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F/X TV Shows The Thread


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So Sons of Anarchy debuted tonight..anybody else catch it. Ron Pearlman is bad ass.

The members of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Original Redwood Charter (SAMCRO or SOA for short), led by Clay Morrow, control Charming through close community relationships, bribery and violent intimidation. Club members have "day jobs" in local industries, but they primarily make money by importing illegal weapons and selling them to African-American drug gangs in the East Bay. However, they keep meth traffickers out of Charming, which puts them at odds with the meth-distributing white supremacist "Nords" gang, headed by Ernest Darby. The SOA also have to deal with a rival Oakland-based MC, the "Mayans," led by Marcus Alvarez.

Like Disney's The Lion King, the family drama is loosely based on Shakespeare's Hamlet.[1] Clay has the King Claudius role, Gemma stands as a Gertrude figure, and Jax is a new Prince Hamlet.

Also. The Shield kicked off its final season last night..great episode to start off.

Edited by Angelic Diablo
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We better not forget to talk about Always Sunny and...that show Kenny from Kenny vs. Spenny is doing for F/X in this thread. >_>

SoA looked fascinating, I haven't really had much of a chance to see it, though. Maybe it's kicking around Hulu or something.

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I caught Sons of Anarchy. Felt it was somewhat lacking. Like it was too Hollywood-trying-to-be-gritty. I mean on one hand they were like "oh, junkie preggos, gun-running biker gangs, and stillborn babies" but then they tried to counterbalance it by situating everyone in middle class white suburbia. I was taken back by how freaking big that guy who's wife didn't want him to leave's house was. I get that their supposed to be making good money from their business, but daaaammmn. And according to wiki, the whole think is loosely based off of Hamlet, so that was more high-brow than I was wanting from the show.

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I agree with IDM though. I found SoA to be... I don't know lacking is a good word I guess. I mean, I was very torn. I was into the premise, biker gangs, bad ass, ya know. But I just felt like it was being to much more then it was. Or it wasn't coming off very well. I think I need to watch it again, but I really just was not into it, and I'm a huge fan of all television. I was very disappointed.

But yes, lets not forget about It's Always Sunny. I fucking LOVE that show. It's classic. Hilarious shit. I was on PSD the other day and they have mini-clips in thread. One was where they get the cop car and act like cops, while Charlie plays the undercover Al Pacino (I believe from Heat). Also the one where Charlie gets kicked out of the band and he starts huffing paint. Dennis finds him in the dark and then they come up with the ever spectacular "Day Man" (fighter of the Night Man). Another classic clip, Charlies working as a dress-making sweat shop lady. Great stuff.

My shit though is Rescue Me. I love that show too, very great show.

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I caught the first episode of SoA through my On Demand service and really liked it. Set my DVR to record the series after that

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I'm in love with the Shield and Always Sunny. Nip/Tuck was cool for one or two seasons but then it just got to the point where I stopped caring about the shock storylines. It desensitised me to what the show was good for and that was the crazy shit that they got themselves involved in.

It's so good to see Vic Mackey back on screen. It's my favourite crime/cop drama ever and I loved the first two episodes of this season. Aside from Vic busting heads and strategically placing himself out of the firing line I'm enjoying the whole Billings being a complete douchebag. His interactions with just about anybody have been entertaining as hell. Dutch is always great. When Claudette allows herself to get involved and angry, she always comes out with these rants that, coming from anybody else wouldn't be so strong but from her..awesome.

My only hope for the season is that Shane gets what's coming to him. He may be trying to get back in with Vic but at the end of the day HE KILLED LEM! :'(

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I'm in love with the Shield and Always Sunny. Nip/Tuck was cool for one or two seasons but then it just got to the point where I stopped caring about the shock storylines. It desensitised me to what the show was good for and that was the crazy shit that they got themselves involved in.

It's so good to see Vic Mackey back on screen. It's my favourite crime/cop drama ever and I loved the first two episodes of this season. Aside from Vic busting heads and strategically placing himself out of the firing line I'm enjoying the whole Billings being a complete douchebag. His interactions with just about anybody have been entertaining as hell. Dutch is always great. When Claudette allows herself to get involved and angry, she always comes out with these rants that, coming from anybody else wouldn't be so strong but from her..awesome.

My only hope for the season is that Shane gets what's coming to him. He may be trying to get back in with Vic but at the end of the day HE KILLED LEM! :'(

I think Shane ends up getting killed, but not by Vic. I think he ends up taking a bullet for Vic, or something like that, but he won't get killed by Vic. And to be fair, Shane thought Lem was going to rat on them. :shifty:

Billings is the man right now. Seriously, him hitting on chicks and selling stuff out of the machine was awesome.

I'm also looking forward to It's Always Sunny, despite missing most of last season. Also, when is Rescue Me starting up again?

Couldn't care less about Nip/Tuck though, imo, they only real good season was season 2, the rest was good/horrible.

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Rescue Me is back on in January, I believe.

Nip/Tuck, is that shit even still on? They went to LA, I didn't follow much, but I don't know I would always give it a look or two. The Season with The Carver (2?) was fucking mint. Loved that shit.

I smoked a fat blunt every night and the night where the chick acted like she got carved, and then she got surgery, and her anesthesha didn't work so she was talking thinking they could hear, but they're talking and they can't hear and they're slicing and dicing her and she's freaking out.... fuck man, was I freaking out.

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I've only seen a few shows of ASIP and I'm on the fence. Its funny, no dobut, sometimes though the humor seems to be really low brow.

You say that like it's a bad thing. I watched the first 2 season 4 episodes and loved them both. "We're going to hit you where it hurts." "Yeah, in your dick!"

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, tonight's Shield was really good. I honestly thought they'd hold off on Shane trying to murder them a little while longer, but now it's going to be very interesting. I didn't expect the black guy to rat out Shane either. Can't wait until next week's episode.

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