes out with, but I don't want him to win the show.

Sara may look like a goblin, have a annoying voice, but I'd still date her.

I found these on a Facebook group, someone had got them from the BB Forum someone called REX FACTOR had posted them, so all credit to them. It contains the witty remarks of one Rex Newmark, its a pretty long thing but worth the read.

"Dale, you and Stu only need two more members and you could form a boyband"

Rex, telling pretty boys, musclebound, Dale and Stu about their image

"Yeah, I think you'll be going. just keeping it real, Jen"

Rex, speaking the truth when Jen asks Rex for his opinion on their nomination

"Oh no Dale, who are you gonna talk to now?"

Rex, immediately after Jen being evicted

"There's boring, then there's ****king boring!"

Rex, after being awaken by Big Brother

"Why don't they (Big Brother) f**king pour water on us as well"

Rex, after being awaken by Big Brother, then Mo pointing out at least it's not raining

"Luke, we're voting for Head of House, if we were voting for bottom, we'd vote for you"

Rex, telling look during who to nominate for Head Of House

"Sorry Dale. Didn't mean to upset your imaginary girlfriend."

Rex, giving Dale the hard truth

"If we painted you green, you'd look like an alien"

Rex, to Luke who was standing with only his boxers on, all bony looking

"Where are the heathens?"

Rex, asking where his fellow heavenly housemates are

"Bex, given what you said you'd do for £100, for £100 Grand you'd not only never speak to Luke again, you'd kill him!"

Rex, telling Rebecca what she's about

"All dressed in Tesco's finest"

Rex, just before the Irish dancing task was about to begin

"Can the geek and the freak keep it down, please?"

Rex, talking to Rebecca and Luke

"I'm bringing a bodyguard, I'm not joking"

Rex, talking about visiting Coventry, with Rebecca

"Get your twiglets out! Get your little mini milks out!"

Rex, talking to Luke

"Why don't you get your tits out Bex, that'll amuse everyone!"

Rex, telling Rebecca about her only talent

"I'm an a*sehole, I know I'm an a*sehole, I like being an a*sehole and I'm not going to change it."

Rex, talking about himself.

"Luke, did your mum cut your hair with a pudding bowl?"

Rex, commenting on a picture of Luke entering the house

"You've got a GPL. That's a Granny Panty Line"

Rex, as Kat tries on Lisa's clingy dress

"Are you lot de-Helling yourselves?"

Rex, talking to Rebecca and Stuart as they take long-awaited hot showers in Heaven

"She's a ladyyyy. Whoa, whoa, whoa. She's a ladyyyy"

Rex, singing Tom Jones, after Rebecca said she's done a poo in the bath tub.

"Luke, you're one lucky guy"

Rex sarcastically, when Rebecca announced she's on her period

"I came in here as an arrogant asshole and I still am"

Rex, describing himself to housemates in the living area

"Not a 'Belinda' wash. A real wash, please"

Rex, unimpressed with Belinda's washing up skills

"Even the Diary Room buzzer mocks you when you press it ... nah nah nah nah nah nah"

Rex, telling the group, during a strop

"What's fun about being fair?"

Rex, during a water fight

"And you have something of Pamela Anderson about you"

Rex, after Belinda says Luke has something of Justin Timberlake about him

"I've got eggs in mine"

Rex, when Darnell says he has butterflies in his stomach

"Its incredibly easy to get on TV nowadays, anyone can do it, the reason I know this is because we are all here"

Rex, mocking the standard of the group

"It is not good man, when you even start eating your own microphone"

Rex, scolding Mo in the garden when he bites the microphone

"Even Big Brother is going to pick on you now"

Rex, telling Mo that he can't escape being mocked

"What on earth is Rachel doing? She looks like she's doing half the Macarena"

Rex, commenting on Rachel's exercising technique

"When I play crazy golf it always turns into vandalism"

Rex, admitting that his aim isn't very good

"Luke, you have no fans"

Rex, telling Luke some facts

"Rex to win!"

Rex, in front of Team Nasty, immediately after Jen's eviction

Rex: "I only watch channel 4"

Rex, consciously looking at the camera and giving cheesy salesman grin

"Look at that, it's like Free Willy"

Rex, when Kat was floundering around in her 1-inch of water in the narrow strip of pool owned by hell. The divide hemming her in.

"You are such a kitchen criminal"

Rex, after Rebecca eating a pancake she had dropped on the floor.

"You're such a scavenger, if we had a joint bank account, I'd have no money left"

Rex, to Mo after he keeps pestering him to give him cigarettes

"It's not working is it"

Rex, telling Rachel when jogging.

"Can we just bury Luke instead"

Rex, before the digging task when Luke was talking too much

Rex: "Did Jade (Goody) win?"

Rebecca: "No"

Rex: "You wont win then, Bex"

Rebecca: "I think I will wear my bin liner dress for the eviction"

Rex: "yes do, I can see the headlines now, Rebecca... rubbish"

Dale: Rex wake up.

Rex: I am awake.

Dale: No you wasn't you was sleeping.

Rex: I wasn't ****ing sleeping... I am going to now though.

Rex: Bex, how old's your sister?

Rebecca: 19

Rex: Has she ever been out (on the town) with you?

Rebecca: Yes

Rex: Was she appalled?

Rebecca: "Have you ever heard of Coventry then, Rex?"

Rex: "Yes, on Crimewatch UK."

Rex: "How long have you been doing TV shows Lisa?"

Lisa: "16 years Rex"

Rex: "And you still haven't won anything!?"

Luke: "I'm going to put this tart (cake) somewhere safe"

Rex: "There she is over there!" (pointing at Rebecca).

Rex: Eviction is more exciting than coming into the house.

Lisa: Yes, I'm looking forward to it. I have no problem with going when it's time.

Rex: So you're happy to go then Lise?

Lisa: Yes

Rex: I'll remember that.

Edited by Lex Luther
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A slag? Whats your basis on that?

The fake tan ...

Okay, maybe slag was too strong a word, but i needed a noun. I still think she was disappointing though. Sure, she is good looking, but with the nose and the Cheshire Cat mouth, she is not what Rex made her out to be (that she was perfect).

she's no maysoon that's for sure :crying:

Luke's interview was standard Luke though. Still, when he talks about Rebecca, you know he isnt as intelligent as he tries to make out. He kinda reminds me of the guy from Road Trip who sleeps with the big girl in that college house and then comes out the next saying "i had sex last night......with a girl"

Edit: Never make a mockery of someone's intelligence while making a bunch of typos in your mockery...never works out well for you...

Edited by DaveKOTW
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Yeah, Rex is being tamed by Nicole and it's wank. Dale isn't as entertaining as he was a few weeks ago (and he's going tonight anyway), Darnell just kind of imploded ages ago and Stuart has had flashes of brilliance when speaking to Rex and Dale but now that they're not as entertaining as they were before, he'll probably just go into himself as well. This just means Kat will get more screen-time and probably win.

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Lisa's pretty much over took Rex in the odds. Which shows how badly Nicole has ruined Rex's credibility since she has come in the house.

Oh yeah and it turns out my friends brother/friend (Can't remember which) has shagged Nicole on a balcony. Apparently she's absolute filth <_<

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