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As somebody who has actually followed Italian football religiously for my entire life, as opposed to just watching Football Italia and going "yeah, they're good, them" when somebody plays Milan in the Champion's League, I think it's not a bad move at all.

Capello's technically very gifted, and he's got a very strong personality, which is where Erikkson and McClaren (and to a lesser extent, every England manager since Alf Ramsay) have gone wrong. He's already shown he can take a team of overpaid, underperforming prima donnas with an opinion of themselves that far outweighs their actual talent - winning La Liga with Real Madrid's Galactico-lite team last term - and if the supporters are willing to forego this self-destructive obsession with 'sexy football' for results then I think he'll do well.

His tournament record is a little iffy, but he's a harsh taskmaster and right now that's what English football really needs. McClaren was a social climbing joke, Erikkson was clever but a bit shy, whereas Capello has proven he has the force of will to buck people's ideas up. And hey - if he can drop Francesco Totti, Ruud Gullit, Alessandro del Piero and Vincent Candela at the height of their respective careers, then perennial underachievers like Rio Ferdinand and Steven Gerrard might be convinced to actually start playing for their places.

I'd be interested, at this point, to see if he sticks with John Terry as captain. Aside from the fact that he's a bit of a sicknote, he's also a spoilt fucking idiot who seems to think nobody is allowed to tackle the England captain, snatches red cards, and is generally a bit of a dick as the tabloids are so fond of pointing out, then forgetting when there's a game on. Having seen the kinds of people Capello generally entrusts responsibility to, I wouldn't be so sure if he lost faith in Terry and went for somebody who's a bit more of a role model.

Hargreaves, perhaps. Or Gerrard, if the boy can start playing.

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I'd take Steven Gerrard over John Terry. Then again, I'd take Sol "They Keep Booing Me!" Campbell over John Terry.

Anyone see that? Honestly. Someone boos ya and the pussy gets upset <_<

If it's racial abuse, I see his point. But if it's just the same shit we see people throw out every day, then I don't see why it's such a big issue now.

But then, I'm not out there on the field, so I suppose it's not really fair for me to pass judgment.

As for Terry as captain, I think his recent behaviour has clearly shown he is in no position to command respect and authority. I don't think it should be Steven Gerrard at this moment in time (I think his performances have to get a little better for him to take the band). I mean, it's not down to performances, because on performance alone none of them deserve it - if it's personality, Gerrard would have been one at one point, but it really depends on who's going to play on a regular basis in Capello's England. If he gives him a chance, I'd like to see Gareth Barry get a shot at it. He's done a good job at it for Aston Villa and he's not the type of guy to shame us. I think he'd be perfect for it.

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As for Terry as captain, I think his recent behaviour has clearly shown he is in no position to command respect and authority.

That's the problem...he is in that position. Opposition players respect the player that he is, as do the England players/media/fans (for the most part), and he carries himself with a lot more authority than most people. Plus, the squad obviously like him, and probably his appointment as England captain. There would be no point in changing the captaincy to someone other than Terry.

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Do the players like him though? I don't get the feeling that many of them do. I can't see any of the Liverpool lads liking him, or the Man Utd players. I honestly have to question if anyone truly DOES like him.

Besides, he constantly berates referees and shows himself to hold no control over the Chelsea team when he captains (either that or they all do EXACTLY as he does, which isn't much better) - the England captain shouldn't be acting like that.

I'll be honest in saying I am unable to find many people to automatically replace him and, like I said, if you are going to replace him then you got to do it with someone who'll be a regular (something Barry should but may not be able to pull off). But, I think the person to replace him is there.

But it doesn't matter at this time. Terry's out for a while and he has got enough time to change perceptions.

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Do the players like him though? I don't get the feeling that many of them do. I can't see any of the Liverpool lads liking him, or the Man Utd players. I honestly have to question if anyone truly DOES like him.

Where do you get the idea that they don't? The concept I always get is that the major English players are generally part of some big love in, where they all seem to get on for the most part. Add to the fact that Chelsea has more English Internationals than most other teams, they have several players who play with him regularly. Then you have the people who, whether liking him or not, respect him as a player (which you generally can't argue with, as he is generally good and consistently so), I can't see the argument against him.

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I don't know... I always feel, watching them on the pitch, that the Chelsea/London boys are sticking in their own group. I don't see unity from the players of different clubs. That might just be in my head though >_<

But it has to be said that you can't believe the intense rivalries of the Premiership DOESN'T have an effect on their minds when it comes to the international level, no matter how "professional" they may be.

I won't obviously argue his credentials as a player, because everyone respects him for his determination, tenacity and talent. But it's his attitude that aggravates me. The amount of arguing and chastising the referee he does - I don't really think it befits an England captain.

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Regardless of whether or not the players like him, he's an injury-prone thug with a big head and absolutely no sense of decorum. Scoff all you like, but decorum and knowing how to conduct yourself should be a large part of an England captain's job. Sure, the Italians won the World Cup with a team of players who's sportsmanship was perhaps questionable (and really, only a few of them - Toni and Camoranesi are very professional guys) but I doubt Fabio Cannavaro would be first in line to host an alcohol-fuelled, Page 3 Girl-laden romp ending with players getting sucked off in club corridors, in the week of a game no less.

Terry's a good player, sure, but he's a disgraceful footballer. Pick him for the team, sure, he's worth his place if he's fit - but he's a poor choice for the captain.

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I think people are reading too much into this. Terry is a very good centre back and a commanding figure on the pitch. Bobby Moore had affairs, didn't stop him excelling as a player.

Capello is picking up a squad full of big headed players, from Terry, to Ferdinand, to Gerrard, to Ashley Cole etc, let's see how he deals with it. A manager like Mourinho proved John Terry is a huge asset to a team, hopefully Capello can do the same.

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