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I feel that Benedict Cumberbatch (who actually recently did a theatrical run of Frankenstein with Jonny Lee Miller, wherein they both played the monster and the doctor on alternating nights) actually summed up Elementary the best.

You meant the summary that Cumberbatch went on to dispute?

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I feel that Benedict Cumberbatch (who actually recently did a theatrical run of Frankenstein with Jonny Lee Miller, wherein they both played the monster and the doctor on alternating nights) actually summed up Elementary the best.

You meant the summary that Cumberbatch went on to dispute?

Apparently. Man, I had never seen the correction.

That's actually sort of disappointing, despite being far more professional and supportive of a friend.

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I think it's awesome because his statement seriously started with "I am bemused and upset." I like to think that he read the news piece and his reading monocle fell off as he quivered with incredulity.

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Down in the Treme:

I dig band instructor Antoine, he really seems to have fallen right into that role - a role that I thought wouldn't last for him. LP Everett's quickly becoming one of my favourite characters. Nelson doing some digging and leveraging what he finds to get NOAH money to actually try and restore those houses? Also good.

Another thing I really like about this show is the way every character's arcs intersect, sometimes in minor ways. Davis at that concert Delmond played. Nelson being a patron of LaDonna's bar.

Delmond struggling to leading that tribal meeting but then finding his footing, dug that too.

Really, good episode all-around..

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Anyone catch 666 Park Ave?

What's peoples thoughts on it? Saw an ad that it started last night here in Australia but I missed it, so might need to download the first episode...

Eh, I thought it was pretty average. There is some potential there for sure, but it's pretty much what you'd expect given the premise.

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Third Revolution episode is actually good. They continue to do a decent job of rehabbing Charlie as a character, though Danny remains hopelessly insufferable.

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Third Revolution episode is actually good. They continue to do a decent job of rehabbing Charlie as a character, though Danny remains hopelessly insufferable.

Yay! Can't wait...gonna watch it on my lunch break.

Charlies are awesome. So awesome, that one of my cats is named Charlie, so he'd best not do dishonour to the name.


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Meh, I'll have to disagree with GoGo here.

The flashbacks are the only interesting parts. I don't care why the power went out and why some people can make it work again (WIZARDS!) and every minute Charlie or Danny are on screen I desperately hope that they get killed and the show becomes "Miles: Drinking, Sword Fighting and Flashbacks".

Edited by fr34k
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Yeah, I was going to reply to your message on FB saying I disagreed.

If the show became that there would be no show because Miles wouldn't do anything.

Also the action stuff was way better than the flashback stuff this week. Mark Pellegrino as an antagonist > Mark Pellegrino as an ally. I think there's a good alternate show that could be made without the timeskip but I don't know if it would be this show with its timeline.

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