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The Official Coca-Cola Leagues Thread 2009/10


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Optimistic, but very nervous about the game today. Steven Taylor's said all the right things pre-season in terms of the squad being more of a unit now, but I'll believe it when I see it. It'd be nice to see the team working for eachother on the pitch though.

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Steven Taylor comments, Friday:

“I’ve read every week that Alan Shearer is going to be named manager. Then Joe Kinnear is going to get the job, then Kevin Keegan and then Alan again. I don’t get it. It’s a joke. The players are very frustrated because all we want to do is have a manager and a bit of stability. That’s all we ask for. “The new manager should be given time to do things his way and, if he wants something, just give it to him. The chairman, if he loves the football club — not as a business, but as a club — would do that. I’m devastated that Alan hasn’t got the job. We haven’t got a clue what’s going on.

"We’re taking responsibility. Who is going to help us? Relegation has brought us closer together. Last year, we probably thought we were too good to good to go down. It was boring around the place. It just felt dead. There was no life until people realised we could get relegated.

“Until Alan took charge, we didn’t have meetings. People would walk into the changing rooms and out on to the training pitch and I wouldn’t see some lads until we were out there. Now we mix for an hour or so before we go out. We feel more humble and we didn’t have that last year.

“Now, if set-pieces aren’t right, we practise until they are. Last season, it was almost a case of thinking ‘they’ll be okay on Saturday’ . They weren’t. Maybe it was a lack of leadership. We have to hold our hands up, admit our mistakes and put them right.

“There’s no big ‘I am’. We are Championship players. It feels like us against the world. Who will give the motivational talk before kick off? It depends which players are left."

The bolded part is where I think they've taken that from. From the third quote onwards is the more positive stuff.

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Krul the next Given? Some damn great saves. Surprisingly this has been a pretty damn good match actually, great back and fourth stuff at times, although Newcastle really are laughable defensively and not much better attacking wise. Ameobi is completely useless it seems. Much better of a game than I expected though, which Newcastle should of won and probably would of if they knew how to properly deliver a ball into the box.

Oh and fuck Derby and there flukey win.

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Alan Smith is a hero.

The referee was so fucking one sided it was ridiculous. Gutierrez while being a bit of a primadonna cunt at times got so much flak he didn't deserve and had a shitload of decisions go against him that shouldn't have.

We were really fucking awful in attack. Andy Carrol is PERFECT for the Niall Quinn role and could definitely see him come into his own in the Championship (never thought I'd say that) but NOT with Shola Ameobi as his striking partner (how about we actually give fucking Xisco a run out?).

Krul is epic. They mentioned his performance in the UEFA Cup a few seasons back, fuck me, that was glorious. If we want to keep him, I think transitioning him to first choice keeper (Harper's not getting any younger) by the end of the season is needed.

Collicini redefines "FUCKING SHIT!". Although I did have a bit of a soft spot in that

Part of the trouble, especially when going forward, no managerial discipline/people don't seem to have a fucking clue what they're meant to be doing. Players seemed to be swapping flanks, Nolan kept disappearing (besides from the first 20 minutes of the 2nd half) everytime we got forward.

Also Gutierrez and Duff were on the WRONG FUCKING FLANKS!!! Duff (besides for a short period after his goal when confidence was up) ALWAYS was back pedalling onto his left foot. Similarly, Gutierrez was being forced to put in piss poor crosses on his weaker foot as well. Was not fully understanding that logic.

Fuck it, I'm happy with the draw. And Alan Smith is an absolute beast. He had that total schoolboy smirk of "I'm better than everyone else on this pitch" and fuck me, he was.

Edited by YI
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To be fair Darloboy, weren't you away at Aldershot? I can't imagine your fairly-new squad was too chuffed with what must have been a very long ride down to the south coast to play that game.

I enjoyed the new highlights programme, better than 'The Championship' but the fact they cut from Torquay vs Chesterfield to show some woman sitting on the toilet was odd!

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Oh and Darloboy. Support us :D

Things aren't quite that desperate yet :)

To be fair Darloboy, weren't you away at Aldershot? I can't imagine your fairly-new squad was too chuffed with what must have been a very long ride down to the south coast to play that game.

I enjoyed the new highlights programme, better than 'The Championship' but the fact they cut from Torquay vs Chesterfield to show some woman sitting on the toilet was odd!

Yeah we played Aldershot, we lost there last season too when we were half decent so it's not the end of the world. We just need time to gel, or at least that's what I'll keep telling myself. We're live on Sky tomorrow against Leeds in the cup, I fear we're going to get walloped.

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