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I need a new show. I'm thinking Breaking Bad or Justified. Breaking Bad I think I got through the first series and like halfway through the second but just stopped watching it for some reason. I think I got bored. And Justified... Eh. I don't know. I want something fun to watch... and neither of those really strike me as that.

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Yeah, Justified is great (continually gets better as the season goes on) but it's extremely slow.

I can't really think of any "fun" shows lately, which sucks because I've been looking for one too.

I've been watching Dark Blue lately but that's not exactly a "fun" show, either.

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Alias! Man up and watch it ;)

If I didn't dislike 3 of the main cast members, have little interest in the storylines or have already grown bored of it so easily, I might. >_>

What's Dark Blue about?

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It's a TNT show about undercover cops in LA. It has Dylan McDermott, Logan Marshall-Green (Ryan's brother from The OC) and Nicki Aycox (Meg from Supernatural) in it. I'm halfway through the first season and so far it's pretty awesome. The 2nd season premieres on August 4th so I've been catching up on the first season.

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It's a TNT show about undercover cops in LA. It has Dylan McDermott, Logan Marshall-Green (Ryan's brother from The OC) and Nicki Aycox (Meg from Supernatural) in it. I'm halfway through the first season and so far it's pretty awesome. The 2nd season premieres on August 4th so I've been catching up on the first season.

Offering me Trey and Meg isn't exactly the smartest way to convince me to try and watch it. >_>

What cast members don't you like, out of interest?

Jennifer Garner, Ron Rifkin and Victor Garber.

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It's a TNT show about undercover cops in LA. It has Dylan McDermott, Logan Marshall-Green (Ryan's brother from The OC) and Nicki Aycox (Meg from Supernatural) in it. I'm halfway through the first season and so far it's pretty awesome. The 2nd season premieres on August 4th so I've been catching up on the first season.

Offering me Trey and Meg isn't exactly the smartest way to convince me to try and watch it. >_>

They play completely different characters and you don't even really notice that they're the same people. I had known about Logan Marshall-Green but I actually had no idea that the girl was Meg until about 5 minutes ago. :P

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It's a TNT show about undercover cops in LA. It has Dylan McDermott, Logan Marshall-Green (Ryan's brother from The OC) and Nicki Aycox (Meg from Supernatural) in it. I'm halfway through the first season and so far it's pretty awesome. The 2nd season premieres on August 4th so I've been catching up on the first season.

Offering me Trey and Meg isn't exactly the smartest way to convince me to try and watch it. >_>

What cast members don't you like, out of interest?

Jennifer Garner, Ron Rifkin and Victor Garber.

God. Yes. She's insufferable. And Alias wasn't good. Have you ever checked out Weeds, or Dexter, or Californication? You might enjoy those.

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Oh, LL. You're so silly. I've seen pretty much every good TV show ever. I have all of Weeds, Dexter and Californication. :) Which is why I'm having so much trouble finding something new to watch, because I've watched mostly everything.

Thinking about it, there's a few series of House I haven't watched, but they're terrible for bulk watching. The entire show is one episode told over and over again with a change of cast about halfway through. >_>

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Stick with Fringe, it really gets going. The chemistry between the three leads is great. But the second season seemed like a dip in quality for me. I might be the only one, but I felt there was a massive lack of overarching story in the second season; and while I like the episodic structure, there just didn't feel like there was enough tieing it all together.

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I've got the two-part finale on Sky Plus at my dad's. I just have no motivation to watch it. I really got into Flash Forward a lot more than I did Fringe, which either says I have a strange love for Flash Forward or Fringe just really dipped.

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It's a TNT show about undercover cops in LA. It has Dylan McDermott, Logan Marshall-Green (Ryan's brother from The OC) and Nicki Aycox (Meg from Supernatural) in it. I'm halfway through the first season and so far it's pretty awesome. The 2nd season premieres on August 4th so I've been catching up on the first season.

Offering me Trey and Meg isn't exactly the smartest way to convince me to try and watch it. >_>

What cast members don't you like, out of interest?

Jennifer Garner, Ron Rifkin and Victor Garber.

Victor Garber is a bad ass and Rifkin played his character perfectly. I was expecting to see Michael Vartan or Bradley Cooper.

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It's a TNT show about undercover cops in LA. It has Dylan McDermott, Logan Marshall-Green (Ryan's brother from The OC) and Nicki Aycox (Meg from Supernatural) in it. I'm halfway through the first season and so far it's pretty awesome. The 2nd season premieres on August 4th so I've been catching up on the first season.

Offering me Trey and Meg isn't exactly the smartest way to convince me to try and watch it. >_>

What cast members don't you like, out of interest?

Jennifer Garner, Ron Rifkin and Victor Garber.

Victor Garber is a bad ass and Rifkin played his character perfectly. I was expecting to see Michael Vartan or Bradley Cooper.

Garber has massive ears and the emotional range of a lamp. Rifkin is just a poor mans Terence Stamp/Michael Emmerson. He bored me to tears any time he was on screen. That might have just been a side effect of him being on Alias, though. I mean can I take some punches when it comes to wading through the shit (I watched all 4 of the first series of Smallville!) to get to the good, but Alias just didn't even feel like it was worth it after like 7 episodes. Not to mention I've now seen the Spy thing done better by shows like Burn Notice and I've seen the case of the week thing done better by about 100 different shows.

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