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RESULTS: EWB's 100 Favourite Artists 2008


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30. RUSH

(10 | 6 | 4 | 3 = 92)



(9 | 7 | 7 | 1 = 96)



(10 | 7 | 4 | 3 = 96)



(8 | 7 | 6 | 5 = 104)



(10 | 6 | 6 | 4 = 104)

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I love it when good discussion happens in here... what does get on my nerves though is when I come in and find people thinking that they're some authority on music and what is good, like their opinion holds some extra merit because it's based in fact or something. Your opinion is merely that- your opinion. It is not a fact that such and such are a terrible band. It's a fact that you don't personally enjoy their music though.

I've seen a lot of people come into these threads and leave with a sour taste in their mouth because it's full of assholes saying "This is shit. This is shit. That's the shittiest shit anyone ever shit out. Oh, there's a band I like, so that's awesome. Fuck, I can't believe this shit band beat this band that I like. That's so shit that shit isn't even the right word for it."

Personally, I can't tell who's joking anymore, and who's just being a pretentious cunt.

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Ace is being deadly serious. He hates everything. Besides Dawn Porter. She was on fucking Balls Of Steel too...random, I watched that program on Channel 4 the other night, hoping she got her kit off, my brother made me watch Balls Of Steel today and she was on...was amazing. I love her. Fuck man, Neg is the proper legend though.

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It seems like I have to ask for this every year - is there any way you can put a list on the first page with all of the results so far? It's annoying having to look through page after page to remember who placed where.

Totally agree.

Not to mention you get to skip all the bickering about how shit all the bands are.

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(10 | 8 | 5 | 5 = 112)



(10 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 2 = 115)



(7 | 7 | 7 | 3 | 1 = 125)



(10 | 10 | 8 | 5 = 132)



(9 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 = 135)

Edited by YI
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Rush - shit. Though I do love Geddy Lee of course.

The Weakerthans - Very nice indeed.

The Libertines - Fantastic band.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - I used to really like them but have gone off them a bit recently. I don't really find they have any truly classic songs. They are a consistent band, and Blood Sugar Sex Magik, Californication and Stadium Arcadium are solid albums. I prefer their older stuff though, even though their first four albums are full of so much shite. "Behind The Sun" and "Knock Me Down" are brilliant though.

Ben Folds (Five) - Also fantastic. Their self-titled debut is one of my favourite albums ever.

Smashing Pumpkins - Good band. Tend to be overrated a bit though. Last album was awful. Siamese Dream is fantastic.

Nirvana - Alright. Very, very overrated though. They remind me a bit of Joy Division - they would have a mere percentage of their current fanbase if the singer didn't top himself. I'm not surprised they are so high however.

Pearl Jam - shit >_>

Strung Out - Good. Can't say I know much of their stuff though.

QOTSA - Have a couple of good songs. Don't deserve to be so high.

Edited by metalman
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I can't remember all the bands inbetween my last post and this, so I'll just do the ones that I would actually have an opinion on.

QOTSA - They do have some wacky shit on their albums, but when they have good songs on it you know about it. I love the self-titled, debut album.

Nirvana - Even though I've only got the greatest hits, I love them. I love the whole grunge era, but technically the majority of the other bands were far better than Nirvana, and not just the well known four of Soundgarden, Pearl Jam and Alice In Chains, but probably the likes of Mudhoney and Screaming Trees too. They're one of those bands that become so overrated, they're underrated, which then makes them overrated etc. Nirvana have become much much bigger than a their genre though. If you look at the other grunge artists on Lastfm, they're all in the "similar artists" of one another, whereas Nirvana aren't weren't on the old Lastfm, they're with more major artists. But they were a band that nevertheless did change music for better or worse (subject to opinion) which you gotta give them respect for at least. Teen Spirit still holds up fantastically today though.

Pearl Jam - I go through phases with Pearl Jam. I like them, then they just become boring. Not bad, just slow and boring, even with great songs like "Jeremy". Vedder still continues to have a great voice though, even if he mumbles a little.

Smashing Pumpkins - I should like them, but I don't that much. Corgan just comes across as a super whiny cock. The song they let TNA use for Bound For Glory is a prime example. And it seems that most of the song have the same build up as that song.

RHCP - Meh. I'm not against them, but I'm not for them either. They just don't light my candle I guess.

EDIT: Oh yes, there was Guns N' Roses & Kanye West in the list too.

GNR - Similiar to Nirvana. Only got the greatest hits, but I love it.

Kanye West - I'm not a rap fan whatsoever, but some I can stand, like the early '90s and classic stuff, as well as Mr. West. I don't wanna hear how 50 Cent snorts coke off a hookers ass or they're big screen TVs or whatever, so Kanye is a welcome change, and his beats/samples are different which seperates him from the same old bullshit. Graduation is a pretty good album.

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As far as discussion goes, the only annoying respondee is Ace, who really should say why he doesn't like them or pipe down. Chillis (Y), Rush (Y).

Nirvana I like too, but havent heard everything, just the more mainstream stuff + unplugged. Pearl Jam are okay, nowt special for me.

Edited by Devil In Jouzy City
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Who the fuck are Strung Out and what are they doing above Smashing Pumpkins?

lolz...this is what pisses me off..."Who the fuck are?" shit...why are they above so-and-so BECAUSE PEOPLE FUCKING VOTED THEM TO BE. Just because you haven't heard of them, doesn't mean other people haven't, and don't love them.

Strung Out are a California based punk-rock band, been around since 1992, one of the biggest influences to the current crop of punk-rock bands, and are the greatest motherfucking band on the face of the planet. Kindly...fuck off. :)

Bright Eyes is largely hit and miss, but his good songs are great. Folksy kind of indie, he has some more electronic albums too.

Say Anything are a good emo-rock kind of band, similar to Weatherbox. Although I'm not on their second album as much as others, the 1st CD of it was great.

Edited by YI
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