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NFL 2009


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:lol: It's a fair response.

I'm still having a hard time getting excited about the team this year. It's one thing when they suck, I've had years upon years of practice to deal with that. It's another thing when they're good and it's something to really be hyped up about... but these nail-biting games are something else entirely. Just once it would be nice to watch the Bengals stomp all over someone.

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:lol: It's a fair response.

I'm still having a hard time getting excited about the team this year. It's one thing when they suck, I've had years upon years of practice to deal with that. It's another thing when they're good and it's something to really be hyped up about... but these nail-biting games are something else entirely. Just once it would be nice to watch the Bengals stomp all over someone.

And they have the ability to do so. Why they haven't been able to is a combination of playing good teams and making mistakes. Only thing I'd like to see more of is Palmer avoiding the sack more. There have been numerous times he takes the sack because he holds on to the ball too long, or doesn't slide out of the pocket.

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5-0 BABAY!Maybe people will cut out the bullshit "..dey havent beet nobody" arguements. They can't keep doing this every week. I swear it's going to kill me.

I was pissing on the Broncos' grave as hard as anyone at the start of the season, but damn. They're managing to get it done any which way they can.

Now, if people (read: every analyst anywhere) will stop trying to piss all over Kyle Orton and act like they're winning in spite of him, I'll be truly happy.

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Bengals... yeah... :mellow:

Score a touchdown after the refs move you into the red zone. It's a brilliant game plan.

Baltimore has no one to blame but themselves for losing that one. Though I would've said the same thing about the Bengals had they lost, especially after botching the opening drive. Still, continues the trend of only needing to watch the last two minutes of a Bengals game to get the gist of it.

We did lose that game on our own. The Bengals and Broncos both look like those teams who are good, but end up coming out in so many close games due to good fortune that their records are inflated. Like the Titans last year. Not disrespecting either of them, but the Bengals especially could be anywhere from 5-0 to 0-5 with virtually the same offensive and defensive production.

That said, next year they will be playing two-hand touch. Mark my words.

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Is it just me, or are the colts playing some scary football at the moment.

quite a few players injured, only one noted WR in Reggie Wayne and they are dominating. Wayne hasn't been thrown to half as much as you'd expect but Manning still keeps putting up huge numbers.

I for one just hope he can keep up the form in the playoffs for once

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Great game so far tonight, Braylon Edwards is clearly psyched to be in New York, he's playing spectacular for a guy who joined the team just a few days ago.

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Great game so far tonight, Braylon Edwards is clearly psyched to be in New York, he's playing spectacular for a guy who joined the team just a few days ago.

Let's be honest here, it's not the first or the last time something like this will happen. A WR has probably the easiest transition of anyone. He doesn't need to fully understand everything yet as all they need to tell him is a route to run and he can execute that. It's not like he was a QB running a standard i-form going to a Zone read spread offense or anything.

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