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The Official Coca-Cola Leagues Thread 2009/10


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Unbelievable. We've won from behind for the first time this season, 2-1 at Peterborough...that puts us way up into 8th, on a 5 game unbeaten run and just four points off of the play-offs.

I cannot believe how well we're doing, it's a phenomenal achievement by everyone at the club.

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It is a great achievement. Donny and Blackpool have both shown this season what can be achieved with a small budget in this division, and it gives hope to all us teams who come up into the Championship from League One. Though having said that, Saturday may well go down as the day Scunny were relegated by a 16 year old's goal in injury time.>_< I'm a bit worried that Plymouth won tonight. I shall be nervously watching on from the stands when we play them on Saturday. Also, Kevin Nolan winning the Football League Player of the Year is probably deserved, though Adam Johnson would've beaten him to it had he not moved to City, I feel. He's certainly the best player I've seen in this league this season.

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Yes. Yes it does.

I don't really care who the sponsor is, provided it rolls off the tongue well enough. Npower does not.

On a more amusing note, when I was a little kid I always thought it was called the "Nationwide Football League" because it was...you know...across the entire country. :blush:

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Gary Johnson has gone from Bristol City.

As a Bristol Rovers fan, I cannot help but be kind of chuffed. However, it's a shame considering he did a good job there. He certainly has nothing to be ashamed of, that's for sure.

Now they have to be careful who they get to take over the team. I'd like to see Keith Miller get his shot for the remainder of the games, because I think he may turn into a quality manager in the future.

However, that blue side of me wants them to hire Ian Atkins and go down the tubes :shifty:

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P Diddy Blurb

Yeah, since when the fuck did he like the sport ? I'm not saying he doesn't but it's just kind of odd that the first time you hear any interest from someone in a certain area is in the form of "interested in buying -X- club that went into administration."

:huh: P Diddy ? Really ?

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I wouldn't be surprised if the administrator isn't using this as some kind of bargaining tool to try and whip up buyers. You know, put out a little rumour here and there, stoke the fires... next thing you know, big name buys club.

Especially in the capital city too. I'm sure Palace will be saved.

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Wasn't particularly sure whether to put this here or in the Ring, but went to Doncaster/Toon last night and they've possibly upstaged the Boro for cheesy PA music. Don't know whether it was a one off, or every game, but Doncaster ran out second half to Triple H's theme music. Bizarre.

Also some local boxer was interviewed at half time, and walked out to Ezekiel Jacksons music. Obscure.

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That is rather odd. I'm going there to watch Scunny play Donny at the end of April. Hopefully they'll come out to Yoshi Tatsu's music.

Sheff Wed won last night, which takes the sheen off Scunny's two wins. Was at the game on Tuesday, 4-0 win over Peterborough, and Saturday, 2-1 over Plymouth, and both gave me hope for surviving relegation and were entertaining games. We do play some really good football, and our defence (worst in the league) even looked good, probably because Rob Jones, record signing and worst player in the squad, wasn't playing.

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I don't see how coming out to 'The Game' for the second half is cheesy. If you don't know it as HHH's music, it's fine. We'vd only done that recently anyway, used to come out to Thin Lizzy. Must be a wrestling fan in the PA room at any rate, I've no idea what Ezekiel Jackson's music is so didn't notice that.

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Its cheesy. Much more cheesy than when we randomly used Kurt Angles WWE theme for the second half a few seasons back. Altogether now! Bramble, Bramble, Bramble, Bramble, do do do do do do do do do do do doooo.

But yeah, no reaction from the crowd other than an odd person in each block miming spitting water into the air.

Age of the Lariat, best of luck with the relegation avoidance, between home games and the 4 aways I've seen this season you're the only team I've seen beat us, that must be worth something!

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But yeah, no reaction from the crowd other than an odd person in each block miming spitting water into the air.

To be honest you could play 'Pussy' by Rammstein at full blast through the PA system and nobody would react in any way, shape or form at the Keepmoat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fucking fucking fucking referee, pretty much making it so we are going to get relegated out of the football league :angry:

Seriously, your 40 yards away from the challenge and straight red card the player when your linesman is 5 yards away and doesn't even fucking wave his flag. I guess the standard of refereeing reflects the level of football, but still, FOR FUCKSAKE!

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There's definitely a wrestling fan in our PA department...we came out for the second half to Bret Hart's theme on Saturday o_O And we've now lost two in a row, one a last minute winner for Plymouth. If we don't finish in the top half I won't be too chuffed, we had a great chance to make this the best Doncaster Rovers side ever, but it looks like it's slipping away now.

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