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Guest Mr. Potato Head

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The website is updated with links to the Real World Mods through February. I have also tracked down the worker pictures for the Death of the Territories Mod and placed links for those.

If anyone has a copy of SKA's 2002 Master's Scenario could you please link me to it?

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So when I first got TEW, I didn't know what the Cornellverse was, so I deleted it.

Obviously, I'm asking if anyone knows where I can find it without having to download TEW again.

The one on the site was on Megaupload.

The only one I can find is apparently the WreSpi version.

Any Help?

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Can anyone provide a working link for iDom 1990 please?

I don't think there is one really, at least, not one that's fully done. Shame really, I had an idea for a scenario that I'd have liked to have given a go with the data.

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Rocky Feller said he was going to do an October 2002 one but then just didn't.

That's a shame, I've long had a diary idea based around November of 2002 but the scenarios arn't up to scratch sadly.

Yeah the 2002 Scenarios aren't very good, no offence to those who made them.

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The best place to find old EWR scenarios, stat updates, utilities, graphics (not including the most up-to-date worker pics), and even old versions of EWR is G Inventory. If it's not there, it's a good bet it doesn't exist.


I don't know if anybody has used tyhe G Network recently however I wouldn't advise it due to the fact they seem to having a problem with pretty much all of their downloads at least when I downloaded something and unziped it it either didn't come out the way it was suposed to or I was told that the file etc was corrupted etc.

I am going to e-mail the website and let them know of these problems and hopefully they will be fixed.

In the meantime if you are looking for old scenarios stats updates utilties graphics etc I would suggest looking else where for the time being.


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