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WWE Legends of Wrestlemania


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After playing the demo, I was slightly dissapointed at first because of the strange gameplay, but then started to get well into it. I'll probably buy it, but have no idea how the Smackdown 09 roster importing is going to work, because the controls are so different. How exactly are the move sets going to work? Not as good as the Smackdown series but a whole lot better than TNA impact!

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I honestly marked a little when, as Hogan, I pinned Andre a little too close to the ropes, allowing Heenan to put his foot on the rope, then Andre getting up and beating the crap out of me for a good 30 seconds or so.

I think this is easily one of the best looking WWE games in recent times, maybe because it's different to the SDvs.RAW games which are all rather samey. I think the controls will take some getting used too, and the Tomb Raider-esque "action sequence" reversals might get tiring, but overall I'm looking fnrward to this alot now.

Oh, and taunts look to be very complex...

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Yeah, me and Timmayy gave it a go at his earlier. It seems an insanely broken game that's going to be heaps of fun. The controls seem to vary from hyper-responsive right through to not working at all. It's probably due to the fact they've mapped every single thing you can do, EVER~!, to the A and B buttons.

Still, it was fun as hell and I'll probs pick it up.

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This is like the only place with helpful information to me. But I am thinking about buying this upon its release... however, I'm on the fence due to the seemingly lack of replayability it offers. Maybe I just don't know about it enough.

Relive/Rewrite focuses around one match/storyline leading to the match - Would get old after the first day. And Redefine is just changing the match type? Ugh.

I don't play any of the SD/Raw games so when I researched and saw that the career mode was only 5 characters I was disappointed in that. But basically if there is some longevity to this game I'll definitely purchase. I just, sadly, don't see it. Any help on deciding?


Ok, now to my main problem with the game. The roster. They've done an alright job, but looking over the roster there are some glaring omissions, some people I would have like to seen in, some I want as DLC, and some I just wonder why they are in. Koko B. Ware, that's ok I suppose but a legend of Mania? No. Hayes and Arn (I'll play as Arn all the time) shouldn't be in the game either. And here is a list of some from the top of my head that were left out/I'd have liked to seen in:

People who should be (including obvious TNA ommissions; non-legends contract): Savage, Steamboat, Orndorff, Tito Santana, Dynamite Kid, Hercules, Adrian Adonis, Rick Martel, Don Muraco, Bad News Brown, Dino Bravo, Demolition, Haku, Razor, Diesel, Owen, Foley, Eddy, Benoit (obvoiusly can't be in), Angle, Kane.

Out of those the ones I wonder most about: Tito Santana (WM's 1-8 and worked the dark match at 9; and had noteable feuds), Paul Orndorff, Dynamite Kid, Demolition, Hercules, Rick Martel, and Haku.

And Mr. T should be a DLC or Unlockable. WM1 Main Event & WM2 Boxing bout vs. Piper... :shifty:

You're making the same mistake as everyone else. This isn't a game targeted at hardcore wrestling folk like you, it's a quick-hit nostalgia trip, the Wrestlemania tag is purely to attract attention, they can't exactly call it Legends of Wrestling, can they? WWE Legends or something similar just sounds boring.

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Just played it after waiting ages for the demo to download. I wasn't expecting much at all if I'm honest, but I'm really tempted to buy it now. Part of me says I shouldn't because it just seems like a game that will stress me the fuck out as it seems hard as fuck, although that might be a good thing in the long wrong. The controls are really hard to get used to (Although I've only played one match so far), but I think I can get used to them after a while of playing. I love some of the small additions, such as the way you start matches and the sort of chain linking of having to press certain buttons.

Played Austin/Rock, we had the quick stare down, linked up and it just felt awesome when he reversed me and I went flying out of the ring and crashed into the announcers table. I'm partly in love with the game because it feels so different and to be quite frank, it does feel like an old school game, which I now feel is actually spot on. I don't think they intended it to ever be a fantastic up to date wrestling game, which makes this even more awesome. It just feels like it could have a whole load of fun inside. Reliving in the video packages is just one of those awesome little touches that make you appreciate this game that bit more. I actually ended up beating The Rock with an armbar, which was a little bizarre.

All in all, I'm surprised. It's much better than I expected and that's only after playing just as Rock/Austin. I'm not sure I'll get it within an instance of coming out, but I may get this over the next few weeks. I'll need to play a few more games on the demo to see how I fair with the controls though.

Edited by Dirty Johnny 27
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You're making the same mistake as everyone else. This isn't a game targeted at hardcore wrestling folk like you, it's a quick-hit nostalgia trip, the Wrestlemania tag is purely to attract attention, they can't exactly call it Legends of Wrestling, can they? WWE Legends or something similar just sounds boring.

I understand the cache of Wrestlemania, but it could have indeed been called Legends of WWE, sounds fine to me, doesn't sound boring at all. You are still going to hit your target audience with the features and roster, period. However, regardless the roster still could be better with the addition of some of the people I mentioned that were left out. I am really miffed at Tito Santana being left out. Demolition, who was the WWE answer to LOD and you could have pitted them against one another.

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OK I'm tired of everyone complaining on things that are bad about this game that hasn't even been released yet. Stop saying the roster can be better, we get it. Yes, the roster can be better. That's a common complaint with every WWF/E game since No Mercy if I'm not mistaken. The button configuation is strange, at first, like every game is when you're new to it and unsure how to work it. The buttons are fine and once you get the hang of it, they come naturally. The gameplay is awesomely fun and the little details in it are great too. So stop whining.

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OK I'm tired of everyone complaining on things that are bad about this game that hasn't even been released yet. Stop saying the roster can be better, we get it. Yes, the roster can be better. That's a common complaint with every WWF/E game since No Mercy if I'm not mistaken. The button configuation is strange, at first, like every game is when you're new to it and unsure how to work it. The buttons are fine and once you get the hang of it, they come naturally. The gameplay is awesomely fun and the little details in it are great too. So stop whining.

How about you... Fuck Off.

It's a game and people have different reasons for buying, or not buying, a game. The roster and controls are legit discussions between people. If someone doesn't like the roster, why would they buy the game? If someone has a suggestion or question, why shouldn't it be stated/asked? If a person does not like the controls it's a legit argument for them to not like the game. Fucking pious git.

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I needed three attempts as Hogan to beat Andre last night. First time I was crap and he beat the tar out of me, then got me in a random submission system and the game just decided I'd tapped out.

Second time was faintly ridiculous as I beat the tar out of him, got his health bar down to nothing his hood was flashing for DANGER~!!! I hit the boot and the leg drop, he stands right back up instantly, hits me with a random power move and fucking pins me.

Third time match went on for ever, he no-sold another leg drop and I ended up doing a quick-time event roll-up FTW.

For all it's many and glaring flaws, the point is I kept coming back and had fun.

EDIT - And yeah, the hype video for Austin/Rock is fucking A. The presentation is the best thing about this so far, it's superb.

Edited by timmayy Makabe
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